The Disabled Life

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Snap benefits

I just dropped my salad on the ground.
Anyone know who I can contact to see if the US government will give me a coupon for my daily allotment for nutrients because that $5.00 bag of lettuce is not consumable? Or should I just eat the expired food left at pantries after I finally manage my anxiety enough to stop throwing up to go there?
(This is in jest… sort of.)
#Humor #TheDisabledLife #DisabilityAdvocacy #DisabilityBenefits #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #ChronicIllness #ChronicMigraines #Agoraphobia #Anxiety #PanicAttacks #ADHD #Migraine

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Intrusive Life

I’ve been MIA for what feels like months rather than days, but life has really been getting in my way lately. This has me thinking about how in terms of our mental health, intrusive thoughts get a lot of attention—but what of the grist of life that we cannot control just as easily? These are matters in which we can only control how we react to them, but in times of reduced physical capability, they can be quite overwhelming and difficult to deal with… and the world doesn’t make many accommodations for the sick.

In fact, I’ve found it to be quite the opposite. In that most people are more inclined to take advantage of my reduced capacity, than not. Family, friends, and foe alike.

If life is a battlefield; there aren’t many spare horses available to accommodate the wounded in the dailiness of living, so most of my friends and family have simply left me behind to fend for myself. So if nothing else, ableism has taught me that it is wears the same face as ageism, because our society has commodified people to the point that we are valued by how much energy we have to contribute, rather than the wisdom of experience we have to offer. I’ve also encountered a few illness groupies, who appear to delight in what I’ve come to think of as “sickness tourism” or “illness voyeurism.” It’s clear they aren’t so much there for me, so much as they show up for a taste of my drama, before moving on to the next crisis to feast on and nourish their saviour complexes.

And foes—well—being sick has given me a massive new enemy, given my healthcare system is less interested in helping me to get better, and more interested in telling me that I’m not gettting better because I AM the problem.

It also doesn’t help that my father passed away several years ago, and entrusted the care of his estate to a bank who have disregarded many of their fiduciary responsibilities so that after much effort on my part: I discovered that they committed a series of breaches, which I have had to escalate to the appropriate ombudsman. And as the oldest sibling, the fight for justice falls mostly on me. It is also bitter pill, because I’m certain this has contributed much to my poor health, yet I also need the money to spend on private healthcare.

And like most, I have a partner, a house, and pets that need caring for, but I have no support system. My other half and I support each other; but it doesn’t alter the fact that some of these responsibilities would be difficult for any person to juggle. Never mind that I’m also trying to fight for my health, my inheritance, run a business, maintain boundaries with all the narcissists I have had to spend a great deal of time and effort to understand that I naturally attract, maintain my sense of self, and somehow try to emerge from all this whole.

Spoiler: I probably won’t. But I try to remind myself that I would rather come out the other side of the hand I’ve been dealt with a few bruises, than to never have tried at all. Or worse; to have attempted to rely on others to play for me—because that game is a guaranteed losing hand.

#MentalHealth #IntrusiveThoughts #ChasingLife #LifeLessons #TheDisabledLife #NarcissisticPersonalityDisorder #Thoughts #MyCondition #ChronicIllness

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Scampy McScampFace’s Scamp Life

Confidence is the preference for Scampy McScampface, a habitual voyeur of what is known as—Scamp Life!

After Scamp has been rudely awakened he gets some exercise (in the country). At around 2pm, upon their return, Scamp and Little Brofur have their treats. Then, with full bellies they have their naps. So far, so good, cause I like to nap around then too. It gives me an enermous sense of well-being, know what I mean?


A certain Scamp decides anywhere between 2-3pm onwards that he is feeling more awake; ergo it must dinner time—which unfortunately for him; is 4pm sharp. Thus begins “The Dance of The Scampy McScampface”… only far less sugar plum fairy like, and a bit more hippo 🦛

Scamp starts off his dance in first position; which is to vigorously wag his tail at me while making engaging huffy noises. Second position involves rubbing himself up against my legs that go hand-in-hand with snorts and borks; ad libbed at his descretion. My job is to be a Tender participant in this elaborate jouer à joue which is the Duke’s ritualist way of conveying “I am awake; therefore I eat” (incidentally he is also a big fan of the pork life 😋)

It all culminates in a pas de burrées of sorts with him launching himself into my lap, then looking up at me with his Scampy McScampFace full hope, of which I managed to catch a non Blur-ry picture today.

I’m also pleased to confirm that Scampy McScampFace ate his dinner so he’s far less of a Beetlebum… for the next few hours at least 😆

#Dogs #MightyPets #DistractMe #Laugh #funny #Fun #LifelimitingIllness #ChasingLife #TheDisabledLife #WhatWeLoveMostAboutLife #scamplife #MightyMusic #Music #Blur #Sleep #SleepDisorders #Insomnia

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TV Show / Movie That Best Describes Your Chronic Illness Life?

