undiagnosed illness

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Setting Sun

Trying to stay positive & prepare myself for this appointment with a new doctor for a second opinion on my undiagnosed illness.
I took this a while ago & have been trying to keep in mind that although the sun may be setting on the relationship I have with my current provider, the sun will rise with a new one.
#UndiagnosedIllness #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #MajorDepression #Gastroparesis


Pain, pain and more pain

It’s been a while since I’ve been here. I was doing quite well until recently and now I’m sadly back needing support from those who understand.

Just over a week ago I was taken to the emergency room with severe abdominal pain. I spent 12 hours in the ER only to be told it was likely a ruptured ovarian cyst (due to my history of PCOS), given painkillers and sent home. This was on the Friday evening into Saturday morning. On Sunday evening I returned to the ER with the same pain, and waited 9 hours to be told it was a UTI, be given antibiotics and sent home. Wednesday I saw my GP and was referred to gynaecology, where I was inpatient until Friday. I had an ultrasound which revealed nothing, and the only abnormalities they’ve found is the UTI, which doesn’t explain the amount of pain I’ve been in (an amount that requires morphine). I finished my course of antibiotics and still being in pain, went to see my GP again today. My GP gave me more antibiotics and painkillers but still doesn’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m incredibly lucky to have the most amazing friends who will sit in the ER with me for hours on end, as well as answer their phones at all hours of the day should I need them, but it’s incredibly frustrating that nobody can figure out what’s wrong with me and they’re still just throwing drugs at me. #ChronicPain #UndiagnosedIllness #severepain #EmergencyRoom #Hospital #gynaecology


weight gain as a source of anxiety #Undiagnosed

i genuinely can’t figure out if my excessive weight gain is a symptom of whatever is going on with me or just because i sometimes eat too much bread and sugar, but i haven’t gained much weight in my legs as my stomach area and hips so that’s kinda weird. but it causes so much anxiety because I barely want to eat anymore because I know i might keep gaining weight even if I eat normally (that’s if it’s a illness thing). I don’t want my blood sugar to crash or anything. Hopefully in the next few weeks I can clear it up bc i think I’m seeing an endocrinologist soon, but it’s so scary to think about bc things that cause weight gain like cortisol diseases can be dangerous.
#Depression #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #Lupus #AddisonsDisease #CushingsSyndrome #AdrenalInsufficiency #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #MentalHealth #EatingIssues #LymeDisease #UndiagnosedIllness #Undiagnosed #autoimmune #BodyImage #Anxiety #Inflammation

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Hello Mighty Family. Taking a quick break to say good morning. Up a lot last night with GI issues, but here at work now. This was the best I had to offer this morning. #NoFilter #sjogrens #abdominalpain #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #UndiagnosedIllness

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Do you think Antidepressant/SSRI induced chronic illness is possible? #Undiagnosed

I’m almost 20, and I’ve been on antidepressants (name it, I’ve probably been on it at some point) since I was eleven. I honestly believe they stunted my growth (I barely have a menstrual cycle and I literally look like a 12 year old permanently. It sucks. On top of that, I was premature so that adds to the equation lol). I’m starting to think that my physical issues could be the result of accidental antidepressant abuse. Accidental, meaning I didn’t really have a say in the matter, for various reasons. Plus I bet my parents never thought about it and think everything’s so normal). If you’ve had antidepressant induced chronic illness, or know someone who had something like this, lmk

#Antidepressant #SSRI #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #ChronicFatigue #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #Lupus #LymeDisease #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #MedicalTrauma #Dysautonomia #AutonomicDysfunction #Prematurity #Amenorrhea #UndiagnosedIllness #Dysphoria #Dyspraxia #SensoryProcessingDisorder #MultipleSclerosis #LowMuscleTone #Trauma #Depression #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Fatigue #Neuropathy #Inflammation #Tinnitus #Fibromyalgia #DependentPersonalityDisorder #HistrionicPersonalityDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #EmotionalAbuse #RejectionSensitiveDysphoria #help

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Oh, well.... #cymbalta #Undiagnosed

Seriously annoyed that I haven’t thought about some of my symptoms (or all of them, I don’t know) being due to the medication I’m on. ESPECIALLY the very specific throat tightness i complain about (it’s rare to experience this, great that I have to have it lol 😔). It even says in one study I read that some people on Cymbalta experience symptoms like those of Postural Orthostatic Syndrome. I Suppose I react really bad to it. Though I remember having certain symptoms before taking this medication, perhaps my more severe symptoms are due to the medication I take. I feel dumb and like a hypochondriac.
#MentalHealth #Antidepressant #ChronicPain #ChronicFatigue #Fibromyalgia #LymeDisease #Lupus #Depression #Anxiety #UndiagnosedIllness #Hypochondria


Just feeling horrible. #Undiagnosed

I’ve been shaky and hyper reactive all day today, with horrible tightness in my chest area and throat. Now I haven’t slept all night and my chest area is in crushing tightness and pain. I feel like i can barely take a deep breath. It sucks.
I also need an alternative test for Lyme/Bartonella besides Igenex because I don’t trust that company. I need a brand doctors trust and don’t give many false positives. I decided, after denying myself for a while, to test again.

