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I just want to say thank you to everyone who uses The Mighty. Thank you all of you wonderful, kind, sweet, gentle, loving, supportive souls!!!! No matter how I might feel, good, bad, up, down, crazy, mellow, hurt, happy doesn’t matter because I know you are all here. Just thank you. Thank you for being here. Truly. Grately. Deeply. #ThankYou #grateful #Kindness #lovingkindness

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Good Morning #morning #WinnieThePooh #AndPiglettoo

Hiya Gang

How are you all

I've written a lovely post this morning with a great pic of Pedro on it

But I'm so dang tired 😏
It didnt post to ChatSpace 😅😅😅😅 if you want to see it you'll have to go find it. Either click on my profile pic or just go look for it.
Pedro was happy to have his picture taken for you guys he was wagging his tail like mad.

Anyways. At ChatSpace you know we are here for you. Yes you.
You can chat or rant or vent away.
As long as it's not About health in particular.
We are here for you.
It's a place To hang out and get to know peeps and have fun too. It can be whatever You want it to be.

I'm here for you.
Please put up your own post and suggestions too.
Love n hugs Tj
#CheckInWithMe #PeppernPedro #Chattingaway #Ventorrant #Chatspace #checkonyourneighbours #lovingkindness #compassion #nojudgement #Selflove #Support #MightyTogether #NeverAlone

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UK only #NHS #VolunteerReponders

Good Morning Mighty Family

I'm going to do something different this morning

This is the UK new NHS volunteer program the set up to help in response to the lockdown.
Here is a UK only phone number And a story from an email I got this morning.
As I am a UK volunteer chat check responder.

0808 196 3646. UK only

June Hartle, 83, Oxfordshire receives daily check-in and chats and said: I am very lucky. A nurse from my local surgery rang me to tell me she had referred me to the NHS Volunteer Responder scheme and I have been very well looked after. I can't speak highly enough of it!

If you are in the UK and have a family member or friend you'd like to refer to the service please use the phone number above. Or you'd like to use the service phone up. It's a free Service.
All the volunteers are uk people who have volunteered they are also picking up prescription and collecting shopping and picking people up from hospital too.

#MightyUK #MightyMoment #NeverAlone #MightyTogether #Bekind #lovingkindness #lonleyness #Chatting #Chat&check #Ukonly #Friends #Family #Love #Kindness #Stayinghome #volunteers #PhoneUp #FreeService

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More Twinning's Tea anyone! #JustforMary #TwinningTea

A carry on from Tea Chat from yesterday

Oh we talk about just about anything on here dont we 😁😁😁🤣

This is My Twinning's Tea at the moment Mary.
No normal black tea just special teas. But my the buttermint is lush. 😋😋😋😋😋 its peppermint but tastes like toffee.

Enjoy your day

Love hugs and kisses Tj

Cheers enjoy your Tipple of Tea

#tea #coffee #Tipple #Chatspace #Talkingchatting #Joininwithus #Becomingfriends #Ventorrant #Bekind #compassion #dontjudgewhatyoucantsee #loveyourselves #Tj #checkonyourneighbours #lovingkindness #HavingaChat #SpaceForYou #TeaOrCoffee #TeaParty #TwinningsTea

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Hugs Any kind #CheckInWithMe #Hugs

Sending You

Big hugs
Little hugs
Snuggle hugs
Loving hugs
Healing hugs
Comfort hugs
Whatever kind of
Hugs you you need
This should
Have it covered
Especially for you.

I could use a Hug too

Love Tj 💖❤💘😘😘😚😗🥰 #free hugs #loving hugs #snugglehugs #IloveyouHugs #Bekind #Chronicpainwarrior #Insomnia #TrigeminalNeuralgia #GlossopharyngealNeuralgia #Arthritis #PsoriaticArthritis #Anxiety #Stayinghome #checkonyourneighbours #lovingkindness #Snoopy #needhugs #shieldinguk #allalone #lovingmyselfagain #selfcare #Kindness

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You Are A Treasure #Chatspace #Goodmorning #DistractMe

Good Morning

You are not replaceable

Nor are you able to be


You are a treasure that is one of

a kind 💖

Just a reminder that you are all unique special a treasure and loved by many.

Why? Because that's who I am. I am a very loving caring person, tactile, and I tell people that I care about that I love them.
You are my Mighty family and as such I care about you.
We are here to support each other and have a good old chin wag at the same time.

Love n hugs big old hugs Tj 💖🤗🤪☺️😄😃😁☺️😝😎🤨🙃🤪😳

#Chatspace #checkonyourneighbours #chinwag #lovingkindness #unique #Treasure #Love #Hugs #peace #Bekind #Bekindtoyourself #loving #Talking #Vent #rant #cry #why #Tj #Notreplaceable

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Hiya #Chatspace #CheckInWithMe

I thought a Friendly happy smiling flowering Dog might Cheer you up today

It sure made me smile this morning when I saw it 😁

Its persistently raining outside which is much needed here in the UK after a month of sunshine🌞🌞🌞🌧🌧

#Hugs #Love #checkonyourneighbours #Bekind #checkin #loveyourselves #Kindness #Talking #Chatting #lovingkindness #good morning #BeYourself #NeverAlone #Alwaystogether #Tj #MightyTogether #Anxiety

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Loving the NHS #NHS #MightyMoment

I had to share this
I found this in one of my chronic pain groups
How fantastic are this crew for doing this work!!!!!!!
They did this outside a Hospital
#Hospital #Frontline #NHS #lovingkindness #MightyTogether #NeverAlone #Frontline workers #HealthcareProviders #HealthCare workers

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Eeyore is so Right #Flawlesswithflaws #CheckInWithMe

Happy Sunday Folks


Checkout those words

What more do I need to say!!!

Love hugs and kisses

Check in with me to have a chat to say hi 🖐
How are you.
Tell me how you are or to say how bad it's going! I'm here for you. The mighty is here for you. We hear You.
Ps I'm having a real painful day. 😖🤯🤪😵🙃 #ChronicPain #Love #Winniethepoohandfriends #Hugs #RareDisease #peace #TrigeminalNeuralgia #ChronicIllness #laughterisgoodmedicine #Flawless #Eeyore #Friends #needhugs #Stayingindoors #checkonyourneighbours #Bekind #loveyourself #lovingkindness