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Live a Little

Hello Everyone.
It has been a while since I was last here. I used to post regularly, but things got caught up. My father passed away last year in #2022 and it was not fun. I was very #sad and did not know what to do. #Grief is never anyone's friend. Sometimes you have to live a little and let go a bit. Tonight I was #Thinking about #Life and all of the #wonderful things that exist. I also think about all the #horrible things that have occured.

I have been #focused on the wrong things lately. Especially with a recent #Diagnosis of #ADHD and how my #Brain never shuts up.

I wondered if I was insane sometimes. I have been #sick a lot the past month and even now. It feels like every other week I am sick with something (virus, stomach problem or a cold). I think I am #okay though. I am going to #KeepMoving forward.

How are you all doing?


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How to know if you fall on ADHD/ ADD spectrum or just personality/ bad habits?

Recently I’m noticing my lack of being able to stay on task be easily distracted not very motivated, super disorganized, etc might be potentially something else? Personally I’ve always thought 💭 it’s just a personality trait and bad habits I have to work on, helps when I turn off my phone or try to limit distractions but even then it’s really hard to get a lot done, I’m horrible at time management and using the day to the fullest. It’s hard to know whether it’s my normal or if maybe I do have some symptoms or overlap of adhd/ add?

I’ve only been diagnosed with chronic anxiety/ depression. But I know sometimes people can have multiple disorders.
I know only a psychiatrist or doctor etc can know, but guess just wanted to ask any tips if even if you can be low functioning, high functioning, or low on the symptoms / spectrum if you can still be diagnosed.

I feel some symptoms or signs I’m high on and others I rank low so it’s hard to know if it does apply to me or I just have to work on these areas and it’s just tech brain
🧠 bad habits developed or so on.

Thanks for any advice! Maybe I’ll try out some online tests to see how I rank, and eventually ask a psychiatrist or person if I can find one with all the wait lists.

I guess maybe Im scared to develop any more disorders when I already have a heard enough time coping with mine. But if I do have something it’s better to learn how to treat it than ignore it. Or even if I’m not diagnosed or apply to having add or adhd

But could benefit from cbt or techniques people use to cope with similar symptoms or struggles I have? Thanks for any comments!? Guess I somewhat notice it but have had it since my teens so I figure it’s just a part of my character, hard to know if it’s something else or not. #ADHD #ADD #neurodiverse #Brain #Curious #New #mighty #Advice #help #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #Tips #CBT #psychology #counselling #Comments #yourexperience #thanks #confused #coping #struggling

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When your brain is taxed

Wassup fellow warriors! Just curious, am learning I am extremely sensitive to stress. My brain easily and quickly gets taxed. I try not to push myself too hard as it can result in an episode and I want to handle myself with kid gloves. Anyway, when your brain is taxed yet you have more responsibilities in your day, how do you rest your brain so that you can continue to knock to dos off your list? Any ideas/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, peeps! #stressed #Brain #kidgloves #MentalHealth #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder

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Food & Nutrition Friday: Fruits, Vegetables & Brain Health

Did you know that eating fruits and vegetables can improve brain health?

Take a few moments to find out how by reading the following article from a fellow advocate and registered dietitian nutritionist:

Even More Reasons to Eat Your Vegetables!

❓What’s your favorite fruit and/or vegetable?

Share your favorites in the comments!

#Diabetes #DiabetesType1 #DiabetesType2 #Diabetestype3 #lada #mody #prediabetes #GestationalDiabetes #JuvenileDiabetesType1 #ChronicIllness #AutoimmuneDisease #Lifestyle #Food #Brain #EatingHealthy #Health #wellness #Support #SupportGroups #MightyTogether

Even More Reasons to Eat Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables have been found to boost brain power.
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What can cause ASD?

This is possibly due to disruptions in normal brain growth very early in development. These disruptions may be the result of defects in genes that control brain development and regulate how brain cells communicate with each other. Autism is more common in children born prematurely. Researchers are still researching#Autism #Brain


Mental Health Research Study

I've been chosen to participate in a Mental Health Research Study that the University here in my town is doing. I'm excited about this and am so glad i can help. This afternoon will be my first day. Kind of nervous. But I feel good. I hope it helps in some way.
#Depression #MentalHealth #mentalhealthresearch #Anxiety #Suicide #Brain


Paying for an MRI/MRA

Hello Mighty Community! Does anyone have any advice on how to pay for an MRI/MRA? My roommate needs them. She’s on her parents’ insurance still but no one in her family has been sick this year so there’s been no movement on their deductible. It will cost her 6 months of our rent to get these done, which she can’t afford #ChronicIlless #MRI #Finances #Insurance #Health #Brain #HealthInsurance


Sneaky intersection of Post Concussive Syndrome, Trauma and ADHD #PCS #Trauma #Brain injury #ADHD

@mattsloan Info pls:) Thought car accident dislodged buried emotions, but wondering if there’s more to it than a brain/nervous system toss? What’s known re the misdiagnosis of presenting similarities of PCS, Trauma, and ADHD? Anyone?


Addiction Recovery

Addiction recovery alternatives are in high demand. Recovery is achievable and must start in the brain to break the recovery-relapse cycle!

#Brain #BrainDisorder #BrainInjury

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What in the world would make me want to create a support group for people with apathy? Well, I have at least seven individual legit reasons why I suffer from apathy all at the same time. That means I tend to succumb hard to not doing anything at all. It is very challenging and I am tired of it.

If other people who struggle with apathy are too apathetic to post here with me then I will just try to share my experience as I attempt to climb out of this hole in the hope that others will learn and be inspired by what I share.

I am working with #major depression, #Anxiety #abandonment , #Fibromyalgia , #Brain trauma, #chronic stress, #Toxic environment, #thyroid problems, multiple medications that have apathy as a known side effect, prolonged marijuana use for chronic pain, and who knows what else.

I spend my time being my husband's 24/7/365 caregiver. He is on disability for #Mild cognitive impairment, which means for him that he has basically no short-term memory and huge cognitive problems from being unable to steer his own brain. He presents as a completely normal, but forgetful person to strangers, but the truth is that I do everything for him and get little in return. He cannot be left alone because he would wander away and get lost within a block of our home. He cannot help around the house because he cannot remember how to do things, cannot follow instructions or make decisions, has no initiative, is unable to do his own hygiene, etc... It's brutal for me. He doesn't understand that anything is wrong, either.

But none of that is about apathy! All I do anymore is take care of our basic needs... and hide on my phone playing games, writing, watching video, or playing with my cat in my bed. Oh, and I think a whole lot about what I should be doing.

I am so apathetic that I don't leave our home unless we need to run an errand or have an appointment. I would feel so much better if I walked every day, but... I just don't go. It simply doesn't happen in spite of understanding that it would help.

PLEASE share about your apathy.

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