I’m going with Steel Magnolias—not because I have Type I Diabetes, but because of the journey it depicts. Cutting my hair short due to chronic illness ✔️ making hard choices because of chronic illness ✔️ going to hospital because of my chronic illness ✔️ having to consider that I might die young(ish) from my chronic illness ✔️

And there’s that scene where Sally Field rages and howls at the injustice of her daughter being taken away from her because of chronic illness which speaks for itself. I also find some hope in the sense of community that Shelby has around her. I certainly don’t have anything as great as that in my everyday life, but I have a supportive husband and have a Mighty community in you all ❤️

What’s your Chronic Illness Life TV show or movie choice? 🎥

#Movies #TV #Netflix #netflixandill #ChronicIllness #Spoonie #SpoonieProblems #TheDisabledLife #Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #MyCondition #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #DistractMe #MightyTogether #MightyQuestions

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Overthinking and drowning🫠

So it’s one in the morning, I’m in too much pain to sleep, and now I’m overthinking. It just hit me that not only can I die at any time, but next week my friends and the people I grew up with will be graduating and I won’t be up there with them. Because I had to drop out, take a year off, fail. I know I made this choice last summer and I was upset about it, about the fact I wouldn’t get a prom or a diploma, but God, it just hit me. I’m barely functioning, my parents think I’m not trying enough and my friends are all being successful and travelling for college or moving out or getting better jobs and I can’t even remember to eat on time! I can’t work! I can’t take care of myself! And oh my god, am I failure?
#Epilepsy #Sudep #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #LivingWithPOTS #ChronicIllness #TheDisabledLife #Depression #severeanxiety #Insomnia #MentalHealth #disassociation #Schizophrenia

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What are you all doing today?

The weather outside is cold with freezing rain. But I am inside, all snuggled up cozily in my bed with my little bed buddy Grimace next to me, watching “ Gentlemen Prefer Blondes “ and eating deliciously fresh chewy donut holes. What are you doing today? #ChronicIllness #ChronicDepression #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #Fibromyalgia #AutoimmuneDisease #Neuropathy #DistractMe #CheckInWithMe #MightyPets #Disabled #TheDisabledLife #bed #ChronicEpsteinBarrVirus #AutoimmuneThyroidDisease


If you could teleport your bed anywhere in the world for a day, where would you go?

I’m sure we all wish we could be somewhere else sometimes. Maybe somewhere tropical 🌴, maybe to the Alps skiing our beds down a crystalline snowy mountaintop ❄️. Share a place you’d love to snap your fingers and be instantly there. Hope you are all having a wonderful Tuesday, Beddies! #ChronicIllness #TheMighty #ChronicDepression #ChronicPain #Disability #PeripheralNeuropathy #SmallFiberNeuropathy #BackPain #ChronicHeadaches #Gastroparesis #TheDisabledLife #Neuropathy #Anxiety #Depression #Fibromyalgia #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigue


Depression #TheDisabledLife

Parents won’t let me live on my own or get a job bc they don’t want me to lose social security and I am fed up and tired of it

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I'm annoyed of the phrase "All the best and stay healthy"

It's normal that people say that to eachother, especially on birthdays, graduations, etc. but everytime I hear it I get pretty annoyed and sad. Why? Because it reminds me that I'm never gonna be healthy again (I'm chronically ill/disabled). It just ruins the moment for me. Anyone else from the disabled/chronic illness community feeling the same way? #ChronicIllness #chronic #Depression #sad #Disabled #disabilty #JuvenileIdiopathicArthritis #JIA #TheDisabledLife #Health #physicalhealth #MentalHealth #chronicdisease


Im full of lie anxiety

I got an email for a job i contacted them they called and we had an interview i met the owner and his head of HR and we all did the interview i felt like i aced it and i asked almost every question and i answered all of theres. Honestly i feel like i got the job it went so well ill know by wensday, but i didnt tell them i couldnt drive, it didnt sound like i need to because they have a work van that has to bring their equitment to the worksites so i could ride along.

The rest of the day i was riding high thinking next week im gunna have a job i have nothing to worry about but today it suddenly hit me what do i do if i get the job and show up the first day getting a ride from my mom or dad or sisters. I feel like im going to lose the job on the spot or atleast the end of the day. Im feeling like garbage right now like what am i going to do. I feel like i lied to this guy whos only trying to grow his small business and ive already damaged the relationship. A lie of omission the hr woman called and even asked me if i had my own vehicle before the interview and i said i have transportation where ever i need to go which isnt a lie but i know what i did. honestly im hoping they dont call me to give me the job .

#TheDisabledLife #VisuallyImpaired #LegallyBlind #Anxiety #Firstjob #LIESANXIETYTELLSYOU #WhatYouDontSee #Anxiety #lie #failure #FailureToThrive