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Just Breathe ;

TW: Suicidal Thoughts

I had a moment yesterday.

I had a couple of better days. I went in town with my family and did some shopping on Friday. And yesterday I spent the morning actually sat on the sofa downstairs with my husband and children.

And then the payback kicked in.

The pain flared, and I ended up back upstairs, on the bed, on my own again.

I took my painkillers, and then I lay there waiting for some relief that never seemed to come.

I just lay, in agony, thinking how unfair it was that a day and a half of some version of a normal life could still leave me like this.

I lay there just wanting the pain to stop.

And the thought crossed my mind that there was a way to make it stop.

And for a brief moment, that thought seemed very attractive.

An end to the pain, and the grief of what my life looked like now.

And then I remembered that that was a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

I remembered that I am in control of my life even when it feels like my situation is controlling me.

I am the author of my story.

I chose to take a pause, to give myself a chance to think past my pain.

And I’m so glad I did.

Because my story is important.

All of our stories are important.

Just Breathe


#MentalHealth #semicolonproject #IntrusiveThoughts #ChronicPain #FND #Fibromyalgia #Arthritis #Depression #MECFS

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Just Breathe ;

TW: Suicidal Thoughts

I had a moment yesterday.

I had a couple of better days. I went in town with my family and did some shopping on Friday. And yesterday I spent the morning actually sat on the sofa downstairs with my husband and children.

And then the payback kicked in.

The pain flared, and I ended up back upstairs, on the bed, on my own again.

I took my painkillers, and then I lay there waiting for some relief that never seemed to come.

I just lay, in agony, thinking how unfair it was that a day and a half of some version of a normal life could still leave me like this.

I lay there just wanting the pain to stop.

And the thought crossed my mind that there was a way to make it stop.

And for a brief moment, that thought seemed very attractive.

An end to the pain, and the grief of what my life looked like now.

And then I remembered that that was a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

I remembered that I am in control of my life even when it feels like my situation is controlling me.

I am the author of my story.

I chose to take a pause, to give myself a chance to think past my pain.

And I’m so glad I did.

Because my story is important.

All of our stories are important.

Just Breathe


#MentalHealth #semicolonproject #IntrusiveThoughts #ChronicPain #FND #Fibromyalgia #Arthritis #Depression #MECFS

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Just Breathe ;

TW: Suicidal Thoughts

I had a moment yesterday.

I had a couple of better days. I went in town with my family and did some shopping on Friday. And yesterday I spent the morning actually sat on the sofa downstairs with my husband and children.

And then the payback kicked in.

The pain flared, and I ended up back upstairs, on the bed, on my own again.

I took my painkillers, and then I lay there waiting for some relief that never seemed to come.

I just lay, in agony, thinking how unfair it was that a day and a half of some version of a normal life could still leave me like this.

I lay there just wanting the pain to stop.

And the thought crossed my mind that there was a way to make it stop.

And for a brief moment, that thought seemed very attractive. An end to the pain, and the grief of what my life looked like now.

And then I remembered that that was a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

I remembered that I am in control of my life even when it feels like my situation is controlling me.

I am the author of my story.

I chose to take a pause, to give myself a chance to think past my pain.

And I’m so glad I did.

Because my story is important.

All of our stories are important.

Just Breathe


#MentalHealth #semicolonproject #IntrusiveThoughts #ChronicPain

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“Hope in spite of the dark”☀️🔆🔆🌠💕💞🙂😇

Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if only one remembers to turn on the light 💡💕💛😊 ^~^ #Hope #HarryPotter #Inspiration #Quotes #Happiness #darkness #Yourstoryisnotoveryet #semicolonproject #nevergivingup

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I finally found the strength within myself & have the Courage to share this so that anyone who has suffered, much as I did myself knows they are not alone. The Semi Colon Movement is to bring awareness to Mental Health. "Your story is not over yet" like an author could have ended a sentence, instead they chose to continue it. This movement is to bring awareness to people who suffer or have suffered from depression, anxiety, self harm & suicide. Let's show support & bring awareness so people know they are LOVED, NOT ALONE and there is HOPE. I have struggled the better part of my life trying to find reason within myself not to give up. I am very lucky to be alive today and I am happy and will continue to fight everyday to "Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free the mind". I want people to know that they don't have to suffer & not to give up on themselves as I did myself, YOU are WORTHY & I LOVE YOU. I have to give huuuuge credit to my bestfriend Kye Matthews for designing & drawing this piece for me, he is truly an artist and someone who has supported me through everything. I also want to thank my wonderful family & many other friends who have made "living" the only option for me. I am truly blessed and so thankful, thank you ❤️ #semicolonproject #semicolonmovement #MentalHealthAwareness #MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #Selfharm #sucide #loveyourself #beworthy #NeverGiveUp #keepfighting #iamasurvivor #Support #Awareness #ComeTogether #BeStrong #RiseAbove #bobmarley #Faith #emancipateyourselffrommentalslavery #girlswithtattoos #Tattoo #inktherapy @the.4hundred


choose to keep going #semicolonproject

I survived the third bad periode of my depression. I`m still very sensitive and I should take care of me more than ever but I survived. And I want to encourage you to fight for this life, too. I can`t promise you, that this life is getting easier but what if it will be wonderful one day?