I dont want understanding!
Even though I am in pain every day, I put on a smile and keep moving forward.
I dont ask for understanding from anyone. With fibromyalgia I took a different perspective on what understanding means.
There are so many of my fellow sufferers who wish after wish doctors, family and friends would just understand what they are going through.
With understanding, in my eyes come with experiences. To fully understand you got to experience similarities to have an understand what someone is going through. You can imagine but truly not understand. I dont want that on anyone! I dont want you to be in my shoes, I dont want you to live every day in pain to understand!
When I read stories, I hear they want to be BELIEVED- when you have tests after tests comeback good, but you are suffering there are doctors, family and friends who just simply dont believe you. There is nothing there to confirm we are in pain. Some people need that confirmation. But we want people to believe us from our mouths!
UNCONDITIONAL LOVE- living and loving someone with an illness, they need lots of unconditional love! They get moody, depressed, frustrated. They need to be loved through it all. It doesn't excuse shitty behavior, because people with illnesses still have to be held accountable for their behavior! Own it. Apologize! Communication is key!
FORGIVENESS- for not getting dinner on the table, clean the house, cancelling friend dates, forgetting dates, not following through with things. Being late!
KINDNESS- No one is harder on one with a illness then ourselves! Be kind with your words, in your tones and actions.
CARE- run a bath, make dinner, clean the house, take a rain check, lay with them, hug them, kiss them. It means the world to someone in pain.
EDUCATION- if you are a loved one, read about what your partner, friend is going through. Learn what or how you can be there. Get involved!
I know this is what I want more then anything. I am one of the lucky ones who has a good support system. I know they dont understand, but they do see and live with the effects of my illness! I know it is hard on everyone too and not just hard on me.
My family aka support system is not perfect, they are human and sometimes they are not all the things I want them to be. I just got to make sure the communication is there.
I hope my perspective is helpful, cause it has helped me through my journey with fibromyalgia!
Take care!
#Fibromyalgia #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #FibromyalgiaAwarenessDay