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Stand up

#SupportGroups #Prescription #Addiction #Life #Talking #Drugs . #Life
#political I believe that a lot of people who need help don't always get the right help they need. Like homeless people doing drugs or taking drugs because they aren't able to get the therapy or the. meanal health drugs are too expensive.
It's sad but true. Our priorities are not right at all. Our government in the 🇺🇸 is trying to get better but we are all sick in this world with something it could be really illness to drugs to prescription. To even cutting our self just to feel like a human.
And don't get me started on hospitals. there is enough mental health to go around. Like the mental health hospitals are always too full. Plus I know when someone ends up homeless and they didn't use drugs before they for sure will when they are on the streets cuz they are self medicating themselves. There life sucks balls who would want to be sober for that? No one in there right mind would. So maybe by self medicating it's a way to check out cuz if they didn't they could snap and end up killing themselves and or others.
Comment below tell me your struggles hand how you cope with life on a daily bases

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Who's munching on me?

People have a way of eating people alive. Eating them straight to the core. Why is that? People can devour a whole person when he/she is completely noticing it all. Why can't people just sort of not let it even simmer? When it boils it's a ripe fest of horseradish all over again. People need to chill out sometimes. Words can kill, and I know that so definitely. They come out and it's Armageddon. My own sister said once that I have no personality traits whatsoever. And it hurt me so much it was like a slap to the face. AND I am a sensitive person at heart. It hurt so much.

#schizoaffective #BipolarDisorder #Talking

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Fibromyalgia pain

This morning the Fibro pain has again reared its ugly head- I hate when it starts my day,instead of ending my day( tho that's not nice to be hurting at bedtime,either!). Guess it's the below freezing temperature that's got it going. Don't you( those with fibro) just hate it when the fibro takes over even Before the day starts? It over comes the arthritis,the swollen feet & lower legs,the fitful sleep from the nite,and tired mind from having to deal with it & everything else on a daily basis. Even the pretty sunrise this morning gets hit. Big Sigh. Oh well,such is life when you are used to hurting All Over from an Invisible Disease. #Fibromyalgia ,#RA ,#oa ,#PTSD ,#GAD ,#Bipolar 2,#GERD ,#Insomnia ,#high Blood Pressure,#Allergies to most Everything,#sinusitis chronic,#Teeth problems( likely from meds been on for so long, dentist),#"covering" how I really am feeling,#bad dreams that carry over into the day,#restlessness ,#So many Meds,#dry Eye Syndrome,#Dermatitis -chronic,#Headaches ,Short term memory loss left over from ECT treatments,#Fibro Brain Fog,#sad ,#Overeating when illnesses take over too much,##Poor Self-Image,#Stagnant motivation,#chronic Talking to Myself-even Out Loud,#Talking & writing too much,#worry ,#Thinking of others instead of me,#people Pleaser,#Procrastination ,#Poor money management,#Ignoring important signs & Symptoms.

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Life is Tough #Chatspace #Positivity #CheckInWithMe

Life is Tough

But so are YOU

Yes you are

Now don't you forget that
Say it out loud.
Yes I mean right now.......

I can't hear you.........


That's better

Yes you are Tough.......
You are Tough.....
Now don't forget that.

Love n hugs Tj 🥰💪😘🤗💜🥰🤝🧡❤🌺🦓🦄🧚‍♀️ #Chatspace #Love #Hugs #Talking #Chatting #Friends #Family #Vent #rant #Therapy #Selfcare



When I try to talk to people about my issues, a lot of times I feel ignored. It's not that people aren't trying,we just have different methods in dealing with things. A lot of people I know love to be distracted, but I would much rather talk about what's going on and what I am thinking about. This helps me release the things bottled up inside me and helps me recenter and focus on the things I need to be focusing on. I also feel that when I do share what is going on with me, I am easily dismissed and the topic gets switched. Does anyone experience the same? #Talking #friendships #MentalHealth #Disability #CP #Anxiety #Depression #Stroke

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No Running Then #Giggles #Knickers #CheckInWithMe

Good Morning Giggles on ChatSpace

Don't laugh too hard that you loose your Knickers will you!!!!

