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Inquiry about financial help for research/donation- Cptsd

Hey all. Going out on a limb here. I have Complex PTSD and have known for 3 years now. I've been dealing with it hardcore for 14 years, but can trace it all the way back to when I was 16. A huge lightbulb went off for me when I realized this is what I've been dealing with and I was able to quit drinking (20 year battle). I've done simple breathing, I've done extensive shadow integration (unconscious/conscious/ego work) I've built a small herbal apothecary and made countless tinctures and teas, I've been attuned to reiki II, in 2018 I started rolling through the doctor approved medication list. I've now been through 3 years of talk therapy, I work with frequencies, the list goes on. I believe every single one of these things has helped in it's own way but I've hit a Huge wall.
I had to move my son and I back to my hometown for what I thought was a short period, however, things have taken a turn for h worse again. Panic on waking that lasts all day, anxiety when it's not panic, depression, my "startle response" is insane and I've been unable to work. Not good as a solo mama.
I've been researching different options such as microdosing psychedelic mushrooms, Ayahuasca and the Stellate Ganglion Block.
As far as I have found (and there's very, very little of them) are foundations that will assist veterans in getting these treatments. I'm wondering if anyone has come across anyone that would help finance any of these options for non-veterans. I'm pretty well willing to sign my life over if someone can help get me out of this, so any and all options are welcome. But please understand that I've exhausted all options that I can see.
Please also know that I would never expect it to be an outright handout. They say "do what you know". Well, I know addiction and trauma/torture. I fully expect to heal from this and then help others who have been in mine or similar situations of getting lost in the grey areas. (Stellate GB is only fda approved for pain management, not cptsd, even though the results are extremely hopeful, I recently learned even if I Wanted disability (which I don't) I would have had to have been seeing a psychiatrist, not a therapist)
So again, just looking for any researchers who want a hard case, foundations that offer any assistance to the aforementioned retreats or procedures...anything.
I honestly believe that psychedelics (in safe, managed ways) are the cure a lot of us have been looking for. But, also willing to stick needles in my neck if that gets me out of this and able to study.
Thanks so much for reading. #CPTSD #psychedelics #stellateganglionblock #Cure #financial

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What was the last migraine “cure” suggested to you?

Just this morning a likely well-meaning stranger on the internet (not here) told me that my migraine pain was likely the result of hypomagnesium and that I just needed to increase my intake to be cured! (Little did they know that I experimented with magnesium dosages for years and my stomach just couldn’t handle it.)

What was the last “cure” suggested to you for your chronic pain? Did you end up trying it?

#HemiplegicMigraine #IntractableMigraine #Migraine #Cure #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #mightywithmigraine #Fibromyalgia #Endometriosis

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I’m a 19-year-old college advocate hoping to reach the FDA to promote the accelerate of cures/vaccines for incurable diseases. Please help by signing the petition and promoting it to your social media if you agree with my petition. We can start by passing the Promising Pathway Act Bill.

For more information read my petition…


#afm #AcuteFlaccidMyelitis #alzheimer #alzheimers #alzheimerdisease #Disease #diseases #cures #Cure #Vaccines #Vaccine #World #AIDS #HIV #AIDS #alphaviruses #Asthma #arboviralencephalitis #bacteria #Cancer #viruses #Virus #BladderCancer #BreastCancer #ColonCancer #EndometrialCancer #Kidney #KidneyCancer #heartcancer #LiverCancer #MultipleMyeloma #ovarian #OvarianCancer #StomachCancer #thyroid #ThyroidCancer #uteruscancer #chlamydia #ChronicFatigue #jakobdisease #COVID #COVID19 #CoronaVirus #CMV #Arthritis #babesiois #CervicalCancer #ColorectalCancer #EndometrialCancer #colorectal #endometrial #Leukemia #leukemiacancer #LungCancer #OralCancer #OvarianCancer #pancreatic #PancreaticCancer #SkinCancer #TesticularCancer #uteruscancer #CRE #CardiovascularDisease #CeliacDisease #Chancroid #chickenpox #COPD #conjunctivitis #Cryptosporidiosis #cyclospora #Depression #Diabetes #Diphtheria #EEEV #enterovirus #Fibromyalgia #genitalherpes #herpes #hsv #hsv1 #hsv2 #gonorrhea #streptococcus #hantaviruses #headlice #HeartDisease #HighBloodPressure #helicobacter #HPV #HumanPapillomavirus #ecoli #ebolavirus #Ehrlichiosis #Fibroids #Flu #giardiasis #Gout #Hepatitis #hepatitisa #hepatitis b #hepatitisc #hepatitisD #HepatitisE #hbv #histoplasmosis #humanmetapneumovirus #Incontinence #poisoning #Leptospirosis #Lupus #LGV #Influenze #legionnaires #listeriosis #lyme #LymeDisease #Meningitis #meningococcal #methyl #Mumps #noroviruses #PID #pelvicinflammatorydisease #pelvicinflammatory #primaryamebic #meningoencephalitis #Measles #MRSA #syndrome #plague #Polio #CrohnsDisease #Crohns #bronchus #Stroke #Tuberculosis #Cirrhosis #Dementia #trachea #pulmonary #infections #artery #Smallpox #chickenpox #CysticFibrosis #fibrosis #ADHD #Schizophrenia #Parkinsons #ParkinsonsDisease #parkinson #Asthma #Arthritis #CommonCold #HuntingtonDisease #Rabies #Hypertension #Sickle Cell #sick #Awarness #global #timeforchange #alllivesmatter #Health #Anxiety #Depression #advocate #change #usa #america

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My hopeful #Cure for #Depression . A shiny new toy, fresh air, sunshine, and #activity . Sounds good to me. 🤘🤘 #Depression #Survivor

I'm a 42 young man who hasn't been on a skateboard in 25 years. I was contemplating suicide a couple months ago.

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Happy Lyme Disease Month!! Day 31

Last day!! I thought this would be such an easy task, but it wasn’t. Trying to think of something everyday, especially when my brain isn’t working right, is quite difficult. I hope you all have learned from these 31 posts and will stand up for yourself, others, and educate everyone.
#lyme #LymeDisease #LymeWars #LymeWarrior #ChronicLymeDisease #ChronicIllness #COVID19 #Spoonie #Pain #Cure #SpreadTheWord

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Happy Lyme Disease Month!! Day 30

This is so frustrating! You don’t know how it is unless you’ve spent countless hours up because of pain, spent hours in a doctors office trying to convince them, taking so many pills that you almost choke.
#lyme #LymeDisease #LymeWars #LymeWarrior #ChronicLymeDisease #ChronicIllness #COVID19 #Spoonie #Cure #SpreadTheWord #Pain