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Bigotry And The Bystander Effect

🗣 - “Someone who has made up their mind will not change their mind. So, stop trying to worry about the fee-fees of someone who’s a terrible human being.”

📺 - www.youtube.com/watch

‼️ - Get engaged!

➕ - Subscribe for more episodes & similar #Content - www.youtube.com/TaylorLakhryst

✉️ - #Comment with your thoughts or questions you'd like answered!

👍🏻 - Please #like & #Share this to help get heard!

❓ - What's #DwhellOnIt

👀 - Dwhell On It is a series where I answer your #questions about my lived #experience as a #trans woman!

📺 - A new episode gets uploaded every week! - youtube.com/playlist

🔖 - Bookmarks!

05:20 - Let's talk inclusion!

17:50 - Let's talk TERFs!

39:15 - Let's talk about being exclusionary!

51:08 - Let's talk about suppression!

53:03 - End anti-2SLGBTQIA+ abuse! - act.newmode.net/action/hirewheller/csr

🔗 - Links mentioned!

03:21 - #Letters4TransKids - "You Know Who You Are!" - www.youtube.com/watch

10:00 - Accomplishments, #Gratitude And More! - www.youtube.com/watch

30:30 - Workouts: Worth the effort. Bigots: Nope. - www.youtube.com/watch

40:55 - City Council Approves To Prefer #Kindness - www.youtube.com/watch

44:10 - Travelling, Being Left-Handed & More! - www.youtube.com/watch

💰 - Donate now! Help these fundraisers hit $1411!

❗️ - Support #RunForWomen & women's #MentalHealth programs! - run.convio.net/site/TR/Events/General

❗️ - Support #walk4md & individuals who live with neuromuscular disorders! - muscle.akaraisin.com/ui/walk4md22/p/TaylorLakhryst

👀 - Get involved! You can create #change

📣 - You can help! Everything inspiring HireWheller stays ongoing - biased systems, ignorant platforms, violent abusers, and isolated victims.

📣 - Grassroots #power comes from its #people Please #help by getting involved or referring people you know to create change against systemic bigotry & oppression. Thanks! 💜

💻 - Get connected!

#hirewheller A #grassroots group aiming to help the #2slgbtqia #Community overcome often-minimized struggles.

#Instagram instagram.com/hirewheller

#Twitter twitter.com/HireWheller

#Facebook www.facebook.com/HireWheller-103322085282334

👱🏼‍♀️ - Look me up!

#taylorlakhryst Trans woman, advocate, INFJ, ♊️, she/her/hers 🏳️‍⚧️

#linktree linktr.ee/TaylorLakhryst

📒 - Alt information

* Text: Dwhell on it with Taylor Lakhryst - Bigotry And The Bystander Effect - Episode Forty-Seven - HIREWHELLER

* Description: A blonde woman wearing a purple sweater is smiling and sitting in front of a beige wall. There is black, grey, and white text on a turquoise background.

* Captions: Automated

#Activism #AskMe #Business #Canada #Career #causes #changemakers #Charity #cityofwinnipeg #Comments #contentcreator #creator #Diversity #diversityandinclusion #dogood #donate #Employment #Energy #Equity #ethics #eventplanning #Events #Fundraising #gender #government #grateful #humanities #humanrights #Inclusion #inequality #leaders #LGBT #LGBTQ #linkinbio #Love #manitoba #Manitobans #mbpoli #MentalHealth #Motivation #Network #opportunities #Opportunity #Organizing #partnerships #philanthropy #policies #policy #Pride #ProtectTransKids #ProtectTransYouth #quality #question #Respect #Safety #socialgood #SocialMedia #Sports #Success #training #Transgender #Transphobia #transphobic #Travel #Video #winnipeg #Work #wpgpoli #Youtube

Your Q's, my A's! Let's #DwhellOnIt!

Dwhell On It is a series where I answer your questions about my lived experience as a trans woman! Every journey is unique, and I am happy to share mine! Ask...
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Capitol Crawl Commemorative Rally #CCCRally

On March 12, 1990, 475 people went to the #Capitol to protest for more rights for disabled. 60 of these brave people set aside the walkers, canes, crutches and wheelchairs to crawl up the Capitol steps. This widely became known as the "Capitol Crawl". Their determination and bravery led to the passing of the Americans with Disabilities Act. We return to the Capitol for additional #medicalfreedom and #qualityoflife

❓Why join us❓30 years after those selfless people fought for ADA laws, the rights of all patients, regardless of disease, ability, mobility, age, gender, race, religion, or veteran status has been infringed upon and crossed. Patients being denied access to treatment, therapies, #medications, #mobilityaides , #ServiceDogs, and a basic #quality of life.

👩‍🦼👩‍🦯👩‍🦽Who: any and all patients with rare disease, #ChronicIllness, #Disease, and recently diagnosed disease. All #Caregivers , #Family members, #Friends, spouses and significant others. All #HealthcareProviders , nurse's, researchers, #therapists , and all other people serving any patient.👩‍⚕️👩‍🏫🕵️

🦾1. To show #legislators and governing bodies that ALL patient groups are suffering.
🦾2. To show we are serious about the impact legislative restrictions have had on patients, whether this be at the research level, funding issues, medication approval stage, or insurance approval problems.
🦾3. To show each other support, kindness, and love.
🦾4. To validate one another's tribulations and become refreshed with a sense of purpose.
🦾5. To unify in the direction that a person's medical care is between that person and their provider, whether they be an MD, a DO, a PA, a NP, nurse, physical therapist, massueist, chiropractor, accupuncturist, or any other amazing human that breathes life into our diseased bodies.

Yes, we are working on accessible ground transportation, and lodging.

Yes, there are opportunities to some financial travel assistance.

Yes, there will be guest speakers. Prepared to be inspired!!

Yes, we will work our tooshies off to accommodate every attendee's needs.
#Ehlers -danlos #EhlersDanlosSociety #CRPS #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #Fibromyalgia #Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #Chronicpainwarrior #warrior #LymeDisease #rallyingcry #MultipleSclerosis #Undifferentiatedpleomorphicsarcoma #Cancer #AlzheimersDisease #DiabetesType2 #DiabeticNeuropathy #DiabetesType1 #CongenitalHeartDefectDisease #RareDisease #RheumatoidArthritis #AutonomicDysfunction #Dysautonomia #LivingWithPOTS #BipolarDepression #AdhesiveArachnoiditis #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #Lymphedema #IdiopathicThrombocytopenicPurpuraITP #PolycysticOvarySyndrome #Adenomyosis #Endometriosis #BipolarDepression #EctrodactylyEctodermalDysplasiaCleftLipPalate #AdrenalInsufficiency #AutoimmuneImmunodeficiency #ChronicFatigueImmuneDeficiencyDisorder #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #DependentPersonalityDisorder #Aspergers #Autism #OsteogenesisImperfecta #GastroesophagealRefluxDisease #Insomnia