Mighty Mail

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Hello my #MightyTogether followers!! I got some #MightyMail today!!! I got a new shirt from #TheMighty aka Swag!! This gift 🎁 has lifted my #MentalHealth #Anxiety and #Depression and replaced it with EXCITEMENT ❤️ #CheerMeOn #CheckInWithMe #MightyLeaders


#MightyMail #MightyFeatures suggestion for improvement

Would it be possible to have the functionality to use basic emoji on comments? Maybe restrict it to say, hand wave, hug, smiley face etc ?


My good friend betrayed me went behind my back and was talking to strangers about stuff I told him in confidence. My family abuses me he told his f

amily friend what I told him in confidence and none of anyone else’s business. He said his family friend knew my family and that he tbe friend told my friend my family treats me well which is a huge fabricated story and multiple lies were told here and my private business was told to strangers I don’t know. My friend said he hates me to lose his number and social media he blocked me and hurt me. I don’t understand why it’s ok for him to tell my private business to strangers and talk very badly and shady about me make up stories with his father and his family and friends. Makes no sense and he’s definitely not a nice person or a trustworthy one he also made up another lie saying I have a gift I bought you on Amazon look for it to be delivered on Halloween well he says it’s on backorder and I sent it back just to get me excited and toy with my mind a mind eff and also acted cruel for no reason. What would everyone on mighty say to this has this ever happened to you and people made up stories and lies about you none which are true and played mind games? Correct me if I’m wrong my so called friend is nasty cruel and abusjve?what’s your advice to me mighty friends?I did nothing wrong to my friend and never ever spoke bad about him or his dad or family what gives? #PTSD #Disability #CPTSDinrelationships #CPTSD #BipolarDisorder #BipolarDepression #Bipolar2Disorder #Chatspace #DistractMe #Upallnight #MightyTogether #MightyBookClub #MightyQuestions #mightywarriors #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BorderlineStigma #MightyMail #MightyQuotes #TheMightyTakeaway #MightyMusic #MightyFeatures #MightyMoment #Depression #TheMighty #MyMightyMonth #52SmallThings #Friends #Hugs #Art #Yoga #Meditation #Photography #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #Aspergers #ADHD #Anxiety #GastroesophagealRefluxDisease #HashimotosThyroiditis #Fibromyalgia #Fibromyaliga #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #PolycysticOvarySyndrome #Disabled



This morning I opened my email saw the day’s stories and started to read them. Unfortunately I still get the notification at the bottom saying “do you want to subscribe to the mighty?” When I say “skip”, it allows me to continue reading so then I want to comment, and I can’t. I tried about 10 times. By mistake I deleted the stories. I wet to my trash. I can’t transfer the stories to my inbox. Plus, I had to re-install the app again. I need some major league HELP!


Having meltdown please help anxiety cage sleep accidentally ate hummus from fridge before o saw the date on it was august 2020 now I’m nauseous and

I’m freaking out stomach nausea from eating old hummus ok had croutons and 3 vegi crackers to settle stomach am I ok from eating the old hummus my worries are there and I can’t ca myself down enough to sleep will I be ok or do u die from accidentally eating hummus from late aug I can’t sleep and am scared bc of nausea #PTSD #Selfcare #CPTSD #CPTSDinrelationships #CheckInWithMe #checkinginwithme #Upallnight #Chatspace #Hugs #Friends #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #bpdawareness #BPDDiagnosis #CPTSDinrelationships #help #BipolarDisorder #Disability #Chat #PinchedNerve #PTSDSupportAndRecovery #PTSDawareness #Fibromyaliga #Fibromyalgia #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #PolycysticOvarySyndrome #Aspergers #AspergersSyndrome #Spoonie #SpoonieProblems #Spoonies #Aspie #Art #Anxiety #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #GastroesophagealRefluxDisease #HashimotosThyroiditis #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #MightyQuestions #TheMightyTakeaway #MightyTogether #MightyMusic #mightymen #mightywarriors #mightywriters #MightyMoms #MightyMail #mightytoghter #DBT #DatingWithAChronicIllness #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #Dating #Depression #datingdisabilities #Disabililty #disablity #checkinonme #Walking #52SmallThings #30Days30Stories #30daysofteal #Healthy #SaveMe #Company


Feeling like crap lo grade temp sinus infection thrown out back and in pain now I find out I have to get another covid test as the other one was damag

Ed on way to lab. I’m resting at home with no one checking on me. They are coming later on to check my back and sinus infection. Who will give me hugs love n support? Leave messages of support n hugs I’m feeling scared n sick. #52SmallThings #Chatspace #Upallnight #Love #Hugs #Support #sad #MightyQuestions #MightyTogether #MightyMusic #MightyMoment #MightyThoughts #MightyMail #Mightyhumour #MightyMoment #MightyReviews #MightyBookClub #mightywarriors #TheMightyTakeaway #mightyartists #TheMighty #FlareUps #Selflove #Selfcare #Bipolar2Disorder #Fibromyaliga #Fibromyalgia #MightyPoets #Art #Photography #BeKind21 #30daysofselflove #Disability #Disabled #Hugs #CheckInWithMe #checkin #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BipolarDisorder #BipolarDepression #ADHD #Aspergers #Spoonie #Spoonies #Aspie #AspergersSyndrome #Anxiety #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #BorderlineStigma #PTSD #CPTSD #CPTSDinrelationships #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #PolycysticOvarySyndrome #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #DatingWithAChronicIllness #Dating #Companionship #companion #Friends #Friendship #ServiceDogsForChronicPain #lonely #AnxietyDisorderNotOtherwiseSpecified #CPTSDinrelationships #FlareUps #BipolarDepression #DBT #why #Whoswithme #empath #Psychic #medium #ghosts #paranormal #Yoga #Sports #Fitness #PinchedNerve #PhysicalTherapy