Just had to vent for a bit.

#Undiagnosed #Lupus #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #AutoimmuneDiseases #UndiagnosedIllness #LymeDisease #Bartonella #AutonomicDysfunction #Dysautonomia #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #ChronicHeadaches #Depression #Anxiety #MentalHealth #MedicalTrauma #Pain


Health Update / New Info [Hypothesis] #Undiagnosed

Well, I was discussing with my grandmother earlier about my past “diagnoses”. She had actually mentioned as a child, I had poor muscle tone, tremors and that some doctors suggested I may have had cerebral palsy. I also probably had widespread pain ( of which I don’t remember, I’m just guessing based on all the stomaches and headaches I complained of as a kid) and I had moderate fatigue in kindergarten and first grade that I had checked out. i also remember ocassional stabbing pains, and inability to focus, among other occurrences.
Of course, my mother never mentioned this to me. But it’s a big step: knowing that these issues: system and body wide, didn’t really just start two years ago, and it’s most likely autoimmune or genetic. There were always little clues of physical issues in my childhood, and it’s just gotten slightly worse in my adulthood. This is my current standing theory. It may change, but for now I’m relieved I have more clues.
#Undiagnosed #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #ChronicFatigue #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #Lupus #AutonomicDysfunction #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #LymeDisease #MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #HealthAnxiety #UndiagnosedIllness


Anyone who has a Chronic Illness, have you taken Cymbalta?

I currently take cymbalta 90mg, have for a year, and it makes me feel horrible. I have extreme brain zaps/tremors/dizziness, palpitations, sweats, musculoskeletal pain, general flu feeling, ataxia, and this is when I don’t take it. When I take it, I feel the same, but less. Thing is, I felt symptoms and pain (not all the same to withdrawal symptoms, though. Similar.) even when I wasn’t taking Cymbalta a year ago, so it’s definitely not the sole cause of my pain. Does my medication aggravate my symptoms and cause me more pain? Has anyone had the same experience? #Undiagnosed #CymbaltaWithdrawal #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #Lupus #LymeDisease #Fatigue #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #Dysautonomia #UndiagnosedIllness #AutonomicDysfunction #autoimmune #ChronicFatigue #AntidepressantDiscontinuationSyndrome

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No Sleep/Tachycardia Attacks? #Undiagnosed

I haven’t slept in three days, and I’ve been a mess with my palpitations and sweats and I feel like I’m absolutely burning more than usual. My propanol isn’t really working. (I don’t have a POTS diagnosis, but I figured some of people with dysautonomia have these symptoms, exacerbated when extrenuating circumstances happen. ) Resting heart rate of around 120, frightening, I’ve had worse, but it’s so stressful.
I can barely take a deep breath. I feel so lost. I just want an answer. I’m scared all the time for my livelihood. I’m nineteen and I haven’t even seen anything, experienced anything. Yet I feel sick to the point where I can’t tell what’s next. Plus, having a family and doctors who gave up on tests and just said “oh, probably anxiety”, makes me insane. I feel deep inside a sense of horrible wrongness, yet everyone just tells me it’s my head? It’s been two years since moderate symptom onset, and I’ve been through more pain and symptoms than I’d ever like. I’m glad someone can hear me here, that at least my story will be solidified somewhere and someone might understand.
#PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #Dysautonomia #Undiagnosed #LymeDisease #Lupus #AutoimmuneDisease #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #ChronicFatigue #UndiagnosedIllness #Depression #Anxiety #MentalHealth #Vent #Grief #Trauma #Tachycardia #Burningfeeling #Tremors #Stress #Musclepain #ChronicHeadaches #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicIllnessEDS #eyepain #ChronicDailyHeadache

[DISCLAIMER: I only use tags only so many people can see my thoughts, musings, as this blog is for research and therapeutic venting purposes on my undiagnosed issues. I DO NOT self diagnose, and if you would like me to remove a tag, please inform me via private message. Have a good day!]