sensory processing issues

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New children's book series to help kiddos with sensory processing challenges.

Introducing "King's Day Out ~ The Car Wash" by Dr. Amy Wheadon, OTD, OTR/L and Maggie van Galen, award-winning children's book author.

When a boy with sensory processing challenges and his puppy have their sense tested at the car wash, the tools learned in OT help them overcome their fears and anxieties to ensure a fun day out.

Whether a child benefits from OT specific strategies or simply from learning about coping with an unfamiliar experience, this book can support all children as they navigate new adventures.

The King’s Day Out book series is designed to be a resource for all children, families, schools and pediatric medical professionals. These books will provide concrete examples of common tools used to support children at home, in the classroom and in the world.

The goal is to empower children as they navigate life's adventures.

#SensoryProcessingDisorder #SensoryProcessingIssues #Dup15q #fragilex #OccupationalTherapy


First Neuro Psych evaluation is in August, what should I expect?

I grew up in a household that was neglectful. I never sought care until now due to fear and PTSD. I am finally getting my first evaluation, it's an all day appointment but I'm definitely scared and I don't know what to expect. #PTSD #CPTSD #SensoryProcessingIssues #scared #PanicDisorder

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I’ve been dealing with mental health issues for a long time, since my first official diagnosis at age six. I’m hesitant to say I’m used to the mental health issues- I don’t think I’ll ever be- but NOTHING could have prepared me for the pain and suffering of chronic physical illness. Not the trauma, anxiety, self-hatred, isolation. Since June, I’ve been diagnosed with a few conditions that effect multiple major organ systems and I am continuing until everything is figured out. Medications are limited for me due to severe allergies and intolerance, so I have nothing at all for pain management because I can’t. I’m waiting to see if a Cannabis specialist will accept me as a patient, but who knows when or if that will happen. The past 48 hours have been a nightmare. Joint pain, swelling, loss of coordination/balance, bowel and bladder issues and now I think I’m bleeding internally from Colitis. I’m just outside of a major city and due to COVID, almost all of the hospitals are operating at over capacity, even in the towns surrounding. Even if I do go, I won’t get the help I need because there is literally no space and no staff available. I do have a phone appointment with my family doctor tomorrow but because of what’s going on, there’s not really much she can do. I don’t have family and friends near me and my parents, who are 45 minutes away need to limit their contacts due to age and health conditions. My sister works in hospital so contact with her isn’t a good idea right now. I feel bad for my husband, it’s all on him. I miss my job, and even just going outside for a walk. My friends don’t call anymore, they have their owns lives and maybe my issues are just too heavy. I’m just tired and having no pain management is difficult. It’s really hard to see the end of this. I’m not one for self-pity, but I’m 34, and I would just like to not have an obstacle to overcome (just once!). I worry that I still have many bad years ahead and if one more person tells me to “focus on the positive”, I’m going to lose it. #Anxiety #BipolarDisorder #PTSD #ADHD #EatingDisorders #SensoryProcessingIssues #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD #DegenerativeDiscDisease #GastroesophagealRefluxDisease #autoimmune #rashes #Pain #Fatigue #Nerve and joint pain #Allergies #Sadness

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I’m never leaving my house again

I’ve always had anxiety when leaving my home but it has now been amplified with the state of my physical health and the pandemic. I felt hungry and wanted a sandwich so my husband dropped me off to grab one quickly. While I was waiting to order, an older woman was standing very close to me and not wearing a mask (which is illegal in Ontario right now). I politely asked her to move back and to please put on her mask. She then proceeded to scream at me and throw her hot cup of coffee/tea right at me. As I was standing there in shock, trying not to cry, she pulled her mask just under her nose and laughed at me. Laughed. The employee behind the counter at the sandwich shop was very nice to me and I stood strong, placed my order and left. Now I’m in bed and don’t feel like I can face the world anymore. I have this loving face looking at me, genuine I’m sure of it, because I don’t have food lol. My faith in humanity has been lost and I’m not sure why I even want to be alive anymore because the physical and mental pain is just too much. #BipolarDisorder #Anxiety #ADHD #PTSD #Grief #SinusTachycardia #autoimmedisease #EatingDisorders #SensoryProcessingIssues #foodaversion #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD #Allergies #skinpicking #Fatigue #ChronicPain #SuicidalThoughts #Sadness

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My neighbours are used to my “odd” ways...

