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When Family Turns Away

#Toughlove #Anxiety #Sadness #Children

I felt bad for calling my brother an asshole, but I said it because he told me that hitting kids makes them stronger and more disciplined. That kind of thinking is really concerning, and honestly, I’m embarrassed that he thinks that way.

I told him that if he ever did that to his child, I’d be the first to report him.

Instead of realizing he was wrong, he turned it around and made it seem like I was the bad one—rude and unstable—just because I called him an asshole. I apologized for that, but I don’t think he’d ever consider getting help for thinking that way about kids.

I asked him why he thinks that way, but he didn’t respond. Every time I tried to talk about the issue, he twisted the conversation back to what I said about him. I told him that his views were very concerning, but he didn’t reply to me, just kept twisting things.

He even threatened to cut all ties with me, even though I’m his sister, which made me incredibly sad. I’ve always been there for him, I’ve helped him a lot, and now, because of one single mistake, he’s willing to cut me out of his life. It’s heartbreaking.

I have anxiety and panic disorder, and unfortunately, some people use that against me. They dismiss my words, bury them in the deepest corner of their minds, and strip them of any value—because to them, anything said by someone with a mental health issue doesn’t count. It’s sad to see that kind of ignorance, knowing they use this information to undermine what I say instead of actually listening.

I apologized to him, and I told him that no matter how mad he is at me, I’ll always be by his side and he can count on me.

He’s still mad, and I still feel bad. I know I was rude, but it’s sad and disappointing that he won’t admit he was wrong too.

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I am a single mother. I understand this. I lived this. There are a million different reasons. It should be universal health care.

#Abortion #myhealthcare #MentalHealth #Children #physicalhealth #EmotionalHealth

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Understanding the Language Used

Medical kidnapping and illegal seizure are terms rarely used in the medical, psychiatric and law community, but they are real terms. You can read about medical kidnapping on Attorney Allison Folmar web site. To explain it to you in terms you may understand. For example, you take you child to the doctors and your complains are regarding their vaccinations. You explain to the doctor that your child had a reaction to the previous vaccination and you do not want to get any more for your child. The doctor does not agree with you and tells you that if your child does not get the vaccine they will cite you for medical neglect, eventhough your child has had all their other vaccines, but due to your refusal the medical personnel at the hospital calls CPS and they arrive. CPS states that since you refused medical treatment, your child needs these vaccinations and that is why they are having medical problems, you disagree, but since the hospital made the call the Social Worker states they have to take the child. This was one example of medical kidnapping.

What was done wrong? Nothing

What could the parent have done differently? Nothing

Where her rights violated? Yes

Where did the child go? The CPS worker took the child to enter foster care, while the case is being created for you to go to court.

Is this legal? No, but Medical kidnapping is crime, but many Attorneys do not practice specifically in this type of crime and do not refer to it as such. Within the medical kidnapping, you have violations of other laws that aren't followed, such as civil rights violations, the 4th, 8th and 14th amendment. Depending on the state you live in there may be other violations.

How can this happen? Financial Incentive

Everytime a child comes into state care, the federal government pays the state agency money for each child. If your child has a disability that comes into foster care, the state receives additional money; therefore, the more kids in care, the more money the state receives. Now, to be fair and honest The State of Maryland Baltimore City Department of Social Services are mandated to uphold policies and procedures to ensure children are safe, but if you don't have an administration that is abiding by the laws, policies or procedures then your rights are violated.

Who advocates or speaks up for the child and parent? Y.O.U

If there are specific questions that need to be answered, please provide them. #Abuse #SocialServices #FosterCare #cps #medicalkidnapping #parentalalienation #narcissistic #triangulation #manipulation #Children #MentalHealth #lawyer

In the next part of this journey I will provide certain laws and terminology used, so you can understand them.

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How do you say no to your little nieces, nephews and children?

I’m currently a first time aunt (although my sister is 21 weeks pregnant right now) to an absolutely gorgeous and clever little boy named Oskar. He’s 22months old, and I absolutely love playing with him. I chase him, I crawl towards him on my hands and knees. I play rough with him (he loves this), and I tickle him until he’s belly laughing.

