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If you can't laugh, just cry, its ok :)

This week we took a huge leap into our journey with twins..
Our girls had started climbing into each other cots at night, so we decided it was best to take off the cot side until we can afford toddler beds.
Both girls have had there ups and downs throughout the week, but on the upside there is no screaming bloody murder before bedtime anymore 🙂.
Last night was hilarious, one of the girls had the blanket covering her and she was asleep on the floor, we asked her though the night cam to get back into bed, she did as she was told but was looking like casper the ghost in the process 😂.
Does anyone else on this social media platform have twins? Triplets? More? Wanna share some tips 😂
#twins #Depression #FOLLOW #Anxiety #Parenting

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TikTok Vivat21warrior

Made a #Tiktok for my #Daughter Viva. Would you like to #FOLLOW our #journey on TikTok. Look for #Vivat21warrior . Thank you Mj & Viva #teamdivaviva #theluckyfew #956 #downrightperfect #DownSyndrome #godisgood #956valley #wdsd21 #dsmom

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Sacred Songs

If you read, liked or commented on my last post THANK YOU! It’s so amazing receiving so much positive feedback. It can be vulnerable to be so open & honest, but I truly want to help others so I feel the call to share. On the topic of sharing, I have a Spotify account & thought I’d share if you’re looking for healing, cleansing, feel good tunes. I enjoy vibing to my “bathe” playlist when I’m showering or practicing yoga. I find music to be very therapeutic, especially when I’m in a dark head space. Let me know in the comments if you vibe with my music & if you follow any of my playlists 😊 Love to you all xxx #Spotify #Playlist #Music #account #FOLLOW #Spiritual #Meditation

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#BPD #Borderline #MentalHealth #mental #MentalHealthAwareness #MentalIllness People see different parts of me. Some see the hyper Demi silly on a high, others see me more toned down. But not many see the broken sole. I can go from happy to sad to angry to hyper all in one day, sometimes it can stick around longer especially depressive episodes. It’s incredibly hard to be a mother, a partner and a friend. But I am still me. One day I might think nothing can brake me the next I might be on the verge to taking my life. These photos were taken on the same day how I woke up to how I put on my warrior face. The problem being it’s extremely tiring being a warrior, especially fighting the battle alone. I only have ever opened up to one person about this and let one person see this part of me, that person is no longer in my life and it’s the worst feeling in the world. I have never felt so alone with my emotions. My mental illness causes me to be impulsive, moody, overly dependent, childlike and many more challenges. But it also makes me have a grate ability to empathises with others, care about people and love so so much the world stops. I know people don’t understand and I know people will think about everything that could be worse and how I should be fine. But my brain is my brain 🧠 and mental ill health is real. #BPD #Borderline #MentalHealth #mental #MentalHealthAwareness #MentalIllness #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #followforfollowback #follow4followback #followforfollow #FOLLOW #followtrain #followme


Expectations..#Expecations always hurts#

Expecations always hurts may be a old phrase but it worth phrase than anymore..

We expect love..attention..each and every emotion we expect from our loved ones..but when we didnt get back it hurts more than toothache lolz..# A girl who grown up with many struggles and who didnt have a proper dads love ..defintely expects more love from a husband..if it fails that was an very emotional killing inside feeling.. Girls can move on ..Girls can be strong ..will be strong..have to be strong..YES ..Girls can be strong beacuse they knew when man stops.loving her respect her hard work she have to face him& she have to love him more including his love she have to love her self and love her husband..YES..Girls will be strong during her childhood she starts being strong depending on her environment the people sourrounded by her ..YES she have to be strong to fight with her life..freedom...what to to talk..last but not least how to walk ..very funny these days..a normal.phrase aajkal sab kuch badal gaya..but not at all..aaajkal tho nahi after 20 years also girl will be girl..treat as a girl..#Girls STAY SAFE..# BE BOLD..#FOLLOW YOUR HEART#GO GIRL#