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The four “keys” to a balanced life.

Through every experience in life, we are affected emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. These specific four things hold the key to our living peaceful, happy, healthy, and productive lives. And it is through good maintenance of these four keys that bring us the balance which we seek for in life. And when lack of balance is an issue, we find ourselves frustrated, and even missing out on too much of life's wonders.

We find that many things that we are most passionate about in life affect us emotionally. Our thoughts, feelings, values, and beliefs. Our emotional stability is very important to maintain. And through many experiences in our lives, we find that emotional stability defines how we handle certain issues. There is a lot of turmoil in the world today, and our emotional stability will help us cope with the stresses that come with these experiences.

Mentally, we find is the foundation from which we function on a daily basis. Even a simple debate in our head over what to cook for dinner can become frustrating. There are many larger decisions in life which can seem quite overwhelming, and possibly unable to solve on our own. If we find ourselves in a fog all the time, or too much of the time, then that balance is also off and affects other things going on in our lives at the same time. The more mentally sound we are, the more productive our lives are in many different ways.

Physically, it is quite common to all, that we must maintain our health to live a longer and healthier life. Regardless of what your health issues are, this maintenance should be important to you personally. Due to physical health affecting other activities in life, by recovering from it and learning a new balance, it will help you in other situations as well.

Spiritually we are affected in life by many different experiences, and many times we don't even give recognition to it. For many people , spiritual balance is the last thing anyone worries about. When in fact it is probably the first thing they should worry about. In fact I personally believe in today’s world, this should be taught in school. Because spiritual balance is about "you" as a person, your inner self, your strength from within. And through maintaining our spiritual balance, we have the peace and happiness which we seek for in life. And regardless of the experiences that come our way, we find an inner strength to get through it.

Mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually you are a special person, a beautiful person, a strong person. And through balance of these four keys, you will find the path to freedom #balance #Joy #Happiness #Anxiety #Love #MentalHealth #physical #Loneliness

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Happy Easter! #MentalHealth #physical

I wish us all a happy and colorful easter and spring!
May it lead to new possibilities.

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Just came to me. I'm in no way minimizing our pain. I know firsthand the excruciating pain we feel. In 3rd world countries, ppl are dying of starvation, no clean water, and water-borne diseases caused by it. It's good to remember that. #TheMighty #MightyTogether #Perspective #Pain #physical #Death

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Wellness Wednesday: Physical Activity & Diabetes Management: Complications

In this community, we talk a lot about the benefits of regular physical activity in managing diabetes. Unfortunately, there are people living with diabetes in this community who find it difficult to incorporate physical activity, and it's not because they are lazy. Rather, there are serious complications that could prevent some of us from exercising regularly.

Read the following article about 3 Reasons Why Exercise With Long-term Diabetes Can Be Hard:

❓What are some of the barriers that prevents you from adding physical activity into your diabetes management?

Share your experiences here 👇🏾

#Diabetes #DiabetesType1 #DiabetesType2 #lada #mody #GestationalDiabetes #prediabetes #JuvenileDiabetesType1 #ChronicIllness #AutoimmuneDisease #Lifestyle #Exercise #physical #Health #Support #SupportGroups #MightyTogether

3 Reasons Why Exercise With Diabetes Can Be Hard

Diabetes complications, like neuropathy & hypertension can make exercising hard.

#physical fitness works for me. I have gone back to the senior center where I was a member. About three years ago I stopped coming to the center in a neighboring city and it was difficult to get there in the winter and we decided to stop because of distant travel of about 15 miles. I have rejoined that center and I am using the fittness room and enjoying a treat in the coffee shop there. This center has won many awards for excellence and because I work out 2x a week and walk at home, I am becoming more fit and burning excess energy. Today my psychiatrist said he wanted to see me in one month. He wants to make sure joining the center isn’t making me manic or hypomanic. I think I am just getting ready to keep track of my increased health and lose of weight. I have lost sd almost 25 lb so possible burning up calories and I could be getting into trouble. He will check my BP and see if I have calmed down. I B want to make use of my fitness center twice a week. $50 year and $45 for the fitness center. Many machines to work off steam and socialize with other seniors. I have bipolar disorder and I have terrible arthritis in my spine extended now into my extremities so I must watch my excitement and sometimes sit quietly. I know how to get calm and now I will use my medication techniques. This is a help with excitement. With exercise and calm, I can control pain and anxiety. Breathe and calm helping with pain and biological medication with a small dose of pain relief medication. I take bipolar medication as well and that helps

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Precious day.

Goodmorning, beautiful people, I'm a newbie here. It must have been a gift from the heavens to receive a random email from The Mighty. I read about the community and the purpose behind what The Mighty had created. It was perfect timing, and I don't believe in coincidences. I am so happy to be apart of a community of people who can help each other heal and share their stories. I send my love and light to everyone ✨ 💛.
#sexual #physical #mental #emotional #abusesurvivor #suicideattemptsurvivor #MDD #PTSD #ADHD #Anxiety #warrior

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#physical /emotional/spiritual growth #don 'tleavebeforethemiracleoccurs

My young-mid adult decades were filled with a substance abuse disorder and undiagnosed psych needs. I endured decades of emotional/psychological abuse. Decades, decades, of daily recovery work---THOSE ARE THE REASONS I STILL TRY, EVERY SINGLE DAY! Decades of darkness have made me so aware and appreciative, and happy over so many little things. Yep, push, push,; I hope you all find your special strengths, desires, goals!

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#crutches #embrace #Selfacceptance #coffee #ChronicFatigue

I make no apologies for my crutches I use to help my #ChronicPain , #Depression & #Fatigue . in fact I embrace them & am very grateful for them. #Caffeine #cigarettes #vitaminb-12 (I'd smoke #MedicalMarijuana ( was approved. over a year ago in April & even have a card ) but #THC messes with my #Schizophrenia & I get tense , intense, #stressed & #anxious , & sometimes even slightly #Paranoid . So I suffer taking meds for #Pain that are actually psyche #meds that hardly make a dent. (#Gabapentin ) #my Life #sucks so the ppl that #criticize & put me #down for smoking cigs can go to heck for voicing their #ignorant #Judgemental #opinions . which they so freely #Voice regarding my smoking & high #Caffeine intake. I am not afraid of #Death & in fact , welcome & #Pray for it, have felt this way all my life. Ppl need to face their own #Demons , faults & weaknesses instead of constantly distracting themselves by getting into other ppls business. I #ignore them . I am #Deaf to their assinine stayements. I #mentally float away & I do what #helps my #Nerves (I inherited bad nerves (#physical AND #emotional ) & that helps me cope with a #Life I #live as a #Prisoner doing time. It's just a waiting #Game , Just A matter of #time .

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#crutches #embrace #Acceptance #coffee #ChronicFatigue #help

I embrace my crutches!!! #Pain ,& chronic fatigue & #Depression ate all proven to be helped to be relieved ( a tiny bit-but what the heck! My #meds hardly help much either)......i embrace I use of cigarette smoking cuz it MOST DEFINITELY helps me cope with #Stress & my (inherited) bad nerves (#physical & #mental / #emotional ) I am,not ashamed of my crutches! In fact, I enjoy a love affair with them & am #grateful as I can be for them !!! To heck with all the ignorantly critical ppl that make statements & voice their judgemental opinions -instead they should be working on their own stuff. Ppl need to more so mind their own business instead of distracting themselves away from looking. Inside themselves (their own demons , faults, & weaknesses ) Get the heck off my back & to heck with them!!!