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How do you manage physical discomfort, pain, or fatigue while in bed?

There can be a range of reasons why we may feel physical discomfort, pain, and fatigue while spending our days in bed—from health symptoms and muscle tension to stiffness, even stress. Finding relief and some level of comfort can be a constant challenge, but it’s also essential for maintaining a sense of balance.

For some, it may involve using supportive pillows or cushions to adjust their body alignment and alleviate pressure points. Others may find relief through gentle stretches or movement, when possible, or by using heating pads or cold compresses to soothe sore muscles. Breathing exercises or practicing regular hobbies can also help reduce stress and ease the mind, which in turn can ease physical discomfort.

Sometimes, it’s about creating a comfortable environment—adjusting room temperature or dimming lights to promote relaxation. And for many, reaching out to loved ones or healthcare providers for advice or support can provide both physical and emotional comfort.

What helps you manage physical discomfort, pain, or fatigue while you’re in bed?

#ChronicIllness #Disability #ChronicPain #Pain #BackPain #Spoonie #ChronicFatigue #Fibromyalgia #Neuropathy #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis
#Lupus #Cancers #Gastroparesis #MultipleSclerosis #RheumatoidArthritis #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD #ChronicEpsteinBarrVirus #MentalHealth #ChronicDepression #Anxiety #PanicAttacks #InvisibleIllness

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The steady decline and shutting down...

I was down with high fever and acid reflux couple of days back. There was none around as I struggled to find my way at home, cook some porridge, make myself tea... My dear pooch as always my sole & soul companion.🥲Worse did not even feel like calling few of my friends (or maybe just calling them good acquaintances would explain why I couldn't be enthused to call them for help. And then everybody is so legitimately busy with work & family routines) Fortunately for the moment figuring out what could be possibly wrong I took some medicines and I'm stable now. Physically that is. Mentally/emotionally even more devastated. That as I age my body will start giving away, I will need help whom I will need to employ - to do all the chores I otherwise do myself - cleaning, cooking, gardening... As a single destitute retiree this helps me save money and also gives me something to do. My medication other than for my depression & anxiety has been minimal so far. Notwithstanding all my grief, depression, abject failure, loneliness and anxiety, ironically I'm always conscious of my tragic isolation, financial limitations and so as such careful with what I do to myself - not to abuse myself beyond what I already am by brutal fate and circumstances & seek pointless diversions, engagements in the so called pursuits of letting go, forgetting, moving on and other piously proferred nonsense. Yet this possibility of matters morphing into further tangle is even more unnerving. Things have been at a point where there's no high I crave for - company, food or drinks...even coffee. In fact zilch interest in eating . Or for that matter any urge to indulge in any way . I barely have any relationships left even in very rudimentary terms- none interested in my tragedies & guess I did things so reproachful sometime in my horrible past, that today I endure or endear to none. Rarely even a text or a call I get unless I attempt to reach few out myself. Forget about flowers, surprise visits. Yeah I know... all this makes one sound so needy and juvenile. many remark it's just my self pity. Some worthies pose me as the very pathetic antithesis of Nietzschean Ubermensch. 😔 Yes many such, my kins and insensitive, self righteous connections from past I no further long for.

Desire like travelling, movies, visiting art galleries my passions once, nothing barely motivates . For one thing Bangalore in India is such an traffic nightmare that at one level I should feel lucky to be still alive staying put home where chaos outside and just few minutes of travel can be so stressful aggravating even a Buddha! Yet Somehow still I prepped myself on few days of driving tour out of a wretched Bangalore to rather unknown places. Not that it was in any way very therapeutic or meaningful. There's none I feel like sharing my experiences or photos with. my knowledge and insights however singular itself enthuse none. Movies I still try watching but nothing barely gets my mojo going. So many left half way or quit after mere few minutes of it. Yes music, club house jazz and Indian Western fusion I find meaning that somewhere resonates with my melancholy & grief. Then reading... Sociology, cultural history... Howeverv in short, all giving away... Even coffee. All will end soon. A purgatorial life with no hopes of redemption anywhere. 😢

I use Mighty more as my journaling. Thats my only therapy left to reach out and talk to some in the world with my soliloquies. Thanks for reading 🙏
#destitute #Grief #CheckInWithMe #acuteloneliness #Loneliness #ChronicDepression #failure

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The iterations of loss, failures and prolonged grief ...a short biography of an chronic depressive elder

Grief, loss and the resulting loneliness can bore into one's soul deeply and painfully. The anguish and despair in its wake be very overwhelming. Anxiety and remorse also works its way often to dread. And as an elderly man in his mid fifties I have lived a life where to admit and acknowledge this sense of vulnerability could be shockingly juvenile for some. There's also the fact that given my seeming background of privilege and scholarship I should have had a life so ordinary if not disastrous.

Indeed so it is - an existence full of falls, knocks, failures and setbacks. Initially as a youth I gave myself fully into whatever I got into. Of course I was not perfect. Anything but perfect. Flawed at several levels but more optimistic, positive about prospects & futures. Then I was not deeply sombre, melancholic, sedate and aware of both my agential self and an understanding of how people and society play out as I'm today though by rights being a student of history and sociology should have given me an advantage. I was not bestowed with the best of cognitive abilities or acute intellect or seductive charisma to shine in relationships, academia or competitive career where I could be very favorably compared with my peers among family and friends. I think I was deeply ADHD as a kid, something I realised only few years back. But I was yet a romanticist even then. So there was this bravado and cockiness infused with hubris. Several of my actions emerging from such a context were naturally not the most edifying and many obnoxious. Bad karmas had to result probably.

When in my early 30s I had my first bout of depression. I cowered, lost hope and that I'm a loser hit me like a sledgehammer. However as the only son I always had my parents support particularly my father who never judged me and never thought less of me because I was not on a jet setting career and success trajectory. He saw to it I was given proper support and treatment. After counseling, medication and even forced internment in an institution I was back again and again pepped myself to work my way through in a domain of my choosing (pedagogy of sociology & history) though this domain was already rigged. Don't know whether things went my way or I just remained persistent, positive but I managed to pull along for another 10-12 years. But misery, failures, sheer bad luck caught up again. I often wonder if someone, indeed many are deeply orchestrating my doom by casting spells, magic or voodoo. Recently nightmares too have become repeated and common. Mornings are scary.

I lost a relationship which I still cherish. Not just that, I lost an entire ecosystem of living built from scratch (which included a pair of adorable dogs). Then I lost my parents. Kins were never too indulgent but even most friends disappeared. I had worked around to a view that life was much more than work, career and family and indeed lived such a life with my partner who too bought into this view. We had no kids either. Won't go into all details for now. But my relationship ended and I was uprooted in several sense of the word. Uprooted physically, socially that has left a deep emotional, painful, shameful scar. And top it all there's guilt. (again too complex to explain the many whys and hows of my guilt and shame was conspired by unforgiving circumstances and embarassing magnitude of misfortune. Have done so in earlier posts. I nevertheless can't and don't want to blame any person for my misery) And so for last 10 years and more I'm living a deeply impaired life stripped of solace, comfort leave alone joy or happiness.

At its extreme these result in acute shame just want to kill yourself. Then less macabre is to shut yourself from the world. Bury yourself in your-self, your room, shutting out the world. You can bury in work or some pursuit too, numb yourself and cope. Not that it makes meaning and often work for someone persistently jinxed can exacerbate anxiety and hurt but that’s the mechanism to deal with your pain, anguish. Interalia you interact with people, indulge in conversations and coerce yourself into some engagement. Medications and counselling kind of helps in keeping you 'operational'. However these don't in any way negate your loss. Your destitution remains but to others you are comfortably 'normal'. You so wish to share your pain, open up about the suffering that you endure constantly but unless you invisibilise your grief and loss, the little socialization that you engineer too would end. As someone battling depression and grief over many years I continue to experience this. The loneliness of my suffering remains and indeed I feel so cheated and further humiliated that my victimhood is rendered so false and invalidated. As indicated in one of my previous posts, there's no power behind my claims of loss, shame and grief. The discourse on grief is barely mainstreamed to bestow legitimacy, validity to those proclaiming it. It is too dominated by homily serving 'getting over' 'moving on' 'remaining positive' 'others have it worse' 'self pity' 'contrived victimhood' and such insights and advice indicating complete ignorance of grief pedagogy.

