I’m so tired and lonely. I have #ADHD , #Anxiety , #Depression , and symptoms of #Fibromyalgia (no time or money to get formally diagnosed). My medications have been keeping it all under control, until recently. Now, the pain is coming back, and the depression, anxiety, and fatigue are getting worse. I suspect it’s the #SeasonalAffectiveDisorder that’s kicking in and overpowering my meds. I’m around people at least 4 days a week, in a determined attempt to avoid the crippling tendency to isolate. As a #HomeSchooling #mom to 3 young children (1 w/ ADHD, 1 w/ ADHD & anxiety, 1 toddler), I have a lot of expectations for myself, and I feel like I’m letting everyone down, when I’m struggling to function. My 6yr old daughter sometimes fixes breakfast or lunch, because I can hardly get my eyes open. Granted, she loves making cereal and sandwiches, as it makes her feel very grown-up and accomplished, but *I* feel like I’m not being a good mom. The kids spend far more time on electronics than I’d like, but too often I simply don’t have the energy to fight it. That being said, both my 4 and 6 yr olds are reading above their grade level, and are working through Kindergarten math. I know that they would be further along if I was doing better, but I also know that once I can get to a better place, they will be speeding through the curriculum as quickly as I can throw it at them, so I’m trying not to be overly critical of myself. It’s so frustrating, though, because no one has any idea how hard it is for me to drag myself out of bed, much less get 3 kids out the door to go to church, the store, the library, or anywhere. No one asks how I’m doing and really means it. No one stops to give me a hug or encourage me, even though I try to do that for others. I just feel like an island in the middle of a sea of people.