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I Am Not Defined By My Illness

Playing around with fonts to create stencils for tattoos #howicope #iamnotdefinedbymyillness #EasilyDistracted or #jumpseverywhere when I’m able to express my #thoughtsANDfeelings #Insomnia #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #PTSD #Depression #SocialAnxiety #PanicDisorder #Type2Diabetes #cronicmigraines #HighBloodPressure #HighColesterol #ImOnly42 #SlowlyRecoveringFromNarcissisticAbuse #LossOfFamilyMembers one after another after another. #WasTerminatedFromMyJob because of my #illness the company makes one feel #expendable #nowellnesscheck #nophonecallortext a little over a month, then #terminated via #Email #whodoesthat ? And why did my #Casemanager repeatedly tell me to have my #Psychiatrist re-do the #forms AGAIN for like the 3rd, 4th time? I am very #Disappointed at that #multimillionaire #Company prior to my #breakdown I was #harassedatwork too. I don’t understand… #whyme ?

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My strength on the hardest of days

Oh my boy, he may be a very naughty boy sometimes. But the love, care and support this pup offers me is unconditional. I'd be lost without him.

#dog #Company #strength #On #Baddays #chronic #illness #m .e #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #Support


Having meltdown please help anxiety cage sleep accidentally ate hummus from fridge before o saw the date on it was august 2020 now I’m nauseous and

I’m freaking out stomach nausea from eating old hummus ok had croutons and 3 vegi crackers to settle stomach am I ok from eating the old hummus my worries are there and I can’t ca myself down enough to sleep will I be ok or do u die from accidentally eating hummus from late aug I can’t sleep and am scared bc of nausea #PTSD #Selfcare #CPTSD #CPTSDinrelationships #CheckInWithMe #checkinginwithme #Upallnight #Chatspace #Hugs #Friends #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #bpdawareness #BPDDiagnosis #CPTSDinrelationships #help #BipolarDisorder #Disability #Chat #PinchedNerve #PTSDSupportAndRecovery #PTSDawareness #Fibromyaliga #Fibromyalgia #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #PolycysticOvarySyndrome #Aspergers #AspergersSyndrome #Spoonie #SpoonieProblems #Spoonies #Aspie #Art #Anxiety #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #GastroesophagealRefluxDisease #HashimotosThyroiditis #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #MightyQuestions #TheMightyTakeaway #MightyTogether #MightyMusic #mightymen #mightywarriors #mightywriters #MightyMoms #MightyMail #mightytoghter #DBT #DatingWithAChronicIllness #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #Dating #Depression #datingdisabilities #Disabililty #disablity #checkinonme #Walking #52SmallThings #30Days30Stories #30daysofteal #Healthy #SaveMe #Company