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Lost old account info

I’m not so new here, but I lost my old account info. I joined this app almost a year ago in hopes to #Connect with people who have #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #AutonomicDysfunction and other chronic illnesses. #LivingWithPOTS is not easy and I hope to find tips and tricks to make it through the day

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Well the ugly C virus 🦠 has made it to my house after trying to dodge it for almost three years. I’m really struggling with how to overcome the urge to eat all the sugar in the house and at a local coffee shop. I’m tired of fighting an unseen enemy. My son has it. Thankful that we are vaccinated and boosted. But I feel angry. Traumatized. Like PTSD. I want to take a tent and sleep near a lake and see millions of stars above me. I love that they are there, even if I can’t see it. I pray my son feels best soon. Stay safe. Stay well. Cook. Sew. Make crafts. Walk. Sit in the sun. Put your heart into what makes you smile. Don’t worry. Be happy. #wellness #heart #Nofear #Connect

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New Friends Destination For Current And Soon To Be New Friends! #Friends #MentalHealth

Doesn’t this image and idea look like a paradise?

Link to join us in this new adventure:

New Friends Ages 40-55ish

We all came on The Mighty ultimately to make new, real connections and to grow new friendships to get rid of this terrible thing called loneliness/being alone that is not good for anyone’s mental health and we all want better mental health.

We all want to have friendships too based on the simple fact that we are humans and humans need to feel connected to other humans.

And the twist with this group, is to all pitch in to make this a place on The Mighty where we don’t focus on our illnesses, because we are more than our illnesses, so much more. And we don’t want to forget that about ourselves. We don’t want to have our personalities get lost, all of the different, cool, unique things that make us who we are as people.

So let’s all pitch in and start just chatting about everyday stuff like you would with any friend, about life in general, sharing things about yourself- just a couple examples -your interests, something you found funny, etc., whatever you would think that this is something you would like to share with a friend, and having some fun being social- because we all know we need to really connect and keep growing new friendships with our mental health in mind.

One smile emoji or even one word can start a friendship. Some of the most comforting words in the universe are “me too.” “Hello.” “How is your day?”…(if you don’t have another conversation starter or reply to join in).

New friends can change your life and your mental health for the better.
Add in anything to get the ball rolling and grow some new friendships here.

We can’t wait to get to know You.

#Life #MightyTogether #Positivity #positive #Kind #ActsOfKindness #ActOfKindness #lonely #alone #MensHealth #MensMentalHealth #good #funny #Fun #happy #Happiness #RoomForJoy #Joy #Mindful #Mindfulness #Together #StrongerTogether #ItGetsBetter #TogetherWeAreStrongerCampaign #FamilyAndFriends #FamilyWeChoose #relate #relatable #Chat #Hope #WhatWeLoveMostAboutLife #wegotthis #NoOneFightsAlone #youmatter #Connect #Connection #SocialInteraction #social #Lifestyle #LifeLessons #Selfesteem #Selfworth #Confidence #Selflove #wellness #Health #EmotionalHealth #MentalHealthAwareness #FriendsForSurvival #TheMighty ’sMentalHealthHeroes

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I feel i need to connect to people

This week I have this strong urge to #Connect and talk to people. Perhaps this is the effect of having to work from home for more than a year. I feel having new friends and connections would make a difference. This is not a simple case of boredom but something that produces #Sadness sometimes, feeling detached from my friends and colleagues. Has anybody felt this? I tried to connect with people online by practicing languages but i havent established deep connections in that regard. It is causing #Anxiety .

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Who is someone you haven’t talked to in a while? #52SmallThings

We all get caught up our daily life sometimes and reaching out to some people can slip through the cracks. This week’s challenge is all about reaching out to others. We’d like to kick things off by asking you who you miss talking to. Maybe they’re an old friend from school or a previous job. Or maybe they’re an extended family member, a faith leader or a neighbor.

Share who you miss talking to (without giving any super identifiable information) in the comments below.

#MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #Parenting #Disability #Anxiety #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Depression #BipolarDisorder #PTSD #Trauma #AutoimmuneDisease #Migraine #ChronicPain #Fibromyalgia #Autism #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Selfcare #reachout #Connect #Connection #CheckInWithMe #DistractMe