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Looking for friends to chat with I need more community I lost mine.

My story is long so I will make it short looking for friends to chat with I don’t care if your 15 to 100 I just love talking to others and encouraging them because it helps take my mind off of me. I love junk journaling, singing , recording music , painting , reading, laying on the couch binging tv (ok this one not by choice but I learned to love it) and talking to others. Hope we can be friends!
❤️Your sickness doesn’t define you it’s just the fire that molds you into something even stronger.❤️

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#hobbies #POTS #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #AutonomicDysfunction #MentalHealth #Makeup #Music #Junkjournal #crafts #Letsbefriends #Hope #professionalovercomer

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#Beauty #Makeup #ArtTherapy #Drawing #sketchbook #glitter #Selfcare #colors #beautiful #Love 💛🦋💕

Hey everyone! Thank you for accepting me into this group/space 🙏

This is my 2nd sketch from my new Beauty Sketchbook 💄 💅

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A New Diagnosis and Treatment Journey

Earlier this week I was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and this diagnosis has made me feel a lot of things, good and bad.

Good - because I can put a name to things I've struggled with for so long and I am (hopefully) on the right path for giving myself the support I need.

Bad - because I feel overwhelmed by this diagnosis, because I started medication today (which I've personally struggle with being OK with for any reason, even my medicine that helps to keep my body functioning), and because there is so many unknowns in my future of how this journey will unfold.

I feel a bit like this makeup look I did a few weeks ago. I'm still processing or rendering what this journey and the future hold for me.

I'd love to connect with other folks who have been diagnosed with ADD as an adult because so much of what I can learn is focused on children and teens.

I hope some other Mighties can relate to how I'm feeling right now and I could definitely use a bit of encouragement :)

#ADHD   #AttentiondeficitDisorder #Makeup   #MentalHealth   #CheckInWithMe

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Makeup instead of self harm

Sometimes I’m able to take myself away from self harm but creating my art! I really enjoy makeup and I’m gunna start doing it more #Makeup #Selfharm #CopingTips


I’m really struggling today the baby girl Vivienne that I lost to miscarriage would of been 4 today. I’m having a hard time coping with anxiety and w

Orry thoughts. I’m all alone noones checking on me besides my college aged friend who I consider to be my cousin he’s very caring and has helped me tremendously and my cousin in ct. this pandemic is making me unwell emotionally and physically. Can people give me support and words of love and care?? #CheckInWithMe #alone #Alonewithnosupport #NoOneFightsAlone #PTSD #CPTSD #CPTSDinrelationships #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BorderlineStigma #BipolarDisorder #BipolarDepression #Bipolar2Disorder #bipolar2depression #Depression #Anxiety ##OCD #BOR #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #ADHD #Aspergers #AspergersSyndrome #Flareup #Upallnight #selfcaresaturday #CheckInWithMe #FibromyalgiaAwarenessDay #FibroFog #Fibromyaliga #FibromyalgiaDiagnosis #Fibromyalgia #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #HashimotosThyroiditis #ChronicPain #ChronicIllnessStigma #PolycysticOvarySyndrome #PCOSAwarenessMonth #Friends #TheMighty #MightyQuestions #MightyReviews #MightyFeatures #TheMightyTakeaway #TheMighty #MightyFeatures #InsideTheMighty #MyMightyMonth #MightyGreetings #MightyMoms #MightyMail #MightyTogether #Music #Yoga #Photography #artist #Art #Animals #Love #sad #lonely #Lonliness #WritingThroughIt #writer #Poetry #Jeopardy #god #Catholic #Faith #Prayer #Makeup #cry

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I saw a thing going round on the Mighty ages ago so this is my take:
my illness is chronic, but my eyeshadow is iconic (we aren't mentioning the hair and the spots 😅)
I mean, its not yet, but hopefully it will get better. The make up stand in the hospital was great (best bit about going) and I finally found some colours I like on the same palette!
Also, I've now got some crutches I can use for my knee and a likely diagnosis of a ACL or LCL sprain. No idea where I count the four to six week healing time from because of the number of subluxes though 🦓🦓

#DistractMe #Makeup #wegotthis #zebrastrong #EhlersDanlosSyndrome