My losses, setbacks, failures have been severe, debilitating, hollowing and constantly hovering above my head as Damocles sword striking me at periodic and regular intervals and each so severe, dismantling all my self respect and dignity. For last few years it’s just me and my tyke stewing in isolation bereft of any presence & support save some sporadic checking in by select friends. My kins are no worth and contempt is mutual. It’s a deeply miserable life where i’m left scrounging for indulgence. The kind of intimacy, reassuredness, comfort that I did once enjoy briefly has all but vaporised. For a romanticist such a loss is cataclysmic.

At many levels my issue - and those like me battling loss, loneliness and failure is also located in a world brutally impersonal and rendered so mechanistic. Mere survival is made to appear an achievement and seeking meaning, empathy and joy pointless. A contrived existential attribute is imputed and presence of anxiety and vulnerability is reduced to a delusion and incompetence. Modernity is by itself not a pathological state but all its possibilities are hollowed out by wanton callousness and misconstrued fabrication of meaninglessness. Don't know sometimes if being a Neitschzean superman braving it all and willing to live too is delusional. It hasn't been worth it. 😢
#ChronicDepression #Dysthymia #Grief #prolongedgrief #anguish #SuicidalIdeation #Loneliness #Anxiety #Loss #Depression

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Reaching out #Depression #Anxiety #BPD #Borderline #Fatigue #Bipolar #MentalHealth #Support #checkin #Disorder

Hello, I'm seeking your support.

I was recently laid off from a job that I truly enjoyed. Over the past 10 years, I have grappled with depression and anxiety, and I have been taking medication for the past 4 years.

Losing my job has significantly exacerbated my feelings of depression and anxiety, to the point where most days, I struggle to get out of bed. I find myself spending the whole day eating, watching Netflix, and mindlessly scrolling through social media.

My job was a beacon of hope for me, especially after it took me 3 years to find a job following a 7-year tenure at my previous workplace. Now, I feel hopeless about finding another job. I am so drained and disheartened that I can't even muster the energy to work on my resume and start applying again. I keep asking myself, "What's the point?"

Especially considering that I'm a 38-year-old single woman, the thought of failing at everything and never achieving anything in life keeps taunting me. How can I start over at this age with nothing to build on?

In any case, I was hoping that you could provide me with some ideas and recommendations for sustainable morning and nighttime routines that could assist me during this challenging period.

Thank you very much 🤍

#52SmallThings #MightyTogether
#Trauma #PTSD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #ADHD #CPTSD #Fibromyalgia
#ChronicFatigue #CheckInWithMe #Grief #ChronicDepression #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder

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What can you add to your living space to make it more accessible or comfortable?

Let's think about accessibility and comfort today.

Spending a lot of time in bed makes your bedroom or other living space a very important place. Making sure those places are comfortable, accessible, and tailored to your specific needs can be a big help in managing symptoms or getting around more effortlessly.

What's one thing you can add to your living space to improve your quality of life? What's something you already have that you would recommend to someone else?

Let us know in the comments below! ⬇️

#ChronicIllness #Disability #ChronicPain #Pain #BackPain #Spoonie #Fibromyalgia #Neuropathy #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis
#Lupus #Cancer #Gastroparesis #MultipleSclerosis #RheumatoidArthritis #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD #ChronicEpsteinBarrVirus #MentalHealth #ChronicDepression #Anxiety #PanicAttacks #InvisibleIllness

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A smile can hide many things .... #MentalHealth #mentalhealthmatters #Anxiety #ChronicDepression #Depression #Selfcare #Parenting

Just because someone is smiling doesn't mean they're FINE .Just because someone you see that is unwell or has been dealing with any physical or mental health issues is smiling doesn't meant they're BETTER .It doesn't mean they're OK now or that they're not in pain .Usually alot of the time it's because they are used to dealing with their struggles and pain and are just trying to put on a smile and get on with it .You never know how much someone is really struggling so don't judge them .Don't just assume or make comments to them about their health being better or because they don't look sick if they're smiling or have managed to get dressed or go out .You've no idea how much it's taken them to even do that ....
And you never know just how much someone need syour kindness today ♥️


#MentalHealth #MentalHealthAwareness #mentalhealthmatters #Anxiety #Depression #Selfcare #Melanoma #SkinCancer #Insomnia #longcovid #COVID19 #PTSD #Upallnight #CheckInWithMe #Bekind #loveyourself #GeneralParenting #Parenting #MomGuilt #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #BladderPain #BladderProblems #bladder #Endometriosis #AloneTogether

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Depression Treatment #ChronicDepression #TMS #MajorDepression

Hello everyone!

