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Went for a hike :D Steelhead Falls

I’ve only been only 2 hikes my entire life but I live close to many hikes especially now, I went with a mental health clubhouse program group really thankful it was beautiful! #hike #Health #Support #happy #excited #Walk #enjoyed #overjoyed #thankful #Anxiety #helped #soothe #Relaxed #beautiful #MightyTogether #newhere #New

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Done with therapy, maybe

OK. Never thought I'd be on the "outside looking in". My run with awesome therapist for years has ended, they are retiring. I always said I'd stick with them until they retired. I know the stages of grief. In my head I know what to do, BUT it's still a jolt. I said, after them, I was done with therapy , but not quite sure how true that is right now. #Depression #aniety #expected eventually #Therapy #lost #Grief #helped me a ton.

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Finding Joy

Have you ever just searched the internet and looked for something that can make you smile? I am finding it more difficult these days with all the painful actions taking place.

Like many of you, I am sad about the war in Ukraine. I am also sad about the natural disasters that have occured in the USA and the risk for more things occurring in the Central part of the country with it being tornado season. Life is scary!

I am looking for #Happiness and looking for #Comedy . Sometimes we have to seek things on purpose in order for us to experience #Joy .

Lately, I have had a flair up of my bipolar symptoms, and I have not been able to concentrate. However, positive distractions have #helped me to #feelbetter . #BipolarDisorder really sucks sometimes. But the coupling of BP with other issues like #Anxiety are even more struggling. But, I am going to do whatever I can to keep a smile and find #RoomForJoy .

I hope you enjoy the cat genie meme!


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Video Games, T-shirt, Pizza, Music

Today started off #Rough but it got better I woke up in a lot of #Pain so I struggled my way out of bed to take a #HotShower it really #helped with the pain. I spent the early morning #Snuggling with my #Boyfriend one of the sweetest most #KindHearted #Men I’ve ever met. I was kinda #sad because with my complicated health I’m really #Unsure about having #Children so I like to be apart of my family’s birthing process it’s kinda my fix but she’s just leaving me out and that’s totally her right and I have to #Respect that no matter how much it hurts me. #Lupus #Fibromyalgia #CVID #HighBloodPressure #MajorDepressiveDisorder #KidneyDisease it’s hard thinking if I do have a child it’s a possibility they may have all or some of these things so I’m really unsure


Living successfully with fibromyalgia #

I just read the article on 19 scary thoughts of FM and recognise a lot of the issues people are dealing with.
I was #diagnosed 15 years ago and off work for four months during which I tried to #learn as much as possible about the condition and what my #triggers were for #FlareUps . I was single and had a #mortgage to pay off. There was a time I could hardly #move and get in or out of #bed . What really #helped was my personal #Acceptance of FM. In order to #pace myself I returned to work 4 days a week with the Wednesday as my day off. The other thing that really #worked was to keep #moving so I went for short #walks with my dog and #learned #Yoga and #Meditation . I didn’t #dwell on the things I #couldn ’t do but #focused on the things I #could or could do #different . I stayed away from #negative people and surrounded myself with those who had a #positive #outlook on life.
It did take quite a few #years to #learn to #live with FM but once #mastered I found that one still could have a #good life with FM. So the main #ingredients were #knowledge , #Acceptance , #Meditation , #Yoga , #pacing , a #can do #attitude , and #positive #outlook and #people in your life.

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