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Remember to check in with your mates

Hello random pic for attention because dope background. But being in New Zealand I’ve been getting trapped in a box of lockdown after lockdown. Just starting a new job and they were talking about making sure to check up on your friends and make sure they feeling well and all that. It made me think about how we should remember to check on mates more and making sure they are healthy in their mind. I often feel so drowned myself I forget but while you going through your day watching out for the big bad covid, don’t forget to have a wellness check with your mates and maybe you’ll get a closer bond.
#BeKind21 #checkin #Friends #Depression #Anxiety #COVID

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How will you be kind in September?

Research suggests it takes 21 days to build a habit, and I can’t think of a better habit to form than one of kindness!

At The Mighty, we’re excited to partner with Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation again for this year’s #BeKind21 campaign. From September 1-21, we challenge you to practice kindness in 21 Mighty ways. Need some ideas? Check out this post’s graphic for inspo. Follow the days in order or skip around based on your mood and energy levels.

Which calendar item are you most excited to try out? What would you add? How will you be kind this month?

✅ P.S. Take the #BeKind21 kindness pledge here:

💖 P.P.S. In case no one has told you this today: You deserve to take kind care of yourselves too, Mighties.

#CheckInWithMe #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #ChronicPain #CheerMeOn #DistractMe #ChronicIllness #Disability #RareDisease #Parenting #Autism #MightyTogether #Kindness


Feeling like crap lo grade temp sinus infection thrown out back and in pain now I find out I have to get another covid test as the other one was damag

Ed on way to lab. I’m resting at home with no one checking on me. They are coming later on to check my back and sinus infection. Who will give me hugs love n support? Leave messages of support n hugs I’m feeling scared n sick. #52SmallThings #Chatspace #Upallnight #Love #Hugs #Support #sad #MightyQuestions #MightyTogether #MightyMusic #MightyMoment #MightyThoughts #MightyMail #Mightyhumour #MightyMoment #MightyReviews #MightyBookClub #mightywarriors #TheMightyTakeaway #mightyartists #TheMighty #FlareUps #Selflove #Selfcare #Bipolar2Disorder #Fibromyaliga #Fibromyalgia #MightyPoets #Art #Photography #BeKind21 #30daysofselflove #Disability #Disabled #Hugs #CheckInWithMe #checkin #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BipolarDisorder #BipolarDepression #ADHD #Aspergers #Spoonie #Spoonies #Aspie #AspergersSyndrome #Anxiety #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #BorderlineStigma #PTSD #CPTSD #CPTSDinrelationships #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #PolycysticOvarySyndrome #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #DatingWithAChronicIllness #Dating #Companionship #companion #Friends #Friendship #ServiceDogsForChronicPain #lonely #AnxietyDisorderNotOtherwiseSpecified #CPTSDinrelationships #FlareUps #BipolarDepression #DBT #why #Whoswithme #empath #Psychic #medium #ghosts #paranormal #Yoga #Sports #Fitness #PinchedNerve #PhysicalTherapy

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What can you do to brighten up someone else’s day today? #52SmallThings

What’s something you can do to bring some kindness to someone’s day? This week’s challenge is all about paying it forward. Whether it’s giving an honest compliment or dropping off a meal for your immunocompromised friend, nothing is too “big” or too “small.” Share your “drops of sunshine” in the comments below. ☀️

#MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #Parenting #Disability #Anxiety #Depression #BipolarDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #PTSD #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #AutoimmuneDisease #Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #Migraine #Undiagnosed #Cancer #Kindness #BeKind21 #CheckInWithMe #DistractMe #PayItForward

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What's something kind you can do for yourself this week?

#BeKind21 is back and we’re so excited to join with each of you in pledging to be kind to ourselves and our communities to build a culture of kindness that fosters our collective wellness!

This year, #BeKind21 will meet the moment and our participants’ needs, showing that kindness is showing up for yourself and your community whether you’re advocating for Black lives or setting and sticking to a mental health care routine.

Sign up at to receive kindness tips from our co-founders, partners (like The Mighty!), and special guests!

#CheckInWithMe #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #ChronicIllness #52SmallThings #RareDisease #Disability

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Plushie power

I’m a big fan of collecting plushies.
They helped me a lot to recover from my trauma’s. I’m a 26 year old woman, paying rent every month, going to study Social Work soon, seen and experienced a lot of shit and yet, I still cuddle and sometimes sleep with stuffed animals. It is their softness and innocent look that attracts me and they are growing in numbers as I’m writing this. I hope to move out to a bigger place and that I can afford it to adopt a dog, a rescue or even a servicedog. Untill then, I have plushies.
Does anyone recognize something similar? #Trauma #traumasurvivor #RecoveryBox #WRAP #Autism #stuffedanimals #plushies #softness #BeKind21

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McDonalds Was Mean to my Special Needs Students

I teach special education in a self contained setting. My job is truly my passion. I not only love what I do, but I LOVE my students. I spend 9-3:30 with them Monday through Friday and there are very few things I won’t do for them. Advocating and being their voice is one of those things I do for them.

My school is in a suburb of Chicago. We had planned a community trip to the pumpkin patch on Halloween, but the weather did not allow for that. My heart broke thinking about how sad my students would be. I decided to switch some things around and go to McDonalds instead. At McDonald’s the students work on skills we teach in the classroom. Some examples would be ordering food, waiting in line, and parking lot safety.

When we got to McDonalds the manager was so rude and told us that if we wanted to come eat there we should have called and asked them. Side note- there was one other person in the restaurant. He then rudely told us that if they wanted kids meals it would take them at least 45 minutes. Again side note- I had ten kids. It’s McDonalds- shouldn’t they be able to accommodate 10 kids meals without making children feel bad for showing up?

The man continued to be rude not only to us, by also to the other employees. I was in shock.

If you have a child with autism or work with children with autism you know that letting them play in the play land and then trying to explain that they have to come sit and eat after would be near impossible. We spent our entire time waiting for them to make kids meals. I felt awful and the kids trip was ruined. Not to mention they over charged most of the children for extra drinks.

I contacted McDonalds many times. I kept being told someone would call me back. The only person to call me back told me she was sorry for my ‘perception’ of what happened. I am sick to my stomach that a company so large and well known is okay with this treatment. I still have yet to hear from McDonalds or at least anyone that actually feels that this behavior isn’t okay. Please share in hopes that someone from McDonalds cares and helps raise awareness.

#McDonalds #Autism #Autism #AutismAdvocacy #SpecialEducators #SpecialEducation #SpecialNeedsFamilies #SpecialNeedsParent #SpecialNeedsPrograms #SpecialNeedsCommunity #Disability #RespectAbility #HunterSyndrome #GeneticDisorder #InclusionAndSpecialNeeds #BeKind21 #ParentsOfChildrenWithSpecialNeeds #DisabilityAdvocacy #IntellectualDisability #Teachers