Acts of Kindness

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Acts of Kindness
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A little goes a long way

We all know a kind word to someone else goes a long way and can even change the course of someone’s life.
With that said what kind of kind word have or would you like to speak to yourself today.

I would like to tell myself that “your doing great and I see how much your trying to rest great job I know it’s not easy but you got this 👸 queen”

#AutonomicDysfunction #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #OCD #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #Anxiety #ChronicFatigue #Hope #ActsOfKindness #Selfcare

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Making a not so good health day better #KindnessMatters #ActsOfKindness

Although my body felt very worn down today, muscles and joints hurting, and a great deal of fatigue, my day was made better by random acts of kindness from strangers. At Target the man wrangling carts saw me getting out of my car parked in a handicap spot and offered me a cart to lean on and told me to have a good day 😊. Then when I called to make two of my specialist appointments the two people helping me were so nice and accommodating and the one also told me to have a wonderful rest of my afternoon ☺️. It’s random acts of kindness like these that help me pick myself up when I may not be doing so well. So when you think the world maybe hopeless, just remember that kindness does matter!


Special Item

OK. This is probably weird but I am giving it a try. So say you are going to a place, any place, doesn't matter, and you can't bring people or pets, so you have one item you are allowed to bring with you. What would your special item be? Have some fun with this, I hope! #Friends #Friendship #friendships #MightyTogether #MentalHealth #FamilyAndFriends #New #lonely #alone #NoOneFightsAlone #StrongerTogether #Together #SocialInteraction #social #wellness #EmotionalHealth #Health #relate #Chat #Share #post #safe #SafeSpace #Connections #Positivity #positive #Fun #Mindful #Mindfulness #Kindness #ActsOfKindness #ActOfKindness Self-esteem Self-worth #self -love #Confidence #Life #Lifestyle

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This group is now a private- full privacy- group!

Hi everyone! We just made this group private instead of it being a publicly seen group.
This means all group content will only be visible to members of the group.

Now everyone in our group can feel completely comfortable sharing about yourself and anything about your life in here, and posting your own posts in here and no worries about letting us really get to know each other so we can achieve this group’s purpose-to grow new, genuine friendships because what’s in this group is only for us to see!

#Friends #Friendship #friendships #MightyTogether #MentalHealth #FamilyAndFriends #New #lonely #alone #NoOneFightsAlone #StrongerTogether #Together #SocialInteraction #social #wellness #EmotionalHealth #Health #relate #Chat #Share #post #safe #SafeSpace #Connections #Positivity #positive #Fun #Mindful #Mindfulness #Kindness #ActsOfKindness #ActOfKindness #Selfesteem #Selfworth #Selflove #Confidence #Life #Lifestyle

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New Friends Destination For Current And Soon To Be New Friends! #Friends #MentalHealth

Doesn’t this image and idea look like a paradise?

Link to join us in this new adventure:

Say No To Social Anxiety

We all came on The Mighty ultimately to make new, real connections and to grow new friendships to get rid of this terrible thing called loneliness/being alone that is not good for anyone’s mental health and we all want better mental health.

We all want to have friendships too based on the simple fact that we are humans and humans need to feel connected to other humans.

And the twist with this group, is to all pitch in to make this a place on The Mighty where we don’t focus on our illnesses, because we are more than our illnesses, so much more. And we don’t want to forget that about ourselves. We don’t want to have our personalities get lost, all of the different, cool, unique things that make us who we are as people.

So let’s all pitch in and start just chatting about everyday stuff like you would with any friend, about life in general, sharing things about yourself- just a couple examples -your interests, something you found funny, etc., whatever you would think that this is something you would like to share with a friend, and having some fun being social- because we all know we need to really connect and keep growing new friendships with our mental health in mind.

One smile emoji or even one word can start a friendship. Some of the most comforting words in the universe are “me too.” “Hello.” “How is your day?”…(if you don’t have another conversation starter or reply to join in).

New friends can change your life and your mental health for the better.
Add in anything to get the ball rolling and grow some new friendships here.

We can’t wait to get to know You.

#Life #MightyTogether #Positivity #positive #Kind #ActsOfKindness #ActOfKindness #lonely #alone #MensHealth #MensMentalHealth #good #funny #Fun #happy #Happiness #RoomForJoy #Joy #Mindful #Mindfulness #Together #StrongerTogether #ItGetsBetter #TogetherWeAreStrongerCampaign #FamilyAndFriends #FamilyWeChoose #relate #relatable #Chat #Hope #WhatWeLoveMostAboutLife #wegotthis #NoOneFightsAlone #youmatter #Connect #Connection #SocialInteraction #social #Lifestyle #LifeLessons #Selfesteem #Selfworth #Confidence #Selflove #wellness #Health #EmotionalHealth #MentalHealthAwareness #FriendsForSurvival #TheMighty ’sMentalHealthHeroes

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What is the best Valentine’s gift for a Caregiver? #Caregiving

I LOVE Valentine’s Day ❤️ For me it’s the simple things. Little tokens of appreciation, even if it’s just “thank you”.

I view my job as Caregiving these days. I LOVE my students and they love me too. Not every teacher can say that, so I feel blessed. Here is how they show their love:

❤️ When they need help, with anything, they come to me before anyone else. That tells me that they trust me.
❤️ They stop by my class just to say hello 👋🏼
❤️ They write notes on my board or a sticky note on my desk. Those “I love Mrs. Silva” notes mean a lot to me.
❤️ You’re my favorite teacher. Probably the best compliment I can get 🥰
❤️ Last but not least - HUGS 🤗

#Love #MentalHealth #ActsOfKindness #Holiday

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What is something nice a stranger has done for you? #52SmallThings

It’s Random Act of Kindness Day, Mighties! To commemorate, we figured we’d ask you to recall a time where someone has done something nice for you that you maybe weren’t expecting. Maybe they paid it forward and bought your coffee at the coffee shop. Maybe they held the door open for you because they saw you had a lot of items in your hands. Or perhaps they let you go first in line at the grocery store because you had less items than they did.

Whatever it was, share your kindness story in the comments below.

#MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #Disability #Parenting #Anxiety #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BipolarDisorder #Undiagnosed #Trauma #Depression #PTSD #ChronicPain #Autism #Migraine #AutoimmuneDisease #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Fibromyalgia #Selfcare #Kindness #ActsOfKindness #randomactofkindness #randomactofkindnessday #DistractMe #CheckInWithMe