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Any tips for when you suck at making goals?

I suck at deadlines :/ and being goal driven, I am somewhat ambitious and work on good things for my recovery, but it’s hard to complete goals or stick to deadlines without anxiety stressing too much or avoidance, any help working with SMART Goals or other hacks you use for your own struggles?

#Anxiety #Depression #Present #future #goals #Tips #personaldevelopment #Trying #Hacks #self -help #Life

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Throwback reflection

There are times when what has been becomes suddenly much more real then usual.
Not as a flashback - they're definitely different - but more like a realization that what's in my memories, in my patterns, in my body and mind has really happened, some time ago in my life.

What surprises me the most is:
I'm not fine, even though I'm better than in previous months and years, but, the hell, compared to before it's like I'm in Heaven.

It doesn't bring me the positivity and mood switch I might expect, it weights the same, most of the times, but it surely helps me redimensioning the whole picture.
I'm grateful, overall, for one thing: now, when I have my crisis, they're still bad and, sometimes, worse than other times years ago, BUT they're crisis: they happen from time to time. (I'm not talking about being on low mood; to me, before, it was much more than that: tentacles slipping out of my head trying to choke me and smash anything inside and around me).
I can feel my mind clean, and, yup, I'm now crying, all of a sudden.

I'd never wanna go back to before.

A week ago I was writing a post I've never shared and, when recalling the bad effects the thing I was talking about had on me, I realized the list was very very long and very very painful and messy.
What makes it often difficult for me to comprehend my patterns and problems is that I tend to hide them, and then forget about them, over the years.

Thing is, there has been terror.
I don't wanna include the details, because I'm aware that for someone they could be not nice.

I shared this picture (search for Riftress on Pinterest, if you're interest - I really like these works) because it is one of the pics I saved back then.
Something have sucked up my own self from my life and I think it was the exhaustion from that period.

Crying helps me too.
If now I'm crying, it means it really has been hard.
Since I tend to hide and minimize, since people shared their issues with me and rarely listened to me, always ignored the signals I was pointing out and since things for me often changed - environmentally speaking - I tend to forget.
To me, now, it feels like I'm based on a void past.
It doesn't mean I'd wanna linger on it: just that in order to understand why I am the way I am today I need to recall.

Times like this one, though, makes me wanna go back that before and erase everything. Why it had to be so damageful.
Again, though, I tend to hide: none really witnessed in person any free expression of my mental state, so, then, it feel more righteous to minimize it. This confuses me.

Though I think it's not fair to compair: the same trauma can have different outcomes on different people; that's why I think crying is helpful -> it spots out the fact that what I'm feeling and thinking about - recalling - has really been a hardship for me.

But it seems impossible that all the dark lump has really left. Did it?
Instead of feeling and expressing itself in dark and full of --- ways*, my mind's just flat. That's the new pattern, I guess.
I've been backfired.
* I don't really feel at ease sharing details, again, but I don't know how to express it.

I still have issues to work on, sometimes - often - I just can take my mind anymore, I often have no energy to live my life, but sure it changed. Time heals.
And I've understood myself and other people better, in the meanwhile, which has been another fundamental turning point.
And I can't express how grateful I am whenever I get to become more aware then before. I love understanding.
So - I still can change and for the better.
There's and I have hope in it.

#Reflection #throwback #Trauma #Crisis #time #Understanding #past #Memory #Pain #cry #Life #mind #pattern #backfired #Healing #Awareness #HealingProcess #exhaustion #Monster #illness #MentalHealth #growing #growth #Present #Hope #change #Grief #Energy

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Things could have turned out completely differently and this makes me so dizzy.

So many stuff my mind's showing me at the moment.

I am here by chance.

I did nothing to come here; just went with the flow; I built nothing to come where I am now.

If it wasn't for all the people I would have been still eleven.

I feel like my youth years just went without me really living them. Now I should be an adult, but I haven't lived what was supposed to come before (or - I lived it while being tossed around).

There's so many stuff I can't do now.

I just wish I had more friends and more stability.

I really wish I had the time between one people and the other to take a break and find my balance and myself within all the confusion.

I am consistenceless; I'm based on void.

[makes me a bit scared]

Wondering what I'm doing next. Let's see.


#Photography #landscape #Autumn #Memories #past #Present #future #Life

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Every Day is a New Day!

If you can never truly let go of what’s already done, then you aren’t allowing yourself to have a better present or a better future. What we deserve and truly desire in this life is true happiness. To truly be happy is to accept where you are at the time being, and believing that the choices or mistakes you made were made for a reason. For the years that I allowed myself to live in misery because I was stuck in the past, I truly look back on now and wonder why I wasted all that time. When I finally let go of the past, was the exact moment I felt life gave me another chance. One of the easiest yet hardest concepts to grasp I finally learned. For all the years I kept walking through the same cycle, the same old doors stayed open. When I finally learned to let go and accept my circumstances and situations for what it was, the new doors were finally opened to things and people I never imagined possible.
#Goodmorning #future #Present #Inspiration #Selfcare #ChasingLife #Happiness

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Natures Present

Natures present. Whilst we only truly exist in the now it can be so easy to drift off mentally into the history of the past or the mystery of the future. These places open up the torturous paths of anxiety and depression if we are unable to return to the present moment. In Mother Nature you will find a myriad of detail and if you look closer you will focus the mind on the moment and open your eyes to an incredible world so easily overlooked. So many wonders to enjoy, vibrant, pure and joyous so if your problems appear big look for something small and enjoy time and space in the present. #Depression #Anxiety #MotherNature #Present



#Present #dated d info #Whatever happened to . . .  #It 's 2020!

I surely do wish The Mighty would update some of these stories. I want to read what people are going through NOW, not three years ago (although interesting, not exactly topical).

Or maybe it's me. I've been exceptionally cranky lately, what with COVID-19 and all. Staying home doesn't bother me. It's what I've been doing for years now. How are other people managing? Are you staying home? Do you know anyone that got infected? What are you doing for your mental health? Am I dumb for even asking?

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“Life is the mother of all mysteries - quite literally! Yet we are normally so asleep that we manage to go about our daily business as if being alive is nothing remarkable...”

#Philosophy #Present #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #MentalHealth

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Pickles keeps me #Present

Everyday there is a “welcome home — now snuggle my face off” moment from Pickles. It’s hard as heck not to be present when a beautiful lion of a kitten wants your attention. Cats 4 months old. Going to be a giant. #PicklesTheCat

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