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21 days of gratitude challenge - Day 6 Laughter #Depression #Anxiety #MentalHealth #PTSD #laughterisgoodmedicine #Hope #Relationships

Comedy has been a great treatment for my depression. Laughing releases endorphins and really does help. I see humour all around me. It’s a matter of looking and noticing life’s absurdities.

What makes you laugh?

Share your best funny story or joke. Let’s have a laugh!

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Yet my body aches and I'm far more tired. I need my iron but the store was out.
I tried a liquid iron my IBS wasn't happy with that.
I dont want a miracle I just want to take a walk with my wife. Cook dinner since she works. Clean the house.
I'm tired of being sick.
We had covid and I've held my new grandson once.
One daughter accused me of causing her miscarriage.
AFTER we paid for it!
Our youngest daughter, is happy and her laughter was the best medicine today.

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Shamanic Healing By 4.5 yo My Kind of medicine?

What 'Real Medicine' should look like.

How My Niece healed Unkey Monkey's BooBoo.

What a patient Patient..this took 20 min


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Want it just to work right !

Hello, I'm new. Having a hard day. Again. So there are people who just wake up everyday with a functional, non-depressed, non-fogged, brain ??? No pills either ?

Huh. 😎😕😛🤤🤓

#MentalHealth #Depression #Hope #cope #chronic illness #laughter #laughterisgoodmedicine

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Winston: New children’s book #Depression #Anxiety #MentalHealth

This is my dog Winston, who prides himself on being the best dog in the world, most of the time. When Facebook first started I wanted to show my children that Facebook could be fun but primarily it was pretty superficial. So I set up a Facebook account for Winston, and he quickly reached the 5000 friend limit.

People loved hearing about his latest exploits and people often said I should write a book about him. So, after a long hiatus that is exactly what I am doing. The book is almost finished and will seen be with the illustrator. The most exciting thing is 100% of the profits will be donated to charity.

How cool that Winston could help in housing orphans in Indonesia and Thailand other projects I am involved in. There are lots of “what if’s” but I am silencing the doubts and ploughing ahead. Exciting

#Hope #Relationships #laughterisgoodmedicine #Faith #MightyPets

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Didn’t see that coming

Already homebound and often bedridden, and on meds where I can’t do alcohol, but still... didn’t anticipate my hands consuming more alcohol than my mouth.

#DistractMe #laughterisgoodmedicine #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness


I’m super anxious and not ok ptsd in overdrive no one checking on me I choked yesterday in granola and today when I had kale in afternoon trachea has

hurting I am and was able to call drs offices was able to get appointments for tomorrow doesn’t helping but my anxiety is thru roof and o have to try n sleep nurse called me said if you cannot swallow or breathe go to Er I was able to eat a almond butter n sugar free jelly sandwich on zero carb bread and some de thawed berries. My throat still hurts from choking it’s scary. Also can anxiety make it difficult to swallow or psych meds? If so how have you coped with swallowing Issues can anxiety cause your vocal cords to not work right on and I’ve been told I have severe reflux and Vocal cord dysfunction it’s scary bc none checks on me I live by myself. How do I sleep tonight and not feel scared? Words of support please!!!!#PTSD #VocalCordDysfunction #VocalCordDysfunctionFamilial #CPTSD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Bipolar2Disorder #HashimotosThyroiditis #Fibromyaliga #Anxiety #GastroesophagealRefluxDisease #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #DBT #DBTIntake #BingeEatingDisorder #CheckInWithMe #Flareup #FlareUps #Upallnight #DistractMe #Disability #ChronicPain #PolycysticOvarySyndrome #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #MightyQuestions #MightyTogether #MightyBookClub #TheMightyTakeaway #checkin #Love #Yoga #PinchedNerve #PhysicalTherapy #Photography #Art #walks #Hiking #Nature #Meditation #52SmallThings #Selfcare #Selflove #Loneliness #sad #laughterisgoodmedicine #laughter #Laugh #Movies #Music #Writing #WritingThroughIt