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Speak The Truth

#Anxiety #MentalHealth #ADHD #PanicAttacks #PTSDSupportAndRecovery #NarcissisticAbuse #AutismSpectrumDisorder #poet Am I not normal, with all that I have been through. I am what you fear and cleverly, I shield my thoughts and actions from the real world, afraid of being the truth. Speaking out under clouded false resources and trying to bridge back broken opportunities to survive. I am the truth that speaks back and I cannot hold my tongue, for I cannot keep these secrets of pain. It is not shame I feel, but I cannot understand how all that I have endured does not require your attention. Speaking the truth. Can you hear me now?

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Any idea who wrote this poem?

I came across this poem from a tweet and can’t seem to find the source. The Twitter user found it via Pinterest. Whose this mystery poet? #TheMighty #poet

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Self-created guardian

While in hospital for my mental health, I was taken off of certain medications to be put on new medication. And during this difficult time I started to write poetry. With ADHD I sometimes struggle to put thoughts together in a way that makes sense.. with creative writing I really learned to express how I feel about my situation.

So I wrote a poem about our inner self-created guardians, the inner children that we have inside us that still tries to protect us from harm even when we no longer need them. Whether we have this guardian because of abuse of any kind, I wrote this piece so that people could relate to having that inner voice that can sometimes be guilt creating, harmful and overwhelming.

So while off my meds this is how I strung my thoughts together in hopes that I might find someone who can relate.

The poem’s name is

Self-created Guardian:

Sometimes I'm overcome by a shadow and marked unsafe by feelings of madness,guilt,badness...sadness

That my own mind runs wild searching for peace, my
thoughts making me fight with a "ME" that I have
created out of necessity..

Now that very creation bothers me not only now and then but incessantly...

Trying to find a purpose for existing in a world it was not meant for...

Trying to hold onto the woman that doesn't need her anymore..

How does one create space in one's mind for a self-created guardian? And still exist as one's own protector? One that I have always been? And never even knew...

How then do I become truly "ME" without letting go of you? - a poem by Camron Botha

#MentalHealth #Poetry #creativewriting #Abuse #Survivor #EmotionalAbuse #ADHD #relate #Advocacy #MentalIllness #Love #struggle #medications #poet #Loveothers #wearefamily #Anxiety #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder


They Speak Through Me

Can you hear them?

Because they speak through me

Their words hurt

Causing physical pain

Mental pain

They speak through me

I can’t tell you

The words that they use

Wielded against me

I shout

I scream

I hold my head

Trying to keep them in

Because if I let them out

Will I frighten you?

Their words speak through me

Don’t be scared

They whisper

We can end this

#poet #Poetry #Psychosis


I Wish... ...... #MightyPoets

I wish you would please listen
To these words I have to say,
Don't search for a response
Just sit and listen anyway.

Try not to take my voice
And find in it a place to blame,
Or seek of a rebuttal
To make it about you again.

I wish that just this once
You'd clear out all your other thoughts,
Make room to hear my pain
Find out the reasons I feel lost.

These words aren't meant to hurt
But give instead a sense of why,
Each time in which we talk
Tears damn near flood into my eyes.

I wish there wasn't fear
Milling in droves within my heart,
Afraid when I do speak
You'll forget words right from the start.

Then I'll have to repeat
Oftentimes twice or many more,
My voice soon tends to fade
Slapped in the face by your slammed door.

I wish you didn't know
About so many others' lives,
Or of their intimate details
Which cut through me like burning knives.

Cause when you're asked about
Details in which pertain to me,
You say that you don't know
Then yet again I feel unseen.

This final wish I pray
Would be a gift priceless from thee,
Not built of dollar signs
It'd be your gift of listening.

By: Debra Brent

#iwish #poet #Poetry #MentalHealthAwareness #Depression #ChronicDepression #Trauma #Childhoodtrauma #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #PTSD #CPTSD #Anxiety #SuicidalThoughts #unhealedtrauma #EmotionalNeglect #abandonment #invisible #Fear #Selfcare #Introvert #Grief #Healing #hurt #ImListening


Poetic Testimonial ..... #MightyPoets

Twas on the eve a day past Labor
She bid a permanent adieu,
As summer ebbed to autumn's glow
Her next season began anew.

A battle zone right from the start
Embarked the day her mother bore,
This quiet, shy and timid girl
Whose heart the world broke to its core.

Through years of hurt, abuse, neglect
Watched safety climax in dead ends,
Yet knew not of the only One
Whose grace would soon be her best friend.

Instead found solace in the likes
Of pills, booze, money, drugs and sex,
These multiplied trauma ten-fold
Until her only thought was death.

Evil of which free will had shown
Weighted this heart heavy with pain,
Shame filtered through the devil's voice
A crux of self-blame swathed in chains.

And then one night she did attempt
Cause hope was nowhere in plain sight,
Grief, anger, guilt topped off a soul
Far too distraught to stay and fight.

Yet freedom found was not in death
But in the life He would rebirth,
By virtue of a spirit sent
Was finally found her Godly worth.

A story shared, not unlike hers
Held but one difference….and the key,
Of whom she coined an earth angel
Not long before, God set him free.

He utilized thorns of this man
To guide His little girl back home,
Free will this time, a choice for good
Now glorifies our Father's throne.

By: Debra Brent

#Poetry #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Depression #Healing #poet #purposeinthepain #personalitydisorder #mentalheath #struggling #artfromtheheart #youarenotalone #SuicideAwareness #BPD #EUPD #MajorDepressiveDisorder #Shame #Guilt #Grief #Addiction #Trauma #godsgotyou #Faith #testimonial


There will be days #MentalHealth

there will be days
where you want to die
there will be days
you say you give up
there will be days
where all you do is lay around
there will be days
when you need to be alone
there will be days
when you aren't yourself

There are days
when you love life!
there are days
you will accomplish more than you imagined.
there are days
you hang and laugh with family/friends
there are days
when you are yourself!

no matter what day it is.what your going through. everyday is different. its okay to feel your emotions. take the day as it comes.
#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #poet #Poetry #writer #Hope #loveyourself


The right people

people will show true colors.
When they lost interest in you.
Or your too much
The right people will want you in there lives.
The right people will never ghost.
Never abandon you.
You can grow together.
Be selfish but dont involve me in your life.
If your gonna ghost or abandon me.
You can work on yourself and grow with others as support along your journey.
Done with people ghosting or abandoning people in this world.
Life is hard.
We all struggle.
Your not the only one.
There is hope for tommrow
With the right people at your side.

#poet #Poetry #Positivity #imhereforyou #WritingThroughIt #Write #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #mentalhealthmatters