I’m new here!
Hi, my name is StrongWolf52285.
#MightyTogether #Anxiety #Depression #Fibromyalgia #PTSD #ADHD #Grief #AlopeciaAreata
Hi, my name is StrongWolf52285.
#MightyTogether #Anxiety #Depression #Fibromyalgia #PTSD #ADHD #Grief #AlopeciaAreata
Hi everyone, I wanted to share an important press conference I was so grateful to be apart of. It was regarding my personal heath journey, and speaking out about the difficulties with health insurance. I wanted to speak out publicly for everyone who’s enduring this battle and to know you are not alone! Please watch www.facebook.com/share/v/p5zkjhmpFx9ASJi5
#Grief #Depression #BrainInjury #SpinalCordInjury #AlopeciaAreata #Anxiety #MentalHealth #Addiction #ChronicIllness #JointHypermobilitySyndrome #ChronicFatigue #Loneliness #MightyTogether
Hi, my name is Elfmom75. I'm here because
Hi, my name is ComplicatedZebra. I'm looking for anything that can help make my life even a tiny bit more manageable.
#MightyTogether #Depression #Migraine #MuscularDystrophy #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #HidradenitisSuppurativa #ThoracicOutletSyndrome #PolycysticOvarySyndromePCOS #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #AlopeciaAreata
Hi Everyone
Has anyone had infusions for the treatment of fibromyalgia? If possible I’d be interested to hear how your treatment went and if it helped at all ? Any info would be much appreciated. I’m getting nowhere with any Drs I see, and trying to see a Dr is becoming a nightmare.
Thank you in advance xx
Many health challenges don’t get enough representation in literature. I think that definitely needs to change. Finding more common conditions in books is hard enough, but when you have a rare disease, it can be even harder to find yourself represented in a book.
That’s why I decided to compile a list of some YA books that contain characters with rare diseases. I hope some people can find a book to relate to on this list!
”Cursed” by Karol Ruth Silverstein Erica “Ricky” Bloom’s life has taken a turn for the worse. As if dealing with high school, her sister’s transition to college, and her parents’ divorce wasn’t enough, Ricky is diagnosed with #JuvenileIdiopathicArthritis . Ricky uses profanity to cope with her #ChronicPain , until her coping mechanisms are foiled by a boy with a diagnosis of#AcuteLymphoblasticLeukemia in his past and a snooty, but well-meaning, teacher. It turns out that not everyone is as they seem.
2.”100 Days” by Nicole McInnes
Agnes is not exactly like every other teenage girl. She likes pretty dresses, sewing, and music. She has a best friend. But Agnes has a disease that makes her appear several times older than her chronological age— #Progeria . With the help of her friend and an unexpected ally, Agnes’s last 100 days are her living her best life. But will the three friends be able to accomplish what counts before time runs out?
3.”How We Roll” by Natasha Friend
Quinn’s life changed when she was diagnosed with #AlopeciaAreata , which is not easy for anyone, let alone a high-schooler. A humiliating experience causes Quinn and her family to move. Quinn attempts to make friends, which proves difficult. Quinn meets Nick, who has #LimbAmputation because of a car accident. Can both Quinn and Nick learn to trust and let each other in before they build their walls too high?
4.”Midnight Sun” by Trish Cook
Seventeen-year-old Katie Price has a rare disease #XerodermaPigmentosu m that makes exposure to even the smallest amount of sunlight deadly. Confined to her house during the day, her company is limited to her widowed father and her best (okay, only) friend. It isn't until after nightfall that Katie's world opens up, when she takes her guitar to the local train station and plays for the people coming and going. Charlie Reed is a former all-star athlete at a crossroads in his life—and the boy Katie has secretly admired from afar for years. When he happens upon her playing guitar one night, fate intervenes and the two embark on a star-crossed romance.
5.”Everything, Everything” by Nicola Yoon
Madeline Whittier has #SevereCombinedImmunodeficiencySCID , which means she can’t leave her house. But one day, she sees a mysterious boy named Olly. And Olly makes her want everything—including things she can’t have. Like love.
Art of Feeling” by Laura Tims
Samantha Herring has been in constant pain ever since the car accident that injured her leg and killed her mother. After pushing her friends away, Sam has receded into a fog of depression until she meets Eliot, a carefree, impulsive loner, who is unable to feel any pain at all. At first, Sam is jealous. She would give anything to not feel the pain she’s felt for the past year. But the more she learns about Eliot’s medical condition #CongenitalInsensitivityToPain the more she begins to realize Elliot’s self-destructive tendencies. In fact, Eliot doesn’t seem to care about anything—except Sam. And as they grow closer, they begin to confront Sam’s painful memories of the accident, memories that hold a startling truth about what really happened that day.
Happy reading! 📚💖
I just wanted to introduce myself as I'm new to the group. My name is Crystal, I'm 43 years old, and I've got multiple autoimmune issues. Pernicious anemia was the first one at 22 years old, rheumatoid arthritis at 27, HS at 38, and alopecia areata at 40. I'm looking forward to being able to share my experiences with you and hopefully offer support for the bad days.
So much on the go at the moment that although it’s only Tuesday, I feel like it should be Thursday already! Part of that is that I had to a physical exam at the local MS Centre yesterday before I’m allowed to do any exercise, and now that I’m at 33ft pressure in the hyperbaric chamber, I’m starting to experience the unpleasant but necessary healing crisis.
I’ve written about my hyperthyroidism hair loss journey before, and one of the things that came with it was some sore spots on my scalp. One of which has become darker and more painful, so I’ve just fired off some photos to the dermatologist for her thoughts.
I know we often post things to distract each other, but today it’s me who could use the distracting!
So, I thought I’d subject myself to your mercy… ask me questions , tell me what you’d like me to write about, request a poem or a meme, I’ll do anything I’m capable of for your entertainment, and my own distraction 🤓
#DistractMe #ChronicFatigue #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #Fibromyalgia #PTSD #AlopeciaAreata #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #Hyperthyroidism
Embracing my thyroid hair loss hat look 🤓. Thankful that it’s winter, and a special shout out to my Alopecia and cancer hair loss sisters. You do not have to be brave for me, or inspire me. I just want to say I see you and acknowledge how vulnerable hair loss makes us in a society which places extreme value in all of us with chronic illnesses being “whole again.”
For me, courage is saying I may never be whole again—and that’s okay 🖤
#ThriverThursday #AlopeciaAreata #PostchemotherapyAlopecia #Cancer #HairLoss #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #ChronicIllness #MyCondition #ChronicFatigue #ChronicBeauty #Fibromyalgia #Spoonie #thisismetrying #iamwhole #wholeself