He is truly the light of my life - since he was born I’ve refused to self harm and I’ve really started taking better care of myself. But sometimes when we’re playing, I start to get pain or get really exhausted and I have to tell him no and sit down for a bit. But then he comes over, grabs my hands and tries to pull me up and make me follow him.

It really breaks my heart because I know he doesn’t really understand and he thinks he’s done something wrong. How do YOU communicate that you need a break? Is there a way to do it so he understands? He can get quite upset. Aside from his dad, I’m the only person that really plays with him and makes him laugh.

Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated!

#chronicillnesswarrior #ChronicPain #POTS #EDS #NAFLD #BPD #LiverDisease #Jointpain #Diabetes #InterstitialCystitis #Migraines #Depression #Fatigue #Children #Advice

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Book Bans

Yes! This cartoon came from the Instagram site of Viola Davis♥️It’s pertainient to what’s going on in our society today. I like the way it’s stated, and so I decided to share it in #TheMighty #Book #Bookbans #Abuse #Children #Pre -teens #teens #ChildAbuse #Protect #EDUCATE #PTSD

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No one talked about it.

No one talked about it. Yanno talk about mental health, any aspect relative to it..

My parents didn't tell me about any of it. They didn't give me any warnings or prepare me for what life could throw my way. They were too caught up on their own messy life struggling with their own mental health, but forgot the ones who relied on them were struggling too.

Adults in my life didn't talk about the reality of how hard life can be, all the emotions you will feel and how to deal with them especially pain (personally the hardest one), the confusing series of events you may go through, or how to even cope with loosing someone you loved.

There was too much left unsaid, not understood, lingering questions with no one to give answers I desperately needed as a child. I had to learn everything the hard way when it never had to be that way, it could've been so different.

So here I am talking about anything and everything. I couldn't continue the cycle which was never acknowledged to even have the chance to be broken..

Here I still am. I'm still here and there's a reason for that. I've gone through so much trauma, hardship, health issues, and pain by age 26. Neverminded the struggles and difficultly navigating my way through life and healing as a single mom of two beautiful daughters, ages 7 and soon-to-be 3 year old.

No one talked about it, but I talk about it now. I will continue to always discuss mental health and every aspect relative to it, especially with my children.

#Childhood #Stigma #genrationaltrauma #Breakthecycle #Family #MentalHealth #Awareness #Parenting #Life #Pain #Communication #Children #Singlemom #hardship #survive #speakout #childrensvoices #Health #advocate #makechange #Hope #childrenarethefuture #teachchildren #selfawareness #healingjourney

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My wonderful child J. has had GAD and constant panic attacks for two months. We have seen an awful neurologist and a helpful psychiatrist; he and I are in therapy. Tomorrow we visit Cortica to rule out being in the spectrum (or rule in). I love my job; I love my children, J and N. My husband tried his best to help, but I had to push him. I feel the emotional, medical, and physical burden is on me. Last night, J had an adverse side effect on a new Benzo. He hallucinated for 5-6 hours. As a consequence, my husband ruled out benzos. We are waiting for the SSRI to kick in, but it might take three more weeks. Today the whole family worked from home, no school. We are exhausted. He asks me: why me? What did I do to deserve this? I do not want children because I do not want to leave this legacy. He is nine years old. I suffer from depression and anxiety. They are under control with meds, but I a making a U-turn. I feel alone and do not know where to go from here. Thank you for reading. #GAD #Autism #SensoryIssues #exhausted #y #SSRI #Medi #Benzos #mother #NeedSupport #Children #PanicAttacks #hard #choices #needsleep

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Unintentional Consequences #Guilt #Fear #Children #Womenhelpingwomen #ChronicDepression #MentalHealth #WhatWeLoveMostAboutLife

Does anyone have any tips on rectifying the ripple effect, from throwing a rock in a gorgeous lake on accident? I am desperate to find a way to help & support those hurting, especially during the holidays? 💔💔💔

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Just a funny thought…

Children are like pancakes. The first one is always a bit weird. #Humor #Truth , no truer words at the moment..😆#sunday #Parents #Children Family is messy..

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