When I get overwhelmed with anxiety and sensory issues, I go outside. If my neighbours came out right now, they would see me and (one of) my furry best friends, sitting on the interlock, in the dark, when it’s freezing cold. I still have our patio set out, but I prefer the ground. I even do this in our snowy, -30 degree, Canadian weather. I sit here and listen to my favourite pop-punk and indie songs until I’m ready to face the real world again. Whatever helps you cope, I suppose! #Bipolar1Disorder #Anxiety #CombinedPresentationADHD #ADHDInGirls #ADHD #SensoryIssues #SensoryProcessingIssues #EatingDisorders #foodaversion #SinusTachycardia #autoimmedisease #PTSD #Grief #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD #skinpicking #overthinking #ChronicPain #Migraine #creativity #Drawing #Music #Upallnight


Help I feel lonely and need help

I have a tri-diagnosis Of #madelungs defomity , #savant syndrome #SavantSyndrome , #SavantSyndrome ,#EhlersDanlosSyndrome , #Autism #Autism #Autism #Autism , #BipolarDisorder #BipolarDisorder #order #BipolarDisorder #dep , #BipolarDisorderBorderlinePersonalityDisorderADHD , #bipolardisorderborderlinepresonalitydisorderADHD , #BipolarDisorderDepression #AspergersSyndrome , #AspergersSyndromeAwareness , #Aspergers , #AspergersSyndromeAwareness , #AspergersAreUs , #AspergersSyndrome , ,#Depression , #Depression #MentalHealthAwareness ,#DepressiveDisorders , ,#Deppresed , #Anxiety #PTSD , #PTSD -old ,#Complex Post Traumatic Stress , #PTSD ,#CPTSD , #CPTSDinrelationships ,#Ld in reading comprehension , #LearningDisabilities , #Dyslexia ,#SensoryProcessingDisorder , #SensoryProcessingIssues , #SensoryModulationDisorder , #SensoryProcessignDisorder , #CentralAuditoryProcessingDisorder , #SensoryDisorder , #AuditoryProcessingDisorder ,#SensoryProcessingIssues , #SensoryProcessingDisorderAwarenessMonth , #SensoryProcessingDisorderAwarenessMonth , #SensoryProcessingDisorder , #Sensory processing disorder ,#Adhdandanxietyinarelationship #adhdinchildcaresettings, #adhdinmen , #Adhdinwomen , #adhdinearlychildhood #adhdwomen #CombinedPresentationADHD #UndiagnosedADHD #ADHDInGirls #focus #ADHD #Autism ##ADHD #Rheuma #Y  #ADHD #ADHD #ADHD #ADHD #AttentiondeficitDisorder #AttentionDeficitHyperactivityDisorder #AttentionDeficitHyperactivityDisorder #AttentionDeficitHyperactivityDisorder #AttentiondeficithyperactivityDisorder #AttentiondeficithyperactivityDisorder #attention deficit hyperactivity disorder #Selfharm , #OtherPersonalityDisorder #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder ,#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Borderline Personality disorder #Madelungsdeformity #Madelung #madelungs #madelungs deformity as well as many other conditions that causes physical and emotional pain I do #DBT (#DialecticalBehaviorTherapy ) an it helps a little but my twin sister doesn’t have to go through what I have to go through and she got to skip a grade and I didn’t even though my IQ is 205 and hers is 148 I live in Saint Louis Missouri and went to Stanford all the way in California and now is still in California working for Facebook and I never get to see my own twin sister I feel like she is the very successful twin who skipped a grade went to Stanford graduated and now works for Facebook and I’m the wimpy twin who is unsuccessful who has to live in constant chronic pain has to live in an ISL (individualized supported living) like a group home I don’t have a drivers license I Don't have a job and never have and my parents have to have guardianship of me also my mom has 4 kids two sets of twins and our younger brothers have had equal opportunities how do I deal with all of this #Multiplesetsofmultiples #Saintlouismissouri #STL #Individualizedsupportedliving #Individualizedsupportedliving #ISL #Supportedliving #individualized supported living