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Good Morning #Chatspace #MightyTogether

Hello ChatSpace 🖐🤗🧡😘

There's Nothing like a hug

To get you through the


So I'm sending a great

Big one your way 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗


I hope your caught it!!!!!!!

There are over 6k members of ChatSpace that means that over 6 thousands hugs are being sent out with this post.

That is an awful lot of hugs to be caught.

So do not lose any of them!!
But you know me, I'm happy to resend any missing hugs🙃🤗💜❤🧡😘🥰

Hello to any New Members of our lovely Group . Please do say hello in the comments or just send a wave 🖐. We don't bite much 🤐😅

Sorry I'm missing so much. This migraines are beastly 🤪😳🤢🥴🛌 and I'm in a dark quiet room a lot.

But you know I'm thinking of you all.

So get chatting talking waving🖐🗯🗨💭💥in comments to me and each other please. Help each other out, as only us Mightys can. We are the very very best at that.

Love n hugs Tj 😍😘🥰🤩🤗☺️😚😙😗💜❤🧡❤💜❤🧡❤

#Vent #rant #talkingtherapy #Hope #Love #Chatspace #Anxiety #Depression #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #FamilyAndFriends #Cancer #MightyTogether #Bekindtoyourself #Selfcare #Kindness #Depression #MentalHealth #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder

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Stay Positive #Chatspace #MightyTogether

Tough Times Never Last

But Tough People Do!!!!

Stay Positive


We Are Mighty People

And Mighty Together

So Stay Positive

We Can Get Through

Anything Together

Love n Hugs Tj

#StayStrong #Bekindtoyourself #talkingtherapy #venting #Ranting #happy #peace #Anxiety #self-careKit #Kindness #Love #CheckInWithMe #Positivity #Family #Friends

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Wish it #CheckInWithMe #Chatspace #Family

Wish it

Dream it

Do it

To All My Wonderful

Friends on ChatSpace

All you need to do is wish it
Dream it and do it

I think of you all everyday
I wonder what you are doing
I worry about you
Whether you are in the UK
Or on the other side of the Globe in Australia 🌏

You are never far from my Thoughts

Hello to you all and love to you all too 💕💛🧡💜💙💗💖💝💋
With a hug big hug

Welcome to all the new members of ChatSpace 🖐
Do wave back and say Hello🖐

And tell me what you'd like do Wish Dream n Do guys

#Family #Friends #Fun #Anxiety #Love #Vent #rant #Talk #talkingtherapy #Hugs #MightyTogether #RareDiseases #MentalHealth #Chatspace #NeverAlone #Kindness #ActsOfKindness #Bekind #BeBraveBox #Bekindtoyourself

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Hello Everyone #CheckInWithMe #Chatspace #Family

Hiya 🖐 Family n Friends

How are you all

Sorry I've not been here for a while. Having slight problems with Migraines with Aura, causing visions problems.

Hard to see with 😎 on 😅 as they not my reading glasses. Must phone up my opticians and see if they can make me a pair of sunnies with reading bits in. I'm sure they can without me actually going in to the store!!!
We will see ha ha

Enough about me. How are you .
Hello to all the new Members of ChatSpace 🖐 hiya and welcome.
Glad you come to our little corner of the Mighty, and joined our family.

So feel free to comment and reply to each other. We are the best of the very best at that here on the Mighty.
Helping each other out is what we do here.

Make your own posts if you are up for that too. If not you can always comment on one of my posts.
I always go through the comments .

So tell me what what's.

Love hugs as always and forever Tj. 😎🖐😘🤗❤💚🧡🦓🎈🐱🐶🐾💪🌞🐕😼🌞 #Family #Friends #Chatties #Vent #rant #Talk #talkingaboutit #Love #Hugs #Positivity #Anxiety #Chatspace #talkingtherapy #CheerMeOn #MightyTogether #NeverAlone

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Morning !!!! #CheerMeOn #Migraines #Giggles

Hello 🖐🖐🖐🖐

I can't say Good Morning
Cos I've still got the dam migraine. Day 5 now

I'm ok just completely fed up with left side numbness pins n needles neck pain and of cause the one sided head pain 😥
I think I know what it is too.
But until I get to the headache clinic I can't formally get diagnosed with it.

With the Pandemic how long will that take. Both my local hospital won't take me on.
Neurologist are working on coronavirus patients aren't they!!

But hey what's new with that.
I've been dealing with chronic illnesses for 20 years now. So it's nothing new . Just so so so dam annoying frustrating and making me angry..... 😠😵

Its no ones fault, I'll just carry on as I always do. With a smile and a laugh . I'll cry when I need too, rant and get it out of my system.

So thanks for listening My Mighty Family n Friends.
You are all the very best.
Love you all . Tj 🤗😘🧡❤💚💛😁🖐

#Undiagnosed #frustrated #RareDisease #Arthritis #Migraine #ClusterHeadaches #Anxiety #MightyTogether #Bekindtoyourself #Selfcare #Love #Hope #rant #Vent #talkingtherapy #CheckInWithMe #NeverAlone #SphincterOfOddiDysfunction #PsoriaticArthritis #GastroesophagealRefluxDisease #HiatalHernia #Pain #Chronicpainwarrior

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No Running Then #Giggles #Knickers #CheckInWithMe

Good Morning Giggles on ChatSpace

Don't laugh too hard that you loose your Knickers will you!!!!

