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My PTSD is triggered by yesterday’s blatant episode of discrimination at Walmart. Any typical day I experience micro aggressions, from being a woman, of having mixed ethnicities, practicing paganism, wearing alternate jewelry and clothing and being part of the LGBTQ+ community. As well as micro aggressions towards being on the autism spectrum, mental illness and disability. Yesterday was overt discrimination at the pharmacy by a clerk who said a very derogatory statement and intentionally insinuated I was evil (I am assuming based on his beliefs). This happened as soon as I told him my name and date of birth, he examined my meds and made a personal judgement about it. I was shocked, and I was so offended that I found it in myself to call him out on it. I am so very proud of myself! He was really inappropriate. We left and I called the pharmacy and spoke with the pharmacist, the pharmacist was shocked, he said he would take care of it, and I trust he will. I just asked him to talk to the perpetrator, after all he looked like he hadn’t had much world experience. I know everyone has experienced some form of micro aggression at some point and it is painful. If you have privilege in these areas do not feel ashamed, but use your privilege to protect those who don’t. #Relationships
#Empathy #humanrights #Stigma

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IF US Supreme Court Overturns Roe, The US Is IN Violation of International Charter on Human Rights

In 2018, the United Nations Human Rights council clarified that the obligation of the International Declaration of Human Rights includes the right to access to abortion services. In fact even further guidance suggests that not doing so is a violation of various treaties that have been signed internationally that are legally binding. Treaties regarding women's rights and equality all explicitly and inherently include this fundamental right in the very nature of their existence and all signatories (of which the United States is one on many of such international treaties) are legally bound to this obligation.

Further guidance released by the United Nations states "Human rights bodies have provided clear guidance on the need to decriminalize abortion. Ensuring access to these services in accordance with human rights standards is part of State obligations to eliminate discrimination against women and to ensure women’s right to health as well as other fundamental human rights."

In addition, General comment No. 36 (2018) on article 6 of the

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, on the

right to life states in section 8 that "Although States parties may adopt measures designed to regulate voluntary

terminations of pregnancy, such measures must not result in violation of the right to life of a pregnant woman or girl, or her other rights under the Covenant. Thus, restrictions on the

ability of women or girls to seek abortion must not, inter alia, jeopardize their lives, subject them to physical or mental pain or suffering which violates article 7, discriminate against

them or arbitrarily interfere with their privacy. States parties must provide safe, legal and effective access to abortion where the life and health of the pregnant woman or girl is at

risk, and where carrying a pregnancy to term would cause the pregnant woman or girl substantial pain or suffering, most notably where the pregnancy is the result of rape or

incest or is not viable. [8] In addition, States parties may not regulate pregnancy or abortion in all other cases in a manner that runs contrary to their duty to ensure that women and girls

do not have to undertake unsafe abortions, and they should revise their abortion laws accordingly. [9] For example, they should not take measures such as criminalizing pregnancies by unmarried women or apply criminal sanctions against women and girls undergoing abortion [10] or against medical service providers assisting them in doing so, since taking such measures compel women and girls to resort to unsafe abortion. States parties should not introduce new barriers and should remove existing barriers [11] that deny effective access by women and girls to safe and legal abortion [12], including barriers caused as a result of the exercise of conscientious objection by individual medical

providers. [13] States parties should also effectively protect the lives of women and girls against the mental and physical health risks associated with unsafe abortions. In particular,

they should ensure access for women and men, and, especially, girls and boys, [14] to quality and evidence-based information and education about sexual and reproductive health [15] and to a wide range of affordable contraceptive methods, [16] and prevent the stigmatization of women and girls seeking abortion.[17] States parties should ensure the

availability of, and effective access to, quality prenatal and post-abortion health care for women and girls, [18] in all circumstances, and on a confidential basis. [19]"

Unrestricted access to abortion is a human right and the moment the court finalizes this, they become internationally illegitimate criminals.