I just wanted to share with you an update on my mental health journey. I've recently found a program at a local psychiatry residency clinic in which they offer the very new treatment for depression called Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). I'm officially a patient at this clinic, and I have been approved and have officially started TMS treatments. I will say, there's still a small part of me that feels doubtful this could work. However, many people have participated in studies of this treatment and discussed it's beneficial aspects including one of my all time favorite writers Jennifer Lawson (best mental health advocate imo!). I wanted to share this with all of you, let you know that a few weeks ago I was honestly feeling incredibly suicidal and just full of existential dread, and just the hope of this experiment and getting approved for it helped pull me from that really dark place. I'm still feeling quite depressed, so don't think I'm like already super better. However, I now have hope that there could be a better tomorrow. Anyway, that's really all I wanted to share for now. I also wanted to let everyone know who may be interested in researching it that my insurance (which covers a large chunk of most treatments for things) still isn't quite covering the whole bill of this procedure (so I doubt there's very many insurances that would foot the whole bill) and I have to pay nearly $700 out of pocket. Compared to some things, this isn't awful. And with the idea that it could potentially cause my depression to go into remission for a large chunk of time, it seems highly worth it for me. That's not always the case for everyone, though, so I figured I would share that. In addition, I knew it would be weeks of treatment when I originally looked into it; what I did not know was that they expect you to show up everyday M-F for six weeks. Each appointment isn't very long, only like 30 min max, but still for me, that's asking A LOT when it comes to trying to make time in my work schedule. I figured some might find this helpful or good to know beforehand, so I felt like sharing. I do plan to check back in and let all of you know how I think it went in six weeks! 🤞💕

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I feel this is important to share. Yesterday I had a day planned out of going to therapy and soon after going to a barbecue that my mothers coworkers invited her to. But before we could go to the bbq we made a stop at Walgreens to get snacks and my sister ( I should mention that she’s on the spectrum) collapsed on the floor and coughed that made it sound like a projectile vomit… I expected the worst but my mother calmed her down and went to pay for the stuff while she told me to walk out with my sister to get in the car and wait for her to come back. I searched but couldn’t find the car that was ours. To my shock and helplessness, my sister layed on the ground next to a lookalike car and while I tried to get her off she refused. Suddenly a man walks towards us and I realized sooner that he was the owner of the car. Before he could say anything, I let him know that my sister was having a moment and I still made the effort to get her off the ground. He made a snarky remark by saying “yeah, I’m having a moment too” and entered his car. I shrugged it off. Meanwhile my sister won’t move and he stepped over her to get in the drivers side. She was flat on the ground at this rate. I repeatedly apologized the man but all he could muster was a “who’s in charge the adult or the child?” And I explained that my mom was inside. And that’s when he said “idc just hurry up and get her off my fucking car.” In a yelling voice. And I kept saying sorry. My sister still wouldn’t move. A part of me froze and wanted to run away and disappear. But then my mom came and yelling at why I stopped at a random car. And she helped her up and we went to the car. That’s when I started balling my eyes out. Completely ruined my day. #MentalHealth #ChronicDepression #Anxiety #Depression #tired #generalizedanxiety #Autism #AutismSpectrumDisorders #DelayedSpeech #sad #EmotionalHealth #PMS #checkin #Headache

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No Motivation #ChronicDepression #anxienty #PTSD

I have had 3 strokes. I lost my ability to speak. I have recovered about 90% of my speech. It’s a miracle. My mental health is not good. I’m on medication and see a therapist. Some days I’m okay, but some days I can’t get out of bed. I have no motivation to do anything. I don’t do housework. My husband of 36 years is so wonderful, but he’s tired of it. He works all day then has to clean and cook for me. I feel so guilty! He never says anything about it, but last night he finally exploded! Now I’m all alone in this house wondering what to do. I want to help but I feel physically sick! What’s wrong with me?!

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broken heart

How do you guys handle this with BP2? I’m diving into a low at the same time I finally decided to walk away from a guy who abused my love for him and always made me feel like I was never good enough for him.

I cannot let this affect me right now, my lows are difficult enough as it is at times. I want to scream and cry because it hurts but I’m scared if I let myself feel it’s going to be so hard to come back up.

No one besides my doctor knows i’m BP, so I tackle it on my own.

#Bipolar2Disorder #ChronicDepression #Anxiety #obsessivethoughts #pessimism

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