How are you on this glorious Saturday Morning

I hope you are all ok, please do tell me how you are all getting on.
I want to hear your news good and bad.

Rant vent chat and talk.
Help each other out too, don't forget too #CheerMeOn each other on the comments Too.
Us Mightys are the best of the best for doing that.

Love n hugs Tj ❤😘🤗🤞🤦‍♀️🖐🐾🐶🐱😋🤔😐😁🤷‍♀️😎😊😉😗🥰 #Chatspace #Hope #Love #Family #Friends #rant #talkingtherapy #Bekindtoyourself #Kindness #Selfcare #Talking #compassion #Anxiety #Bekind

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Morning ChatSpace #CheckInWithMe

Good Morning Chatties 🖐

Its actually Sunny in the UK today. The sun has decided to show up today 🌞

All of July its rained and been a wet damp wash out. Looks like August might actually be more like a Summer . 🏖

Today I'm off out again for only the second time since lockdown with my neighbour, to go out for a lite lunch and help her with The stock of Teddy's 🧸she sells at a local antique store.

It's a way for me to reconnect with the world in a small controlled way. Baby steps.
After 4 months in isolation it's pretty scary and very Causes lots of anxiety. 😷
The store is huge, very few people there during the week, they all turn up on the weekends.

So that's me for the day.
What are you up to today ?
Love n hugs Tj

#Chatspace #Vent #Hope #Talking #Love #Selfcare #52SmallThings #Bekindtoyourself #Anxiety #talkingtherapy #neighbours #Kindness #Bekind #Reconnecting #checkonyourfriends

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Good Morning #Chatspace #CheckInWithMe

"Don't judge Me until you know me.
Don't underestimate me until you've challenged me, and don't talk about me until you've talked to me."

Good Morning Guys 🖐

How are you Today 😁

I was wide awake at 4 this morning. 🤨
How about you!

Love n hugs Tj 😘🤗😳😵🤪🤫 #Chatspace #talkingtherapy #Love #Hope #Family #Friends #Vent #rant #Positivity #selfcare #MightyTogether #bekindtomyself #Kindness

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Good Morning ChatSpace #CheckInWithMe

Good Morning Good Afternoon

or Good Evening

Wherever You Are Make It A

Great Day.


Hi everyone I am pretty sure today is Saturday. I was woken up by my pup Pepper jumping on me at 7 this morning. For no other reason than he wanted a snuggle. 🤗 Bless him. 🐶🐾🐕💖
So it's a good day 😊 I was woken with a smile and a hug.

I don't know about the rest of the weekend.
How about you?
What are you up to ! How are you feeling,

You know ChatSpace is for you to share what is going on in your lives. Good or bad.

We are all here to support you.
It's a safe place, full of like minded non judgemental Mighty people, full of love and compassion.
Offer your support and cheer people on .

Love n hugs Tj 🐾🐕💖😊🤗😁😎💪💋😘💮💛🐱💐🌸🧡

#talkingtherapy #Chatspace #Bekind #Selfcare #Vent #rant #compassion #NoJudgment #Kindness #Love #Hugs #Anxiety #Depression #Family #Friends #NeverAlone #MightyTogether #CheerMeOn #Support

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Good Morning ChatSpace #CheckInWithMe

Hello 🖐and Good Morning Mighty Family and Friends

How are you today

Life is a lesson
The trick is to
Find out what's it's
Trying to teach you!!

Now that is a good one.
Monday I'd made Muffins. So yesterday I had 20 muffins lol. Far too many. So my task for the day was to give them away. Whilst staying at home.
Mmm 🤔
First neighbour popped round to help cut my grass. She is so lovely. In fact my new neighbour the other side helps me too.
So they both got muffins yesterday, and then the Handy man too who lives at the bottom. I'm trying to get him to fix my blinds. Was doing a new fence.
That left 8.
Not bad
Then I'd set a reminder to get my prescription collected. So phoned up it was in stock. Great. Then I texted the lovely Motorcycle Training School who during lockdown have been volunteering and running around the county on the Bikes delivering meds to us extremely vulnerable. The owner saw it was me and after doing a 15 hour work day popped on her bike and brought my meds. She left after a few puppy kisses in my garden 🐶🐾😘With the last 7 muffins. (5 kids )
I cried that they will keep helping people like me. They don't want me picking up my meds.
I had the last one with my dinner. Job done. I'd only made them to keep myself busy during a bad episode on Monday. It's a distraction I use if I can.
I wish I could hand out my cakes cupcakes muffins etc out on the Mighty. 🧁🧁💚💛🧡💗💓❣💜💙🤗🐶🐾😘
But keeps me busy all day
Have a good day trying to work out what you are being taught today !!!

Tj 🤗😘 #Chatting
#Love #Hugs #talkingtherapy #Vent #rant #Bekind #Bekindtoyourself #checkonyourneighbours #Puppys #NoJudgment #Kindness #ActsOfKindness #Family #Friends #Bekind
#CAREBox #Anxiety