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Feeling like crap lo grade temp sinus infection thrown out back and in pain now I find out I have to get another covid test as the other one was damag

Ed on way to lab. I’m resting at home with no one checking on me. They are coming later on to check my back and sinus infection. Who will give me hugs love n support? Leave messages of support n hugs I’m feeling scared n sick. #52SmallThings #Chatspace #Upallnight #Love #Hugs #Support #sad #MightyQuestions #MightyTogether #MightyMusic #MightyMoment #MightyThoughts #MightyMail #Mightyhumour #MightyMoment #MightyReviews #MightyBookClub #mightywarriors #TheMightyTakeaway #mightyartists #TheMighty #FlareUps #Selflove #Selfcare #Bipolar2Disorder #Fibromyaliga #Fibromyalgia #MightyPoets #Art #Photography #BeKind21 #30daysofselflove #Disability #Disabled #Hugs #CheckInWithMe #checkin #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BipolarDisorder #BipolarDepression #ADHD #Aspergers #Spoonie #Spoonies #Aspie #AspergersSyndrome #Anxiety #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #BorderlineStigma #PTSD #CPTSD #CPTSDinrelationships #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #PolycysticOvarySyndrome #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #DatingWithAChronicIllness #Dating #Companionship #companion #Friends #Friendship #ServiceDogsForChronicPain #lonely #AnxietyDisorderNotOtherwiseSpecified #CPTSDinrelationships #FlareUps #BipolarDepression #DBT #why #Whoswithme #empath #Psychic #medium #ghosts #paranormal #Yoga #Sports #Fitness #PinchedNerve #PhysicalTherapy

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I challenge you to do my 21 day challenge what are you grateful for? #Gratitude #grateful #Chatspace #Bipolar2Disorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder

What are things you are grateful for and why? Reword your brain heal your inner child. #PTSD #CPTSD #CPTSDinrelationships #BipolarDisorder #BipolarDepression #Chatspace #Flareup #Upallnight #Disability #Art #Photography #Yoga #mightywarriors #MightyTogether #mightyartists #MightyMoment #MightyMinute #MightyBookClub #mightyartists #MightyDads #MightyFeatures #MightyQuestions #MightyMoms #MightyFeatures #Depression #TheMightyTakeaway #MightyReviews #MyMightyMonth #TheMighty #CheckInWithMe #Chatting #Selfcare #selflovecomesfirst #Selflove #52SmallThings #30daysofselflove #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #PolycysticOvarySyndrome #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #HashimotosThyroiditis #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #Spoonie #SpoonieProblems #Spoonies #Fibromyaliga #Fibromyalgia #Yoga #Healing #healingjourney #Photography #ArtTherapy #Sports #Love #sad #lonely #Loneliness #Anxiety #GastroesophagealRefluxDisease #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #ADHD #acute chronic sinusitis #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #DatingWithAChronicIllness #Dating #EatingDisorders #BingeEatingDisorder #bed #datingdisabilities #Hacks #LongDistanceRelationship #Dateday #LoveLetters #LoveOnTheSpectrum check in with me let me know how you are could use support today!!


Very very sick in bed head and chest congestion and fluid behind both ears as well as yellow green. Mucus and bodysches exhaustion no energy check on

Me who will check on me??hugs n support needed. #CheckInWithMe #checkin #checkinonme #MightyQuestions #MightyFeatures #MightyTogether #MightyBookClub #MightyCards #MightyMail #MightyReviews #TheMightyTakeaway #TheMighty #MightyFeatures #Chatspace #Fibromyaliga #FibromyalgiaDiagnosis #Fibromyalgia #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #PTSD #CPTSDinrelationships #CPTSD #ADHD #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #PolycysticOvarySyndrome #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BorderlineStigma #BipolarDisorder #BipolarDepression #Bipolar2Disorder #Yoga #PinchedNerve #FibroFog #HashimotosThyroiditis #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #Flu #COVID19 #ChronicPain #Love #Friends #Hugs #AnxietyDisorderNotOtherwiseSpecified #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #rest #resilience #strength #poets #MightyPoets #MightyMusic #musicians #Art #Photography #SupportGroups #Support #AspergersSyndrome #Aspie #Aspergers #Hope #god #Church #fighter #lover #Upallnight name some good shows movjes music and booms for me to devour?

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Missing my grandfather my best friend who passed away 11 years ago on October 8th2009 I was with him in room when he passed I went into room day bef

He passed away he was in a coma on morphine I went up to him with nurse by myself I said Dziadziu it’s 1J3$$13 I love you and he opened his eyes looked at me and said I I I I I I like he was trying to say I love you to me and then he closed his eyes lived over1 more day n then passed. I got a gift of him doing that for me he never opened his eyes for anyone else but me. I take comfort in that he told me he loved me one last time. I get signs from him and spirit all the time when I was a kid he and my grandma would take us on an evening ride on back country roads there was this one road where it was a rest area we would drive get out every week and my grandfather would go look kids it’s money there would be coins on ground of course when your a kid you think it’s a cool thing finding money so we named the road money road I found out as an adult it was my grandfather dropping coins on ground for us. So often I will be sad walk on my sidewalk or road and find pennies nickels and dimes I lock them up and add them to my coin jar it’s my grandson spirit form leaving these signs for me and a hawk follows me everywhere I go. #Grief #sad #Grandparents #Death #Love #Chatspace #Upallnight #CheckInWithMe #BipolarDisorder #BipolarDepression #Bipolar2Disorder #BorderlineStigma #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #Fibromyaliga #Fibromyalgia #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #PTSD #CPTSD #CPTSDinrelationships #PinchedNerve #ADHD #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #Aspergers #AspergersSyndrome #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #flare #Flareup #resilient #Yoga #Art #Photography #Exercise #Sadness #lonely #PolycysticOvarySyndrome #MightyQuestions #TheMightyTakeaway #TheMightyCommunity #MightyReviews #TheMightyTakeaway #TheMighty #MightyFeatures #strength #fall #Nature #COVID19


I’m really struggling today the baby girl Vivienne that I lost to miscarriage would of been 4 today. I’m having a hard time coping with anxiety and w

Orry thoughts. I’m all alone noones checking on me besides my college aged friend who I consider to be my cousin he’s very caring and has helped me tremendously and my cousin in ct. this pandemic is making me unwell emotionally and physically. Can people give me support and words of love and care?? #CheckInWithMe #alone #Alonewithnosupport #NoOneFightsAlone #PTSD #CPTSD #CPTSDinrelationships #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BorderlineStigma #BipolarDisorder #BipolarDepression #Bipolar2Disorder #bipolar2depression #Depression #Anxiety ##OCD #BOR #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #ADHD #Aspergers #AspergersSyndrome #Flareup #Upallnight #selfcaresaturday #CheckInWithMe #FibromyalgiaAwarenessDay #FibroFog #Fibromyaliga #FibromyalgiaDiagnosis #Fibromyalgia #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #HashimotosThyroiditis #ChronicPain #ChronicIllnessStigma #PolycysticOvarySyndrome #PCOSAwarenessMonth #Friends #TheMighty #MightyQuestions #MightyReviews #MightyFeatures #TheMightyTakeaway #TheMighty #MightyFeatures #InsideTheMighty #MyMightyMonth #MightyGreetings #MightyMoms #MightyMail #MightyTogether #Music #Yoga #Photography #artist #Art #Animals #Love #sad #lonely #Lonliness #WritingThroughIt #writer #Poetry #Jeopardy #god #Catholic #Faith #Prayer #Makeup #cry