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Needing a break…..

So, I’m currently in a long distant relationship and I feel like my boyfriend is draining me. He constantly complains about how he doesn’t have the money to get out and do as he pleases but in my opinion he doesn’t try hard enough before he asks me to help him with his rent or bills. We have been in a relationship for two years and for last year he hasn’t been working because he’s been in a situation that had him out of work, his situation has affected my depression and anxiety that he doesn’t understand what my diagnosis is about and explaining it is a miss every time…. What do I do now?? #stressed #confused #LongDistanceRelationship

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Your Practical Guide to Surviving the Long Distance Relationship

The pandemic in 2020 forced many of us to be in a long distance relationship. Sometimes, our significant others were stuck in another country or state, and couldn’t come back until the rules of the lockdown were relaxed, or you were simply not living together. The reason could be any, but this forced long distance love caused a lot of us to go through several ups & downs. Unfortunately, a lot of such relationships couldn’t survive.


#DistanceRelationship #LongDistanceRelationship #LongDistanceRelationshipAdvice #LongDistanceRelationshipLove

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I challenge you to do my 21 day challenge what are you grateful for? #Gratitude #grateful #Chatspace #Bipolar2Disorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder

What are things you are grateful for and why? Reword your brain heal your inner child. #PTSD #CPTSD #CPTSDinrelationships #BipolarDisorder #BipolarDepression #Chatspace #Flareup #Upallnight #Disability #Art #Photography #Yoga #mightywarriors #MightyTogether #mightyartists #MightyMoment #MightyMinute #MightyBookClub #mightyartists #MightyDads #MightyFeatures #MightyQuestions #MightyMoms #MightyFeatures #Depression #TheMightyTakeaway #MightyReviews #MyMightyMonth #TheMighty #CheckInWithMe #Chatting #Selfcare #selflovecomesfirst #Selflove #52SmallThings #30daysofselflove #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #PolycysticOvarySyndrome #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #HashimotosThyroiditis #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #Spoonie #SpoonieProblems #Spoonies #Fibromyaliga #Fibromyalgia #Yoga #Healing #healingjourney #Photography #ArtTherapy #Sports #Love #sad #lonely #Loneliness #Anxiety #GastroesophagealRefluxDisease #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #ADHD #acute chronic sinusitis #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #DatingWithAChronicIllness #Dating #EatingDisorders #BingeEatingDisorder #bed #datingdisabilities #Hacks #LongDistanceRelationship #Dateday #LoveLetters #LoveOnTheSpectrum check in with me let me know how you are could use support today!!


Justified abuse?

Today I had a disturbing conversation with a therapist (not mine) that is telling me that I should be okay with being called names and other verbal abuse, because this person, my partner, is behaving that way, because he feels unsupported by me and the rest of his family.

There have been several times that my partner almost died and two days ago that was also the case. Unfortunately the next plane out was taking 40hours to get there and I do not have the money to fly out. According to the doctor, that is an excuse. If I wanted to, I could just come. Closed borders or not. He clearly sees lots of options that I don’t have.

He also says that I have no right to want to repair the relationship first, if possible. In his opinion he wants me to be on the next plane out, abandon my children (one with additional needs) and support my partner who is sick and needs support while accessing therapy.

At any time that I remind him that there are two sides to every story and everyone needs to change in this relationship, he starts yelling that I am putting it back on my partner, ‘how dare I punish him by not turning up when he is sick’. ‘How dare I punish him for saying hurtful and downright abusive things and leave him to die on his own?’ And as a result he will discontinue the therapy for my partner.

I just had to type it out to see the ridiculousness of it. #verbalabuse #LongDistanceRelationship #unprofessionalprofessional


Anyone dealing with a breakup during COVID-19? #Breakups #LongDistanceRelationship #COVID19

Last week my beloved boyfriend who spent 40 days with me in my family home decided to call things off and returned to his residence country. I had joined the mighty because of him, since he suffers from depression and anxiety. We maintained a long distance relationship for 5 years but in the end we felt consumed by the lack of prospect, especially due to travel restrictions. We lost ourselves, me personally I felt in the last period that my short-term memory has worsened and everything made me extremely sad and passive.


Struggling with the long distance relationship 😞😞😭😭

I have a boyfriend but we don’t live in the same country and I am struggling with the distance not being able to see him in person 😞😞😞😞 I keep breaking down trying to manage it and I don’t want to leave him but don’t know how to actually manage the long distance between us until I am actually able to move over to him 😭😭😭😭 #LongDistanceRelationship #Anxiety #PanicAttack #Depression

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I'm pushing away my boyfriend

My boyfriend just got a job 3 hours away. He will visit on the weekends. I am staying where I live for two more years to finish college. We have been together for two years. I have depression and anxiety. He has always known this and helps me every day. I have been so upset with him for taking the job even though it's a great opportunity. I ignore him and I have been short with him lately. I'm not trying to make him feel bad, but I can't stop myself. He texts me and I just want to turn my phone off. #LongDistanceRelationship #Anxiety #Depression #Boyfriend


No sense of belonging! #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder

I am in a #LongDistanceRelationship and I got to the point of having no sense of belonging at all! I tried to trick my mind and put our photos on the wall, also have some of my partner’s clothes and toothbrush at my place, but I still having this empty feeling and no sense of belonging! 😔 My therapist couldn’t really help me on this. Can anyone relate? What can I do? #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #NoSenseOfBelonging #LongDistanceRelationship #Emptiness


BPD, PTSD, Anxiety and Relarionships?

I'm not too sure how all of this app works yet but I was hoping people trying to manage these (or similar) and a serious relationship could tell me how they do it? Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Background: I'm 22 and have been diagnosed with mental health issues such as BPD, Depression, Anxiety, and PTSD. I'm in a serious long distance relationship with an 8hr difference (going on 7 months in two weeks). #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #PosttraumaticStressDisiroder #PTSD #Anxiety #Depression #Relationships #LongDistanceRelationship


Will this ever get better? #Loneliness #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #DistractMe #CheckInWithMe #Codependency #LongDistanceRelationship

Will this feeling of loneliness ever go away? I’m out of a relationship of 15 years and live alone since January this year. There is no one to talk to, except a simple hello to the shopkeeper. Also the long distance relationship I’m in right now is not helping. The feeling of loneliness creeps towards me. Will this ever get better with time?