I’ve though of myself as a nice person; a kind individual. Someone willing to go the extra mile for others and that is what I legitimately see in my actions and the way I treat people, I mean that sincerely. I’m just so #lonely , I’ve always lacked female #Companionship and long for female attention. The lack of #Sex in my life and loneliness I feel are the issues I struggle with the most. Today, I came to the conclusion that I’m sick of being ignored, in my opinion, women SHOULD be treated with respect and affection but quite frankly, they just don’t respond to that. What they say they want in a guy isn’t really what they want. So I’m done being nice, I deserve better than to be ignored and treated as a complaint box and a nuisance, I have needs. Sexual needs that I need to satisfy and If that means being one of the uncaring and selfish fuckboys they like, so be it. I’ve always been caring and compassionate with #Girls and it gets me NOWHERE. Crucify me if you want, but I think i deserve to be treated better than being put to the side and brushed off. Maybe it won’t solve my loneliness, but if it helps with my #sexual frustration thats 1/2 issues taken care of.