We love reading your posts, seeing your smiling faces and hearing your stories. Good or bad, what we share with each other is vital to making a difference as this community was designed to find others who are living with multiple health challenges like we all do. These combined together can make our lives unmanageable, and Moshe started the group to create a community so we can empathize and support each other. It started with a modest goal of finding 20-30 people who walk similar paths of the same or different physical and/or mental problems. But now we are excited to have had all of you join us and feel very blessed that so many of you have found us here!!! We’re honored to now be a part of a group that is growing rapidly, and having new people post and follow our posts.
Over this time we have made over 100 posts ourselves with memes and images, sharing our stories: what we’ve been through, how we have struggled, what we have learned, and what has helped us along the way. Some of our posts have new writing pieces that are pretty deep and we try to be as open and honest as we can be. Other posts simply have a few sentences reflecting on the meme or the image. And we’ve offered a number of questions which have encouraged great discussions. We would be honored if you were to scroll down and find the posts, which all have an image or meme.
Many current and new members have also shared their stories, struggles, frustration, worry, fear, and lessons learned & successes. We all try to acknowledge, relate, empathize and support each other. It takes courage to share with strangers but we are non-judging, accepting and supportive of each other. We would love to see more posts from all of you so we can get to know each other, and/or please respond to each other's posts with a ❤️or a comment. When you create a new post sharing your picture or adding an image at the top attracts more attention, and then hashtags at the end reach other groups with members who share similar challenges like you do!
We look forward to learning more about you all. We commit to respond to as many posts as we can, always ❤️new ones and try to be there for you. And we will keep making new posts to share and also post questions for you all to engage in conversations.
Sending blessings for great health & healing, peace & serenity and connection & support.
Moshe @maxtempo
Chris @chrislynn1
Neeta @littleredrose
(This collage of pictures shows only Moshe & Chris - Neeta is shy😉)
**Before posting this one of us had all memes and images disappear, but the other said they are all there. If you too can’t see the images please comment or DM one of us as soon as you can! Thanx…**
#MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #Disability #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #BipolarDisorder #Bipolar2Disorder #Bipolar1Disorder #BipolarDepression #Chronicpainwarrior #Stigma #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #ADHD #Autism #Dementia #Addiction #AddictionRecovery #Cancer #Grief #LossOfAParent #Suicide #ChronicFatigue #HIVAIDS #longtermsurvivor #BackPain #COVID19 #Migraine #Headache #PeripheralNeuropathy #PTSD #Selflove #Selfcare #Diabetes #Stroke #CheckInWithMe #TheMighty #MightyMinute #MightyTogether #IfYouFeelHopeless #Hope #strength #Fibromyalgia #relief #Acceptance #PainAcceptance #SocialAnxiety #Happiness #strength #relief #MentalHealthHero