OK GOD, I GUESS IT'S STILL ME AND MY CAT!! #DatingWithAChronicIllness #datingdisabilities
So it was all going so well! I had downloaded about four apps that are all marketed towards the kind of lasting love that I am hoping to find. I was juggling chats , texts, phone calls, and even a couple upcoming dates with a variety of really good perspective partners. And then all of a sudden the numbers started dwindling, and the deal breakers started dividing, and where there was 10 now there is 1; and I'm not even all that excited about the remnant. Dating without a disability or a chronic illness is responsible for innumerable comedy specials, ridiculous romantic comedies, SNL skits, it is the stuff of cliche. But add a little autoimmune disorder, some invisible disease, and undiagnosed symptomology with a sprinkle of mental illness and PTSD and voila it's getting real folks! I suppose anything worth having is worth working for, and the good news is that I was the one making the decisions to clear out my dating queue and none of the gentlemen were put off by my condition(s) plural. So I suppose I'm doing better then the statistics scream. But it doesn't make it any less of a bummer. All I can do is put my hands together and look up towards the sky and allow God to part the clouds, dry the tears, and instill the faith necessary to keep on believing in The Power of Love. Love to you all wherever you are and whatever you're feeling.
Yours Always and Most Sincerely, Julia