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Body Image

I am having a hard time loving my body. Even if I was the “perfect” weight I would still not love my body 😔. I wish I believed my body is beautiful. #BodyImage #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #CPTSD #Christianity #CatholicChurch

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Hungry #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #CPTSD #PTSD #MotherWound #CatholicChurch

I want to cry so much bc my Mother doesn't embrace her motherhood. She chooses to seek the embrace of men who don't fully embrace her. My sister and I seek our Mother's love but she is too blind to see the treasures God has granted her. I want to cry so much, my head hurts, there's lots of tension on my neck and head, it's just not fair that she doesn't see the gift that my sister and I are to her. How can you not see the gift of your children's love? How can you not see the hunger for love your daughter's are dying for? Depression and anxiety are the wounds my Mother has allowed to develop within us. This is a tough battle. Oh Jesus, heal us. Be our everything. Be my Father. Come, take care of us. Caress our hearts. We yearn to feel your love and protection. I want to hear your voice and see your face. Do not hide from us. Come and transform these hearts of ours that yearn for love. Great Lover, Redeemer, Constant Lover of me and my Sister, please help us feel your mighty hand that heals, that loves, that shows kindness, that provides for our every need. I want you. I need you. I can't do this without you. Show your beloved face to me. Do not let us hunger for so long.

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Gentle Love #InAwe #CatholicChurch

God, you are sweeping me off my feet with your gentle love, and I think my heart will burst.

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Once upon a starry night, the sky of stars shined so bright.
Lightyears of distance between each one, there are many abroad just like our sun.
Many gazed way up high, but some, the old, began to cry.
The beauty of the cosmos is beyond human description, gazing way up may be one’s prescription.

Creation in itself, born from our Creator. Born with infinite precision, unreplicable, loved by him.
From the fish of the sea to the birds of the sky.
Every microorgansim, every macroorgansim.
Biology, Chemistry, and Mathematics, all is connected without one atom left out. This connection is brought from the one up high.

Us humans take much for granted.
Overlooking the beauty and work is all we do.
Overlooking his grace and his mercy, our maker, our healer, our companion. Love is all he wants from us, for us to love him, others, and all.

The universe will not last forever, all will come to an end.
The book of life shall close and the end of the story will commence.
Until that day, I strive to love, I strive to forgive, I strive to take up my cross, respect all people, to deal with my condition gratefully and out of love.
Watch that sunset, climb that mountain, walk that beach, and spend time with those you love most.
Someday, you won’t be able to.

#CatholicChurch #Gratitude #FaithAndIllness #Faith #Jesus #god #Grief #MightyPoets #Poem #Poetry


Getting to know Tomas

I feel safe. I don’t need to beg for constant attention. I don’t need to prove my value and dignity to him. This doesn’t mean I am going to marry him. It’s just the way a healthy relationship looks like. A better way to connect.
I’m used to the adrenaline rush. Having to seek the attention and prove that I am worthy of that love and attention. In this new experience, I don’t have to do any of that. It seems he truly sees me as a person. He has not crossed any boundaries.

Lord, help my soul be open to receiving your affection from others. Help me be Christ to others too. Amen.

I think I need to cry to release some tension my body’s been holding on to. The tension of having to constantly prove that I am worthy and lovable. I believed this lie. I am learning. #CPTSD #CatholicChurch #Christian #Healing

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Religious Trauma

Anybody else struggle with guilt and shame around intimacy because of religious teachings you no longer believe in? I mean, it's suffocating..
#Religious Trauma
#religious Trauma

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I’m having this struggle with my faith in God. I used to have a strong faith in God, especially before my diagnosis with bipolar 5 years ago. Now when I try to pray, the words don’t come, when I read , I don’t seem to get anything from it. Help I want to start going back to church.

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Keep going #CPTSD #Anxiety #SexualAbuseSurvivors #Depression #Healing #Catholic #CatholicChurch

I am proud of you. Keep going, keep moving forward. I am cheering for you. Jesus, Mary, St. Joseph and your Guardian Angel are all cheering for you 💙


Not sure ho to deal with my mean cousin saying how out of shape I am and look at her she could run circles around me and she’s ten years older then me

She was very overweight even 2-3 years ago so to make fun of my weight talking about how in shape she is is cruel and hurtful who can offer me support and love and advice? She really hurt my feelings I didn’t ask for a pandemic to make me gain weight nor did I ask for being out of shape it’s a very personal thing I have challenges she does not have such as pcos fibromyalgia and scoliosis and siatica. So to make me feel bad for my pulling my back out yesterday from having to lift a heavy Amazon box by myself I don’t have a boyfriend or husband to help me. What can I do to help myself? #PolycysticOvarySyndrome #Fibromyaliga #FibromyalgiaDiagnosis #Fibromyalgia #PinchedNerve #Bipolar2Disorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BorderlineStigma #PTSD #CPTSD #CPTSDinrelationships #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #pcosfighter #Aspergers #AspergersSyndrome #Anxiety #ADHD #Exercise #Yoga #BingeEatingDisorder #Art #Depression #Photography #ArtTherapy #Sports #frisbee #Walking #Love #Hugs #Faith #god #CatholicChurch #Church #Support #SupportGroups #Music #Chatting #Chatspace #Disability #Spoonie #FlareUps #flare #BipolarDisorder #BipolarDepression #MightyFeatures #MightyBookClub #MightyQuestions #TheMightyTakeaway #MyMightyMonth #TheMighty #52SmallThings #52smalltasks #CheckInWithMe #Upallnight #Selflove #Disabled #TheSecret #TheBible #goodthoughtsyourway #Positivity #sad #lonely #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #oa #HashimotosEncephalitis #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #goals #Hope #DBT #Dbtskills