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I’m Debastated

A dear friend of mine, who worked in the third world, passed away today victim of Covid-19. It’s an unbelievable shame that million of vaccines could go to waste in the first world, while less fortunate people would get vaccinated in a heart beat. What a shame, what a loss. 😣😔 #GetVaccinated #PracticeSocialDistancing #wearamask #CovidiotsKillPeople


Vaccinated or not?

Took an antibody test. No antibodies present. Doctor says Cellcept is to blame, next step is to try to take another vaccine. You would think they would have tested the vaccine on people they opened it up to. No. So between 1 and 4% of the population thinks their vaccinated and might not be. Wear a mask. #wearamask

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RIP MOM COVID victim #Covidsucks #wearamask

Last November I lost my dad due to #Cancer , it was a huge blow to our family, but after Christmas my mom fell ill with #COVID19 , after fighting for her life for almost a month she lost her battle last week... please be safe, wear a #facemask , #washyourhands and take care of your family... you’ll never know when they will be gone... #Vasculitis #AnkylosingSpondylitis

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Never ending anxiety #Wakeupwithit #Gotobedwithit

I have been anxious since the day I was born 3 months premature in 1965.
It ebbs and flows but never truly goes away.
Covid has amplified it.
Toronto Canada is in red and everything is I'm lockdown but essentials.
Being alone is scary, lonely and neverending.
#maramyservicepup keeps me focused and on some sort of routine.
I know there are SO many of you feeling the same.
I never thought loneliness could be so soul crushingly heavy.
#wearamask #staysafe #Sendinglove #ChronicPain #CerebralPalsy


Our Twins Have Cancer. Here's Why We Wear A Mask #Cancer

I have a moment to myself. That's it, a moment.  And I am ok and happy with that.

Our two year old twin girls, Ella and Eve both have a rare aggressive #Cancer .  They not only share the same DNA, but the same Cancer.   Everyday is an uphill battle. But, they are my heroes. #heroes

They were both diagnosed with cancer at 1 month old.  They've probably spent more time in the hospital than at home.   They've endured chemotherapy, ostomy bags, seizures, feeding tubes, deadly infections, uncontrollable blood pressures, septic shock, life support, countless examines under anesthesia, and their fight is ongoing.  

I get it. People think it's a violation of their rights to wear a mask. However, I feel that if I don't wear a mask, its violating the rights of my twins to LIVE. It's violating the rights of others who also wear a mask and want to LIVE.  #live

See, whenever our twins are at the hospital (even before Pandemic),#dcotors  always gowned up. ALWAYS Head to toe. And, it kept our twins safe. Safe from those tiny microorganisms that could kill them. I know that, because I witnessed it first hand. So if my precious twins' lives were saved by a #mask , then I will proudly wear a mask, for them and everyone else.

We have been under #quarantine for months. It's nothing new to us. Its familiar ground. They gone through grueling #Chemotherapy , and their blood counts would sit at zero for weeks.  So, we would stay at home.  Now, we keep them at home to protect them from the Corona Virus.  They've been through so much already, I cannot imagine them suffering in a hospital again.  

Now, the virus has caused their treatments and appointments to be delayed or canceled.  My husband's employment has gone from 7 days a week, to virtually zero.  We are scared to bring them into a community setting.  

They are strong and they are brave.  I am proud that they are mine. @OakleyTwinsJourney
#Retinoblastoma #ChildhoodCancers #twins #Anxiety #Depression  #wearamask #RareDisease #sisters #Health #MedicallyFragile #Toddlermom #Deafness #cancerresearch #Awareness  #Safety


Having a hard time sleeping extremely painful time of month cause didn’t have it in 4 months perio menopause and pcos not fun plus having a hard time

Sleeping bc of nightmares from movie and no power in house plus flu shot 2 days ago thrown me off woke up at 915 am usually up at 730 so yeah it’s a rough day
#PolycysticOvarySyndrome #Fibromyaliga #FibromyalgiaDiagnosis #Flareup #Upallnight #Chatspace #Perimenopause #PTSD #CPTSD #Bipolar2Disorder #BipolarDisorder #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BorderlineStigma #ADHD #DBT #PCOSAwarenessMonth #Aspergers #MightyQuestions #MightyTogether #COVID19 #wearamask #MightyBookClub #Movies #Reading #Love #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #DatingWithAChronicIllness #AspergersSyndrome #BipolarStrong #Happiness #volunteering #Yoga ###PT #Art #Music #musician #Grief #Sadness with everything I’m going thru plus today’s 11 years ago my grandfather passed away it’s a hard day.