Am I just a cry baby or does anyone else go a little crazy when dealing with a bad cold or the flu on top of the normal symptoms of your chronic illness or condition?
Part of the problem is that for, me and I’m guessing many, many others who find themselves here, my immune system is compromised, so what would normally be a ten day virus turns into months of suffering.
It just breaks me every time. It’s a cold! Yes it’s a cold, but usually it’s a cold that turns into bronchitis or a sinus infection or god forbid pneumonia. And it feels like it lasts FOREVER!
That inner store of strength that you rely on to get through hard days is depleted and for me that leads to a spike in depression, emotional upset, and frankly anger. I can only binge watch “Outlander” so many times as a form of distraction! My relationship with our living room sofa is already borderline inappropriate. During a siege of “normal person” illness the love/hate bond between myself, my blanket, and my favorite pillow is unbreakable.
Like so many of you, I’ve been struggling with my health demons for quite a while. Adding a common cold should be an easy assignment, but it always proves to be the straw that broke the camels back for me. Insult to injury. Salt in the wound or any other platitude you can muster. I wish you all luck during cold and flu season and I truly hope you come through it all safely. #Cancer #autoimmune #cold #Flu #Depression