How are you on this glorious Saturday Morning

I hope you are all ok, please do tell me how you are all getting on.
I want to hear your news good and bad.

Rant vent chat and talk.
Help each other out too, don't forget too #CheerMeOn each other on the comments Too.
Us Mightys are the best of the best for doing that.

Love n hugs Tj ❤😘🤗🤞🤦‍♀️🖐🐾🐶🐱😋🤔😐😁🤷‍♀️😎😊😉😗🥰 #Chatspace #Hope #Love #Family #Friends #rant #talkingtherapy #Bekindtoyourself #Kindness #Selfcare #Talking #compassion #Anxiety #Bekind

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Morning ChatSpace #CheckInWithMe

Good Morning Chatties 🖐

Its actually Sunny in the UK today. The sun has decided to show up today 🌞

All of July its rained and been a wet damp wash out. Looks like August might actually be more like a Summer . 🏖

Today I'm off out again for only the second time since lockdown with my neighbour, to go out for a lite lunch and help her with The stock of Teddy's 🧸she sells at a local antique store.

It's a way for me to reconnect with the world in a small controlled way. Baby steps.
After 4 months in isolation it's pretty scary and very Causes lots of anxiety. 😷
The store is huge, very few people there during the week, they all turn up on the weekends.

So that's me for the day.
What are you up to today ?
Love n hugs Tj

#Chatspace #Vent #Hope #Talking #Love #Selfcare #52SmallThings #Bekindtoyourself #Anxiety #talkingtherapy #neighbours #Kindness #Bekind #Reconnecting #checkonyourfriends

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Funny Faces Friday Self Care #CheckInWithMe #Friday #Bekindtoyourself

This is how I roll on a Friday Night in my house.

No Rock n Rock, just late nights up doing self care cos I can't sleep

Found this cool watermelon mask in my collection.
Thought it was a sheet but no its was spots 🍉

Along with bunny ears too keep the hair away 🐇🐰 and an eye mask. I'm Surely rocking it
Not very often I do this , have to balance it out , and take the hit if it sets off my facial pain.
But boy do I love my new bunny ears .🐰🐇.
Bought them to make it more fun when I do some me time.
They are so soft and comfy on my head I forget they are there.
Which is great 👍

Plus I hate hate taking my picture.
So I'm trying to get over myself.

So what's your self care.
Whats your Me time.
What do you do to relax
Love n hugs Tj
🐰👍🙌🤗😘💞🌠💐💝🌞💚💛💗🤪🤯😳🤤🤪😴🐕🐾🍉 #Chatspace #Love #Hugs #Vent #rant #Talking #selfcare #Bekind #Bekindtoyourself #Loveyourselffirst #Anxiety #Family #Friends

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Sleeping Beauty Sylvie Meow #Chatspace

Good Afternoon Mighty Family & Friends

How is Everyone Today

I snapped my cat snoozing on my bed this lunchtime today.
It's not very often she is this cute or this Quiet. She is one noisy cat. Meowing away wanting something from me.

Well that cuteness didn't last very long as the flash woke her up!!! She had a very quick cuddle decided she didn't like that Did a bite Down into my thumb and curled back up and went back to sleep.

So cat 1 cat mum 0

But very nice Pic.

She has always been a I'm going to bite you cos I love you cat. Not today.

How is your day going guys.

Love light n hugs Tj


#Talking #venting #Ranting #Bekind #compassion #Positivity #NeverAlone #MightyTogether #Anxiety #Love #Hope #Hugs #Depression #checkonyourneighbours #Selfcare #Kindness #ActsOfKindness #Loneliness #Family #Friends #52SmallThings