#Abortion #WomensHealth #humanrights #HealthCare #Law #Legal #UnitedNations #Sexuality #MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #LGBTQ #Safety #Prochoice #freedom #rights #DisabilityRights #equality #SupremeCourt #Illegitimate #InternationalHealth #who #unitedstates #Us #Discrimination


Bigotry And The Bystander Effect

🗣 - “Someone who has made up their mind will not change their mind. So, stop trying to worry about the fee-fees of someone who’s a terrible human being.”

📺 -

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👍🏻 - Please #like & #Share this to help get heard!

❓ - What's #DwhellOnIt

👀 - Dwhell On It is a series where I answer your #questions about my lived #experience as a #trans woman!

📺 - A new episode gets uploaded every week! -

🔖 - Bookmarks!

05:20 - Let's talk inclusion!

17:50 - Let's talk TERFs!

39:15 - Let's talk about being exclusionary!

51:08 - Let's talk about suppression!

53:03 - End anti-2SLGBTQIA+ abuse! -

🔗 - Links mentioned!

03:21 - #Letters4TransKids - "You Know Who You Are!" -

10:00 - Accomplishments, #Gratitude And More! -

30:30 - Workouts: Worth the effort. Bigots: Nope. -

40:55 - City Council Approves To Prefer #Kindness -

44:10 - Travelling, Being Left-Handed & More! -

💰 - Donate now! Help these fundraisers hit $1411!

❗️ - Support #RunForWomen & women's #MentalHealth programs! -

❗️ - Support #walk4md & individuals who live with neuromuscular disorders! -

👀 - Get involved! You can create #change

📣 - You can help! Everything inspiring HireWheller stays ongoing - biased systems, ignorant platforms, violent abusers, and isolated victims.

📣 - Grassroots #power comes from its #people Please #help by getting involved or referring people you know to create change against systemic bigotry & oppression. Thanks! 💜

💻 - Get connected!

#hirewheller A #grassroots group aiming to help the #2slgbtqia #Community overcome often-minimized struggles.




👱🏼‍♀️ - Look me up!

#taylorlakhryst Trans woman, advocate, INFJ, ♊️, she/her/hers 🏳️‍⚧️


📒 - Alt information

* Text: Dwhell on it with Taylor Lakhryst - Bigotry And The Bystander Effect - Episode Forty-Seven - HIREWHELLER

* Description: A blonde woman wearing a purple sweater is smiling and sitting in front of a beige wall. There is black, grey, and white text on a turquoise background.

* Captions: Automated

#Activism #AskMe #Business #Canada #Career #causes #changemakers #Charity #cityofwinnipeg #Comments #contentcreator #creator #Diversity #diversityandinclusion #dogood #donate #Employment #Energy #Equity #ethics #eventplanning #Events #Fundraising #gender #government #grateful #humanities #humanrights #Inclusion #inequality #leaders #LGBT #LGBTQ #linkinbio #Love #manitoba #Manitobans #mbpoli #MentalHealth #Motivation #Network #opportunities #Opportunity #Organizing #partnerships #philanthropy #policies #policy #Pride #ProtectTransKids #ProtectTransYouth #quality #question #Respect #Safety #socialgood #SocialMedia #Sports #Success #training #Transgender #Transphobia #transphobic #Travel #Video #winnipeg #Work #wpgpoli #Youtube

Your Q's, my A's! Let's #DwhellOnIt!

Dwhell On It is a series where I answer your questions about my lived experience as a trans woman! Every journey is unique, and I am happy to share mine! Ask...
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Human rights are the basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled. Everyone is entitled to equality, regardless of sex, gender identity, age, race or religion; everyone has the right to live freely; everyone is entitled to a nationality and has the freedom of movement and residence within a country. These fundamental human rights belong to everybody everywhere: no matter where you were born or what your religion is—or whether you have one at all.

Fundamental rights are a touchy subject in our society, with recent political events igniting debates. There is no doubt that human rights are being violated, and there are people needing our help and support. But what should we do? Do we deny reality in the hope that it will go away, or do we work towards making a difference? We fight. We fight for those whose voices have been silenced, for those who are afraid to speak, and for everyone else who need our support.

Become an advocate, spread the word. We all have the same rights; let it be known.

#humanrights #MentalHealth #wellness #MentalHealth #MentalHealthAwareness #mentalillness #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthsupport #mentalhealthadvocate #mentalhealthrecovery #mentalwellness #mentalidadedesucesso #mentalhealthquotes #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth #mentalize #mentalhealthblogger #mentalidad #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthisimportant #mentalhealthtips #mentalidadmillonaria #mentalillnessawareness #mental_health #healthmental #mental_health_awareness #mental_health_matters #healthmentality #mental_health_on_a_piece_of_paper #mental_health_is_a_priority #healthmentalday #mental_health_day #mental_health_disorders #health #wellbeing #meditate #mindfulness #lifecoach #selfreflection #selflovequotes #selfawareness #ptsd #youmatter #MensMentalHealth #taketime #selfhealers #selfknowledge #ptsdawareness #panicattack #mentalhealthawarness #decision #personalempowerment #timelinetherapy #depressionn #ptsdsupport #schizophreniaawareness #wellnessclinic #agradecer🙏 #mindfullnes #witchofinstagram #childmentalhealth #humanrights #Human #humanity #humaninterest #humanresources #transrightsarehumanrights #womensrightsarehumanrights #human_rights #humansrights #humanrightswatch #humanrightsviolations #standup4humanrights #humanrightsactivist #humankindness #humanlife #world #life #change #people #solidarity #justice #actofkindness #animalactivism #accept #acknowledge #racism #antiracismo #misogyny #endmisogyny #misogynykills #internalizedmisogyny #feminist #feminism #equality #womenempowerment #womensrights


IaNSAID Official Statement Regarding BiNet USA

(You may read my official statement in full that sheds a little more light in this subject at my Facebook page @iansaidofficial )

Because of recent actions by Binet USA, and their direct attacks on the very people in the bisexual community that they swore to defend and advocate for and represent, I have removed them from my resources permanently. Actions have consequences, and so, I hereby terminate any and all support, encouragement, or referral to BiNet USA now and in the future as they have caused and threatened irreparable damage to my readers and the bisexual community and pride movements of all LGBTQIA+ communities.

Official statement in full at:

#Bisexual #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #DisabilityPrideParade #MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #Disability #Advocacy #Trauma #CPTSD #PTSD #Depression #Anxiety #Suicide #humanrights


Fired due to chronic pain #ChronicIllness #Pain #Work #ChronicPain

So I applied to be an auxiliary officer with my local police station (VOLUNTEER). They accepted me and I started training for 3 weeks ... I signed up for everything that was available to me (running for police, etc). I get called in one morning and they tell me because I have chronic lower back pain you have a broken spine and cannot do the duties of volunteer. They forced me to sign a resignation letter. They didn’t even ask me about my illness.. they just used their stereotypes. I have a legal case against them and I sued them. The Human Rights Tribunal is what I went through. They violated my human rights - the duty to accommodate (I didn’t need accommodations lol). Has ANYONE had this happen to them? #help #Advice #humanrights


Help Homeopathy

Feeling a little down today. We all know nutrition and health affect our conditions...even with no chronic diagnosis all life depends on organic matter. How could big pharma companies try to ban natural /homeopathic medicine! Sometimes the two combined offer more qualiative results than just a pharma solution. Sometimes its the cost. The insurance. The nhs. Availability. And convenience. How could that even be considered in a uk court? How often is a minor ailment...that exacerbates a chronic illness..treated with over the counter homeopathic derivatives. How much unwellness does that save us? Time? Money? Misery? Preventing us from being a "tax on society"

I really think its a silly move.


#loosingnaturopaths #ashamed #nutrition #heighteningawareness #copingskills #foodisfuel #naturesway #pharmaisflora #righttochoose #holisticcareinitiative2009 #humanrights #MCS #chemsensitivity #profitsfromchronic #autoimmune #detox #personcentredtreatment #farmernotpharma #healthylifestyle #eatright #preventmedicationimmunity #herbalmedicinehelps #costofchronic